Napco Spencer Cup Hockey Tournament Raises Money for Risk Management Education at RIMS 2012

On Saturday night, some 60 RIMS 2012 attendees gathered to skate around an ice rink carrying sticks and shoot rock-hard pucks of vulcanized rubber at one another. Not exactly the type of behavior you would expect of risk managers: even with helmets, gloves and pads, ice hockey is dangerous.

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But there are no rewards without risks, and for all involved, the upside of the Napco Spencer Cup hocket tournament — fun and raising money for risk education — far outweighed any safety concerns. After all, the four-team round robin tournament raised $12,000 for the Spencer Educational Foundation, a nonprofit that grants scholarships to college students pursuing degrees in risk and insurance.

According to Napco CEO David Pagoumian, who played in the game along with RIMS Director of IT Mike Peters (pictured above), his company has been sponsoring the event since 1997, when it took over from the retiring executives who founded the Spencer Cup in the 1970s to “keep the spirit going.

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