Workers Plan to Blow Up Factory

If you’re facing unemployment and are trying to persuade your employer to ante up a payoff you feel you deserve, threatening to blow up your workplace may not be the best idea.

But for workers at New Fabris car parts plant in Chatellerault, France, it seemed like the only option.

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The workers gave a deadline of July 31 for Renault and Peugeot, the plant’s biggest clients, to pay ,000 to each of the 366 workers facing unemployment.

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Renault and Peugeot have refused to pay the workers, claiming it is not their responsibility.  So, employees have rigged up gas canisters inside and outside of the factory and are threatening to detonate unless their demands are met.

Guy Eyermann, member of the hardline CGT union that appears to be leading the protest, insisted that the battle would not be abandoned. “Are we capable of blowing up the factory? Yes we are,” he told a gathering of about 100 workers yesterday. “Renault and Peugeot have killed us.

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We want a share of the cake. They have been helped by the state.”

Government officials are skeptical as to if the canisters are actually full, but are taking the threat seriously nonetheless.