New NAAIA Report Focuses on Next Steps for DEI in the Insurance Industry

As Black History Month kicks off, February presents a great opportunity to not only celebrate the history and accomplishments of African Americans, but also to meaningfully assess and advance diversity, equity and inclusion measures with the goal of ensuring lasting change rather than lip service. To that end, the National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA) recently updated its research on its members’ experiences and challenges in the insurance industry, releasing the new study The Next Steps on the Journey: Has Anything Changed? The new research updates NAAIA’s 2018 report The Journey of African American Insurance Professionals, evaluating what progress has or has not been made over the past five years, particularly given the increasing focus on DEI programs and, specifically, many companies’ discussions of DEI efforts after the murder of George Floyd brought the Black Lives Matter movement to the fore.

“On one hand, there is a prevailing sense from Blacks/African Americans in the sector that companies are seeking to find credible and practical ways to solve longstanding inequities,” said Omari Jahi Aarons, executive director and chief operating officer at NAAIA. “However, the report highlights that many of these actions are falling short because they are not addressing inequities at the foundational level.”

For example, most survey respondents agreed that their organizations were committed to diversity (60%) and inclusion (61%), and nearly half felt that their organizations were committed to advancing equity (43%) and equality (48%). Nevertheless, 84% of respondents said they continue to encounter obstacles in their career progress compared to other under-represented groups because of either conscious or unconscious racial bias.

Respondents shared several key changes that risk and insurance organizations can make to “more fully achieve and prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion,” such as enhancing recruitment and talent identification initiatives and placing greater focus on recruiting from HBCUs and institutions with substantially diverse student populations, promoting African Americans to officer-level roles, increasing board diversity across racial and gender identities, addressing compensation and pay inequities, increasing pay transparency, offering more mentorship opportunities and extending support through executive coaches.

To support the advancement, networking and development of African American risk practitioners, the report offers a number of recommendations “to catalyze conversation and action” for risk and insurance professionals, including:

Recommendations for Black/African-American risk and insurance professionals:

  • Demonstrate success: Attracting talent to the risk and insurance industry will depend upon the full engagement of Black/African-American insurance professionals who can illuminate under-informed or unaware communities and constituencies about the opportunities in the industry.
  • Seek and offer mentoring: Throughout the research, mentoring was mentioned as a critical factor for career success and satisfaction. Individual professionals can articulate their respective needs for mentoring and can provide mentoring to, and with, each other.
  • Get and provide exposure: Getting exposure and gathering knowledge about the industry can be a powerful, effective remedy to longstanding barriers for underrepresented groups. Individuals can consider their own social networks to foster partnerships to strengthen industry exposure, increase validity of career opportunities and encourage young people to view risk and insurance as a viable and rewarding career path.
  • Advocate for self and for others: Individual professionals must find ways to take charge of their careers, connect and exchange ideas with other professionals. The research revealed that most participants did not belong to any industry-related associations, which could hinder career progress and success. Expanding networks and deepening ties to the industry should be a top priority for every individual, and membership costs should be viewed as an investment in personal professional development. Facilitated introductions for employers and NAAIA to Black/African-American organizations can also foster engagement and collaboration.

While many organizations have introduced DEI programs and proclaimed support for African American employees since the Black Lives Matter movement took root, the survey found many of these moves lacking in actual impact thus far. “Respondents identified the tragic murder of George Floyd and many other Blacks/African Americans and People of Color as the catalyst for centering conversations on race and the risk and insurance industry has responded with a host of new initiatives to address disparities,” NAAIA noted. “Respondents reported increased exposure from initiatives specifically DEI-related training (57%), support for employee resource groups (35%) and mentorship programs (21%). However, these initiatives have not translated to career advancement.”

To help employers improve their DEI efforts, the report also offered the following recommendations:

Recommendations for employers:

  • Avoid performative actions: DEI-driven activities and training notably emerged in response to the events of the last few years. However, many organizations are “checking the box” by undertaking noticeable, but not meaningful, initiatives. A thoughtful and careful review of DEI initiatives is an important first step to ensuring that they are not merely performative, requiring courageous conversations by several stakeholders about the purpose and intent of each activity or program.
  • Turn barriers into gateways: With intention, employers should ensure that there are measurable DEI goals and outcomes visible at all levels of the organization. Measurements can include internal or third-party pay equity and workload balance analyses or tying compensation to the successful implementation of DEI initiatives, especially at middle managerial levels.
  • Use leverage: More employers could leverage the vast networks of employees and employee resource group participants for recruitment and to influence internal mobility, as well as to increase levels of employee engagement. Often, employers underestimate the power of personal connections and references within minority communities, foregoing opportunities to build awareness and enhance their brands both internally within their organizations and externally.
  • Provide meaningful, substantial support: Supporting NAAIA local chapters through sponsorship, mentoring and partnerships and cultivating multiyear partnerships with Black/African-American community professional, civic and youth organizations can lift a company’s profile. More importantly, these types of partnerships also allow for employers to create greater access to internal subject matter experts to communities that are underserved on relevant macro business and professional development topics (e.g., financial literacy, wealth creation or cybersecurity).
  • Connect human resources, senior executives and ERG leaders: Several respondents noted that beyond nominally sponsoring an ERG, many executives were not directly involved in planning or activities. Most of the ERGs are organized and driven by employee volunteers, which often renders them less effective because of time and work constraints. If human resources, senior executives and ERG leaders can convene to discuss mission, alignment with company goals and resource allocations, there is a greater likelihood of continuous progress.

