LexisNexis: 10 Myths About Workers Compensation

Recently, LexisNexis published a list of 10 myths relating to workers compensation — an interesting article on a topic that costs companies more money than necessary if not adequately managed. Teaming up with the well-known blog, Work Comp Roundup, LexisNexis compiled several myths and facts from contributors (including yours truly) from different segments of the industry.

The importance of such posts is to not only inform readers of relevant issues, but to also initiate a dialogue between industry peers, further adding to our knowledge of the topic at hand.

So with that in mind, I encourage you to add comments or questions to this unique post.

Here is a rundown of the the first five myths:

  1. Large Discount Networks Are the Key to Success in Workers’ Compensation Managed Care
  2. The Employer’s Role Ends Once the Workers’ Comp Claim Is Paid
  3. Workers’ Compensation Claims Improve With Age
  4. Technology Will Cure All of Our Ills
  5. Because FECA Is So Different From State Workers’ Compensation Systems, Private Sector Case Management Best Practices Won’t Work

For the entire list, click here. Enjoy reading and (hopefully) commenting.

The 42 Best Insurance Blogs

For the second year in a row, we here at the Risk Management Monitor are honored to announce that we have been named by LexisNexis as one of the world’s top insurance blogs. The company recognizes the best of the best each year and recently released its best insurance blogs of 2011 winners.

I’m not familiar with all of the those listed, so I can’t speak to their overall quality, but I will certainly be poking around all week to find some new good sources of content. And I do know that some of these listed are indeed stellar. Congrats in particular to some of my favorite industry blogs, including InsureReinsureGC Capital Ideasreinsurance girl’s blog and Terms + Conditions.

Here is how LexisNexis describes its list.

These top blogs offer some of the best writing out there. They contain a wealth of information for all segments of the insurance industry, and include timely news items, expert analysis, practice tips, frequent postings and helpful links to other sites and sources.

These sites demonstrate the power of the blogsphere, by providing a collective example of how bloggers can—and do—impact and influence the law and the business of insurance.

And here’s the full list (in alphabetical order):

  1. Ask Tim (Independent Insurance Agents and Trusted Choice)
  2. Binding Authority (Randy J. Maniloff)
  3. Boston ERISA and Insurance Litigation Blog (Stephen Rosenberg)
  4. Corporate Insurance Blog (Scott Godes)
  5. Coverage Counsel (Mura & Storm)
  6. CyberInquirer (Cozen O’Connor)
  7. Disability Insurance Lawyer Blog (Frankel & Newfield)
  8. Gauntlett on Intellectual Property/Antitrust Insurance (David A. Gauntlett)
  9. GC Capital Ideas (Guy Carpenter)
  10. GlobalTort (Kirk Hartley, Steve Sellick and Tim Greene)
  11. Healthblawg (David Harlow)
  12. Health Care Law Reform (McDermott Will & Emery)
  13. Insurance Claims and Issues (Dennis Wall)
  14. Insurance Class Actions Insider (Wystan Ackerman)
  15. Insurance Coverage Corner (Carlock, Copeland & Stair)
  16. Insurance Coverage Law Blog (Dunn Carney Allen Higgens & Tongue LLP)
  17. Insurance Coverage Law in Massachusetts (Nina Kallen)
  18. Insurance Litigation and Regulatory Law Blog (Barger & Wolen LLP)
  19. Insurance Law Hawaii (Tred R. Eyerly)
  20. InsureReinsure (Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP)
  21. Life, Health and Disability Insurance Blog (Barger & Wolen LLP)
  22. Life Insurance Law Blog (Currin Compliance Services LLC)
  23. Loree Reinsurance and Arbitration Law Forum (Loree & Loree)
  24. National Insurance Law Forum (National Insurance Law Forum)
  25. Nevada Insurance Law Blog (Mills & Associates Law Firm)
  26. No-Fault Defender (Jason Tenenbaum)
  27. North Carolina Insurance Law (George Simpson)
  28. PLUS Blog (Professional Liability Underwriting Society)
  29. Policyholder Perspective (Farella Braun + Martel LLP)
  30. Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog (Merlin Law Group)
  31. Reinsurance Focus (Jorden Burt LLP)
  32. reinsurance girl’s blog (Rein4ce)
  33. Reinsurance Law Blog (Stauffer & Nathan)
  34. Risk Management Monitor (RIMS)
  35. Subrogation & Recovery Law Blog (Cozen O’Connor)
  36. Tennessee Insurance Litigation Blog (Brandon McWherter and Parks T. Chastain)
  37. Terms + Conditions (Insurance Information Institute)
  38. The D&O Diary (Kevin M. LaCroix)
  39. The Insurance and Reinsurance Report (Goldberg & Segalla)
  40. Tort Talk (Dan E. Cummins)
  41. Traub Lieberman Insurance Law Blog (Brian Margolies)
  42. Zalma on Insurance (Barry Zalma)