The Emerging Risks of 2012

In our February issue of Risk Management magazine, we highlighted seven of the key risks that companies will face in the coming year. These, we claim, are the risks that “if they don’t keep you up at night, might bring down your company.”  We have no delusions that this list is comprehensive or that all its elements are even applicable to everyone. But it provides a good overview of some major trends that all risk managers should at least think about. (Subscribers should receive their print issue any day now, the rest of you can catch it online February 1.)

Of course, we weren’t the only ones to come up with a list of 2012’s top risks. Among others, one organization that did was insurance broker Willis. Its subject experts did write ups on 18 different areas of risk. There are links to each in their “WillisWire Emerging Risks Round-up.”

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