For more of the report’s findings and recommendations, click here to read NAAIA’s The Next Steps of the Journey: Has Anything Changed?

4 Strategies to More Successfully Manage Remote Teams

Since the 1990s, we have seen major industries get disrupted by new technologies and innovation. The Internet and tech commoditization, increasing consumer demands, and rising competitive rivalry have all forced businesses to adapt and evolve. Managing disruption has made the overall business landscape much faster, uncertain and, at times, chaotic.

With the pandemic, we have had to adapt again to remote or hybrid work arrangements. While it has many perks, working remotely brings with it a new set of challenges that managers continually need to navigate. First, it is harder to read your team’s energy when you are not in the same office. Second, the number of meetings tends to increase in remote environments, which tends to lead to lower productivity. Third, not being in the same room sometimes reduces the speed of execution, resulting in bottlenecks and miscommunication.

Although working remotely comes with its challenges, here are four strategies that leaders can implement to better manage remote or hybrid teams and disruptive environments:

1. Build a Team for Adaptability

The most important capability to navigate a world of disruption is adaptability. Teams that are built with an emphasis on adaptability are able to pivot and change direction much faster, and are more likely to solve problems that they have not seen before. These teams are also able to navigate the nature of remote work.

Adaptable team members keep an open mind and may be more inclined to find new ways to collaborate with each other, and it may be easier for them to continuously pivot to changing regulations or rules. In other words, being adaptable allows teams to get the job done whether they are working from the office, a client site, or remotely.

2. Get Buy-In

Before starting on your journey, focus on getting your team to buy into your vision and mission. Show your team why the goals are important, and the prize that awaits everyone on the other side of the journey. Being bought-in makes your team more likely to push through uncertainty and change, especially when things get difficult. This can also reduce the need for constant oversight or micromanagement.

A team that is bought-in also feels more accountability with their work and with each other. This ensures teams are focused on getting results while supporting each other along the way. The resulting sense of investment also helps as burnout continues to be on the rise and the boundaries between work and life continue to get blurred while working from home.

3. Provide a Clear Plan and Establish Milestones

When things get chaotic, it helps to clearly define your roadmap and assign key actions to your team with ownership and accountability. When dispersed and facing uncertainty, direction is what a team needs most. Providing your team a clear action plan not only gets you marching on the same path, but may also make you more productive.

Being clear on your deliverables and establishing concrete milestones can help reduce distractions, making it easier to navigate uncertainty and change. This can also reduce virtual meetings to relevant team members working toward a certain milestone, which could boost overall team productivity and save valuable time. 

4. Celebrate the Small Wins

When you are executing and being pulled in multiple directions, it is tough to take a step back from the nitty gritty day-to-day. Most of the work we do in transformational times does not yield results right away—it takes time. Especially when dispersed across different cities or countries, it is hard to see the progress we have made if we do not make a conscious effort to see the forest, not just the trees. Over time, this can contribute to burnout and lower productivity.

Celebrating the small wins helps your team see the progress they are making every day, and puts things into perspective. It also brings the team together, which is a must when working remotely and are not getting the social interaction that we need.

Women in Risk: Advice for Advancing Female Risk Professionals Beyond Women’s History Month

women in business

“There are more and more courageous conversations happening in business about gender parity and barriers for women in business,” said Tina Gardiner, manager of risk management services for Regional Municipality of York, Canada, and member of the RIMS board of directors. “While women are still underrepresented at the executive level largely due to gender bias, I am pleased to see changes happening at a rate much faster than ever before.”

Indeed, significant challenges remain in gaining true equity and eliminating the gender gap in risk and insurance, but there are also more resources, momentum and mentors than ever before.

