Earth Day 2020: What Does Climate Change Mean for Risk Management?

On Earth Day 2020, risk professionals can reflect on ways to protect both the environment and their businesses. Worldwide, climate change poses countless risks, including increasing the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters, reducing access to resources and disrupting supply chains.

To celebrate Earth Day and help risk management professionals address environmental risks and climate change, here is a roundup of some of our coverage from the past year about these critical topics:

From Risk Management Magazine:

Aligning Sustainability and Risk Management: A collaborative approach between sustainability and ERM can best drive real change.

Taking Action on Climate Change: As the potentially devastating impacts of climate change become clear, risk managers must assess the resulting risk exposures and ­opportunities for their companies.

Insurers Divest from Coal Over Climate Risks: Insurers are pulling coverage and investments related to the mining and use of coal.

Will Climate Change Impact Reinsurance Rates?: As natural disaster losses mount, the reinsurance response could spur action on climate change.

Getting Serious About ESG Risks: Investors are increasingly scrutinizing environmental, social and governance activity.

From the Risk Management Monitor blog:

Venice Sees Near-Record Flooding: The city of Venice, Italy, faced the worst flooding of its famous canals since the devastating floods of 1966, suffering major economic impacts.

Catastrophic Floods More Frequent in 2019: Major flooding has become a normal occurrence for many regions of the country, and by all indications, it is becoming worse each year.

Global Heat Waves Signal Climate Risks: The pattern of dangerous heat waves has become a yearly occurrence across the globe. 

Texas Study Shows Business Impact of Major Storms: The large storms hitting the coast of Texas are having serious impacts on industries across the state and country.

Limit Organizational Exposure During the Polar Vortex: Tips for protecting businesses during the frigid weather phenomenon.

P&C Composite Rate Up 2% in Fourth Quarter

Rate adjustments for property and casualty insurance in the United States for fourth quarter 2017 were plus 2% compared to plus 1% in the third quarter of 2017, with automobile and transportation seeing the largest increases, MarketScout reported.

Richard Kerr, MarketScout CEO commented that insurers were prepared for their losses. “Underwriters are rarely surprised by aggregate losses because they have so many pricing and modeling tools. Most insurers are assessing rate increases at a moderate pace. Automobile and transportation accounts incurred the largest rate increases at plus 5% over prior year pricing.”

In the reinsurance sector, William Hawkins, director of European insurance research at KBW made a similar observation of P&C Jan. 1, 2018 renewal pricing, stating in a podcast that, “the big four European reinsurers will have achieved 2% rate increases this [renewal] season.” He added that “the message from Monte Carlo, that the 2H 2017 natural catastrophes should draw a line under rate cuts across the board, has been delivered. But we think the upside for property catastrophe has been capped by the ongoing plentiful supply of capital.”

By coverage classification, MarketScount noted that all coverages except D&O, professional liability and auto had rate increases from the third quarter of 2017 to fourth quarter 2017. Property increased the most, from plus 1% to plus 3%.
On average, underwriters assessed rate increases for all industry groups except transportation and public entities. “Keep in mind, rates are calculated on a composite basis and represent exposures from businesses across the U.S. Insureds in catastrophe exposed areas incurred higher rates/premiums,” Kerr said.
MarketScout also noted that large accounts were seeing increases averaging 1%, while others saw 2% increases.

Lloyd’s Finds Extreme Weather Can Be Accurately Modeled Independently

In a new report based on research from UK national weather service the Met Office, Lloyd’s has found that extreme weather events may be modeled independently. While extreme weather can be related to events within a region, these perils are not significant correlated with perils in other regions of the world.

The study’s key findings include:

  • Met Office research found that the majority of perils are not significantly correlated, but identified nine noteworthy peril-to-peril teleconnections, most of which are negatively correlated
  • Lloyds’ modeling finds that these correlations were not substantial enough to warrant changes to the amount of capital it holds to cover extreme weather claims
  • Even when there is some correlation between weather patterns, it does not necessarily follow that there will be large insurance losses. Extreme weather events may still occur simultaneously even if there is no link between them
  • An assumption of independence for capital-holding purposes is therefore appropriate for the key risks the Lloyd’s market currently insures
  • The methodology released in the report enables scenario modeling across global portfolios for appropriate region-perils

“This important finding supports the broader argument that the global reinsurance industry’s practice of pooling risks in multiple regions is capital efficient and that modeling appropriate region perils as independent is reasonable,” the report concluded.

According to Trevor Maynard, head of exposure management and reinsurance at Lloyd’s, “This challenges the increasingly held view among some regulators around the world that capital for local risks should be held in their own jurisdictions. Lloyd’s believes this approach reduces the capital efficiency of the (re)insurance market by ignoring the diversification benefits provided by writing different risks in different locations and, in so doing, needlessly increases costs, to the ultimate detriment of policyholders. Insisting on the fragmentation of capital is not in the best interests of policyholders.”

Check out the map below for further insight from the Met Office about large-scale weather perils that do demonstrate statistically significant correlation:

lloyd's extreme weather perils

Soft Market Conditions Present Biggest Challenge for Reinsurance Industry, Survey Finds

Ongoing soft market conditions are the most widely-cited challenge facing the global reinsurance industry in 2015, according to a global study of reinsurance professionals by insurance software company Xuber. For its Global Reinsurance Survey, the company spoke with senior professionals including insurers, reinsurers, brokers, industry organizations, lawyers, insurance-linked securities (ILS) investment managers, analytics firms and modelers, across the U.K., U.S., Bermuda, Canada, Channel Islands, Cayman Islands, Germany and Switzerland about the top concerns and biggest opportunities facing the reinsurance industry today. Of those polled, 81% listed soft market conditions among their top five concerns, followed by competition from third party capital (66%), and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) (66%).

The top five challenges cited were:

Xuber Global Reinsurance Survey challenges

Experts within the field do see plenty of growth opportunities as well. Indeed, some of this potential is thanks to the soft market. According to the report, “Another opportunity in the soft market identified by 59% of executives was to create niche opportunities that showcase their expertise. In a squeezed market, opportunities can open up for enterprising businesses that can identify today’s emerging risks and those of tomorrow and create products that are tailored for them. This can be linked to using Big Data better (51%) and diversifying the business portfolio (42%).”

The top five business opportunities cited were:

Xuber Global Reinsurance Survey opportunities

“This survey unearthed a range of new business opportunities that can provide the competitive edge needed to survive and prosper in the current environment,” said Chris Baker, executive director at Xuber. “With margins tight and prices falling, reinsurers are under great pressure to ensure their processes are as efficient as possible. Surviving and prospering in the soft market will require companies to operate at optimal efficiency, and their IT systems will be central to this. Only the savviest of reinsurers who recognize that technology can be the catalyst for change will emerge unscathed.”

Other key insights from the study include:

Xuber Global Reinsurance Survey