Simon Sinek Addresses RIMS 2013 with Lessons on Neuroscience and Leadership

Author and leadership expert Simon Sinek addressed the General Session at RIMS 2013 today with an inspiring keynote speech that looked at what makes good leaders and effective organizations so successful. But unlike a typical business presentation that relies on platitudes and buzzwords to state its case, Sinek turned to human biology to illustrate what motivates us and why we behave the way we do. According to Sinek, our actions boil down to the good feelings we get from four key chemicals in our body – endorphins, dopamine, seratonin and oxytocin – and that understanding these reactions may be useful for business.

For instance, endorphins provide a boost to complete physical tasks giving us the endurance to put in a little extra effort. Dopamine is why rewards make us feel so good.

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Seratonin inspires positive feelings of pride while oxytocin relates to generosity.

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These reactions are hardwired into us from the earliest days of primitive man and his search for food but they are still relevant in today’s business world as people still follow these instincts to achieve common goals. We basically traded life and death goals of the tribe for the business goals of our organizations.

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As a result, Sinek says that organizations need to understand that “business is not like a family, it is a family.” If leaders don’t understand these needs, people will not be motivated or loyal to their modern tribe. Even worse, if these chemicals are not balanced it creates stress in employees, which blocks oxytocin and its immune-boosting powers for instance, and actually makes employees sicker. “Our companies are murdering us, and murdering our children,” he said.

The key is to promote a work-life balance that isn’t only about time spent, but about about building quality relationships even within the organization, so that people will be inspired by their leaders to do the right thing, not for their own self-interests, but for the good of the group.

Countdown to RIMS ’13

In just two days, the RIMS 2013 Annual Conference & Exhibition will kick off in Los Angeles. Each year this event plays host to inspiring keynote speeches, educational sessions and countless opportunities for networking. And this year is no different — just better.

Some of the highlights of RIMS ’13 include:

  • Keynote speaker Simon Sinek, the author of Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action and Ted Talk alumni.
  • Howie Mandel, who will give the crowd a few laughs during the conference finale Wednesday, April 24th at 2:15pm
  • The RIMS Thought Leader Theater, which will deliver more than 20 fast-paced, 25-minute topical presentations not offered at any other time during the conference
  • The RIMS Smart Bar, which will provide a place for attendees to learn about the latest hints and tips for engaging with the global risk community through social media
  • A series of 60-minute “power hours” offering educational sessions designed specifically for the adult learner
And of course, the staff of Risk Management will be on hand to deliver post after post — writing about the various sessions, events and people we will meet. So tune in here and through the various RIMS social media apps to keep up with the RIMS 2013 Annual Conference & Exhibition.
Here we go!