“One of the biggest barriers I faced as a young woman starting a career in risk management was operating in an environment where there wasn’t really the benefit of high-level female role models or mentors,” said Carrie Cannataro, senior vice president of client services at Gallagher Bassett, noting the dramatic evolution since she entered the space in the mid-’80s. As more women have earned senior leadership roles, female risk professionals are increasingly strengthening both the risk profession itself and the prospects of other women fighting for a seat at the table. As Cannataro noted, “We can only be successful if we immerse ourselves within a network of collaborative and positive influences.”

To that end, I recently put out a call on social media asking women in risk to share their best advice for others who are trying to advance in the risk profession and who identify as female. Originally, the goal was to celebrate Women’s History Month by spotlighting women in risk and insurance in March, and it has been wonderful to see initiatives to highlight and advocate for women across the industry for the past 31 days. Equity and excellence from half the population should span far more than a month, however.

In that spirit, here’s some of the valuable insight of women advancing risk management year-round, and their advice to fellow female risk professionals looking to advance their careers in risk:

“There are tremendous opportunities for women in risk management. However, to reach your potential and really excel in this field, women can’t be afraid to speak up. We must ask for the resources we need and seek out opportunities that might take us out of our comfort zones but that also offer a platform for us to share our knowledge and expertise.”
Kristen D. Peed, CPCU, RPLU, CRM, AIC, ARM-E, corporate director of risk management and insurance at CBIZ, Inc. and member of the RIMS board of directors

“In my experience I have found women in risk management are strong in their support and encouragement of each other through networking, mentoring, celebrating and sharing stories about career journeys. We need to keep investing in each other by pushing boundaries and comfort zones in the positions we apply for, the salary levels we expect, the credentials we earn and the workplace environment we demand. We need to actively engage in the socialization of gender equality, inclusivity, combating imposter syndrome and workplace flexibility for shared family responsibilities. The future we want and deserve is ours to create for each other.”
Tina Gardiner, B.Sc., CRM, CIP, manager of risk management services for the Regional Municipality of York

“I’m committed to supporting women in the workplace and believe it’s crucial that we pave the way for future generations. I’d offer the following advice: 1) Own your development and invest in yourself. 2) Establish a personal growth/career goals, including strategies and tactics on how to achieve them and timelines. Review regularly to monitor progress and celebrate wins. 3) Create a personal board of directors and mentors, and seek feedback from them. 4) Give back and gain valuable experience via joining a non-profit board. 5) Network, network, network.”
– Soraya Wright, RIMS-CRMP, vice president of strategic initiatives at RIMS, and founder and chief risk officer of SMW Risk Management Consulting LLC

“Women have been the cornerstone of this profession since its inception. I applaud all of those who came before us and laid a foundation for us to grow and succeed, as well as those inspiring women who are determined to leave their own mark on this profession. For women to succeed in risk management, we must support each other. We must create opportunities for others to demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities, achieve their goals and advance professionally.”
Penni L. Chambers, CPRM, CIC, CRM, ARM, vice president of risk management for Hillwood, a Perot Company, and member of the RIMS board of directors

“One of my biggest pieces of advice for women working in risk is that working hard by yourself is not the answer. We need to seek out relationships that inform and support our advancement. Whether it’s a mentor, coach or other professional network, there are plenty of ways we can seek help in defining rewarding and realistic career opportunities and put those opportunities within our reach.”
Carrie Cannataro, senior vice president of client services at Gallagher Bassett

“Persistence and communication. Not everyone hears information the same way. Think about your audience as you communicate fact-based information and gut instincts. If you’re not heard the first time, don’t give up! You may need to change your wording, timing, or examples in order to get your point across.”
– Katherine Gledhill, MBA, vice president of finance and accounting at RIMS and CFO of Spencer Educational Foundation

“Growth and comfort do not always happen at the same time. You have to get comfortable doing things that are out of your comfort zone. This is where you’ll really grow, when you challenge yourself beyond what you think is possible. As women, we must build each other up and constantly look for ways to learn from and support one another. I’d also strongly encourage women to consistently assess their values and take the time to prioritize them throughout their careers. This will lead to sustainable happiness and success in both your personal and professional life.”
– Grace Grant, executive director at Gamma Iota Sigma

“Pick an area that interests you and become an expert. Being an expert takes time, but once you have this knowledge, no one can take it away. You must always continue to learn and expand your knowledge base. A solid foundation will support and allow you to take chances that a generalist cannot. You can gain this expertise by moving within one company/industry, one line of business, or geographically—just be clear on what your focus is. Women are often undermined or challenged on technical issues. However, if you have developed the needed expertise, you are more likely to challenge confidently with fact and figures. As you build your career, you will learn that people trust and respect experts, as experts understand their business better and can predict trends and drive the business more effectively.”
Ciara Brady, global head of liability for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

How to Make the Most Out of 2021’s Virtual Conferences for Rising Risk Professionals and Employers

Amid a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world are going back into lockdowns or rolling back phased reopenings, and it appears remote work arrangements and virtual events will continue to be the norm for many. Throughout the pandemic and now, moving into 2021, these shifts have prompted serious consideration about what it means to connect at work and how to build and maintain relationships in your professional network without seeing people in person.

