With all the devastation and heartache following tornadoes and flooding throughout the South, many people are looking for something to lift their spirits. Two Tennessee men recently decided to get a little leisure time in by doing some waterskiing. In a flooded parking lot. Which is frowned upon.
While providing great entertainment for the crowd of onlookers, the two police officers in attendance were none-too-thrilled with the apparently illegal activity, which led to the arrests of both skier and skipper driver. Of course someone was there to YouTube it, and you have to at least applaud the two for their ingenuity.
Fortunately for all, the police did not react like the security force at a recent Phillies game, as the mixture of Tasers and water is probably not ideal for non-lethal force. Remember: Don’t try this at home, especially if the roads by your home are not covered with a foot of water.