The Decade That Was

In Risk Management‘s December issue this year, we are including a “Decade of Risk” feature that will recap how the events of the last ten years have seen — or more accurately, forced — a rapid evolution of the risk management.

We hope this will not only add some good perspective on just how far the discipline has come, but also provide a good complement to our annual “Year in Risk” feature, which is also being presented in new way this year that I think you will all enjoy. We wanted to do something a little different and hope you like it as much as we do.

Predictably, however, we’re not the only people who realized that 2010 will soon be upon us and that this makes a good time to look back. Newsweek, for instance, created the really good video I’ve included below, which will “give you every thing you need to know about the first decade of the 21st century.”

Like us, they also recognize that they know they didn’t have the time nor the memory to include every thing important that happened in the past ten years. And like them, we ask that you readers write in to let us know what other things we should have included — or simply to share your thoughts on those things that we do discuss.

So please do look out for our “Decade of Risk” and “Year in Risk” features in the December issue in a few weeks and please do tell us what you think.

(video via Urlesque’s really great Wrap Up of Wrap Ups, which features a bunch of similar videos like “The History of Music in 5 Minutes” and the fantastic “40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes.” There probably isn’t a better way to end your day than watching that one.)

1 thought on “The Decade That Was

  1. Thanks for the Newsweek video clip–great compilation of the decade’s memorable moments. BTW, got a sneek peek at the “Decade of Risk” article–Mr. McIndoe did a terrific job summarizing risk management, the industry and the profession. And may I add that he did a nice job using easy-to-understand language to make his point. No sarcasm here–I mean that.

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