As the job market remains in flux from the pandemic, this is a particularly pressing concern for students, early-career professionals, and others who are just establishing themselves in the risk profession. To that end, insurance and risk management student organization Gamma Iota Sigma has composed virtual conference guides for both students and employers to make the most out of the growing number of virtual recruitment and networking events.

According to Grace Grant, the organization’s executive director of chapter operations, Gamma Iota Sigma created the Virtual Conference Guide after roundtable discussions with a range of industry and professional association partners regarding student engagement, recruitment and collaboration amid the pandemic. “Throughout the course of the summer, nearly 30 different groups participated in these discussions where we discussed lessons learned and opportunities we were facing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Grant said. “Because many of our partner organizations also host annual conferences, and everyone was pivoting to a virtual option, it became apparent that both students and employers would benefit from a best practices guide for virtual conference attendance.”

“For an industry that is largely centered around business relationships, the pivot to virtual a conference season presents a challenge, but also opportunities,” said Alyssa Bouchard, vice president of industry engagement at Gamma Iota Sigma. “While virtual engagement can’t always take the place of face-to-face engagement, it does allow for increased access. Virtual conferences have lower registration fees in many cases.

They have no associated travel costs or commitments. For some, the lack of business travel or daily commutes in our virtual environment means more time in the day. Collectively, this creates a big opportunity for rising risk professionals to pursue career development opportunities which might not have previously been an option but are now right in front of them—literally. It is a great time for rising risk professionals to participate in industry conferences and events to expand their industry knowledge and networks.”

For rising risk professionals looking to seize those expanded opportunities via virtual conferences and events, click here for the Virtual Conference Guide for Students.

On the day of the event, some of the key tips for students include:

  • Prepare your space. Find a quiet and comfortable space for attending the conference. Make sure you have all necessary technology and information within reach. Set up a neutral and professional background. Be aware of personal items that may show in your screen. Make sure your space is well-illuminated so conference attendees can clearly see your face during video interactions. Have water and a snack nearby so you can refuel when needed!
  • Check your Wi-Fi bandwidth. If possible, sit close to the router. Turn Wifi “off” on unused devices to free up bandwidth. If needed, ask your housemates to refrain from streaming during the event.
  • Dress to impress. Wear head-to-toe professional attire that is reflective of your professional brand and leaves conference attendees with a good impression. Some conference hosts will specify a recommended dress code for the event. If not, wear business professional attire.
  • Minimize distractions.
    • Close other tabs on your computer. Turn off notifications on your phone and other devices so you can focus on the conference.
    • Notify members of your household that you are participating in a virtual conference to better manage potential disruptions.
  • Build your network. Many virtual conferences will host virtual networking lounges, interest groups, chat rooms or other opportunities to meet attendees. Leverage these opportunities!
    • Virtual conferences offer a variety of communication methods to connect with other attendees. If you have meetings scheduled, confirm whether they are text, audio, or video meetings before joining the meeting.
    • Don’t be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself to other conference attendees. Share your elevator pitch when joining new conversations.
    • Be aware of your audience and know whether the chat is one-on-one or a group conversation.
    • If you plan to reconnect after the event, establish the best way to do so before signing off.
  • Keep a list of action items. How will you use the information you’ve acquired at the conference? Keep a list of to-do items for after the event. For example, 1) Submit online application for internship at ABC Insurance Company, 2) Follow up with Sheryl on offer to job shadow, 3) Review XYZ Brokerage’s career brochure, 4) Conduct additional research on product recall insurance.

For companies looking to recruit the next generation of risk professionals, click here for the Virtual Conference Guide for Employers.

For example, on the day of the event, GIS advised employers to:

  • Be proactive. Don’t wait for students and candidates to come to you! Find ways to actively engage conference attendee in the virtual lobby, lounges, and sessions. If a candidate visits your booth, give them a warm welcome.
  • Facilitate informal networking opportunities. Encourage attendees from your company to hang out in the virtual networking lounge, interest groups, or chat rooms when they’re not scheduled to be somewhere else. This will allow them to engage with students and/or potential candidates in a less formal setting.
  • Identify next steps. If speaking with a booth visitor or interviewee, clarify action items following the conference. Do they need to complete a job application? When will they hear back from you about a second-round interview?

    How can they find more information about your organization and/or opportunities?