Customers Accept Hacking Risks, But Hold Businesses Fully Accountable for Cyber Risk

While most consumers are coming to consider hacking normal, they are definitely far from letting businesses off the hook for their failures to guard against cyberthreats. According to a new study from enterprise security firm Centrify, about three quarters of adults say it is probably or definitely normal and expected for businesses and large organizations to be hacked, and 66% of adults in the U.S. are at least somewhat likely to stop doing business with a company that has suffered a cyberbreach – a figure that rises to 75% in the U.K.

Consumers also firmly believe that the burden of responsibility for guarding against cyberrisk falls squarely on businesses. On a 10-point scale, two thirds of respondents rated corporations as a nine or 10 in terms of how responsible they should be for preventing hacks and securing customers’ personal information. When companies are hacked, they consequently also bear the burden of being fully accountable to their customers, and many are failing, further compounding the odds of concrete consequences from clients. In the U.S., 41% said that corporations do not take enough responsibility when they are hacked, a sentiment shared by 50% of U.K. respondents.

The study found that 21% of U.S. consumers say they are “very likely” to stop doing business with a company that has been hacked. Those most likely to do so include those who have had their personal information compromised in a hack, those who are tech savvy, and those who are frequent online shoppers.

“The study clearly points to the need for organizations to dramatically bolster their security systems and do everything in their power to protect consumer information and prevent a breach,” said Tom Kemp, CEO of Centrify. “When companies put customer data at risk they are really putting their entire business at risk. Consumers simply will not tolerate doing business with hacked organizations. It’s time for organizations to take full responsibility for their security and put the proper measures in place once and for all.”

Check out some of the study’s findings in the infographic below:

Centrify Infographic

Beware of Coverage Gaps for Social Engineering Losses

Social engineering is the latest cyberrisk giving companies fits and large financial losses. A social engineering loss is accomplished by tricking an employee of a company into transferring funds to a fraudster. The fraudster sends an email impersonating a vendor, client, or supervisor of the company and advises that banking information for the vendor/client has changed or company funds immediately need to be wired at the “supervisor’s” direction.

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The email looks authentic because it has the right logos and company information and only careful study of the email will reveal that the funds are being sent to the fraudster’s account. Unsuspecting and trusting employees unwittingly have cost their companies millions of dollars in connection with social engineering claims.

But when companies look to their traditional insurance program, they are usually met with the unhappy surprise that they do not have coverage for such a loss.

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Most assume that the loss will be covered by the crime/fidelity policy that nearly all companies have. Insurers, however, have denied coverage for social engineering claims under those policies, claiming that the loss did not result from “direct” fraud. Insurers contend that the crime policy applies only if a hacker penetrates the company’s computer system and illegally takes money out of company coffers. In the case of a social engineering claim, company funds have been released with the knowledge and “consent” of an employee, albeit the employee has been induced by fraud to release the funds. Policyholders and insurers are currently litigating the scope of coverage under traditional crime policies nationally with mixed results.

Some crime policies also contain exclusions that may pose specific barriers to social engineering claims. For example, many traditional crime policies contain a “voluntary parting” exclusion that bars coverage for losses that arise out of anyone acting with authority who voluntarily gives up title to, or possession of, company property. In addition, some insurers have put overly broad exclusions on crime policies that are directed toward eliminating coverage for many cyber risks, including social engineering claims.

Given the prevalence of social engineering claims and the clear market for companies looking to insure against such risks, some insurers have begun to offer an endorsement that provides coverage for social engineering claims.
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The coverage may be subject to a sublimit and may include coverage for some, but not all, social engineering risks. The coverage also might be subject to additional exclusions.

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Like all insurance policies, the precise words of the endorsement matter and, therefore, should be carefully reviewed.

Finally, and most important of all, social engineering coverage will not automatically be added to a company’s policy and not all insurers will provide such coverage. Therefore, companies should review their current insurance program with their insurance professionals and experienced coverage counsel to determine whether they have appropriate coverage that is in line with the market for social engineering claims.

Check out “6 Tips to Minimize the Risks of Social Engineering Fraud” from Risk Management.

Financial Services IT Overconfident in Breach Detection Skills

Despite the doubling of data breaches in the banking, credit and financial sectors between 2014 and 2015, most IT professionals in financial services are overconfident in their abilities to detect and remediate data breaches. According to a new study by endpoint detection, security and compliance company Tripwire, 60% of these professionals either did not know or had only a general idea of how long it would take to isolate or remove an unauthorized device from the organization’s networks, but 87% said they could do so within minutes or hours.

When it comes to detecting suspicious and risky activity, confidence routinely exceeded capability. While 92% believe vulnerability scanning systems would generate an alert within minutes or hours if an unauthorized device was discovered on their network, for example, 77% said they automatically discover 80% or less of the devices on their networks. Three out of 10 do not detect all attempts to gain unauthorized access to files or network-accessible file shares. When it comes to patching vulnerabilities, 40% said that less than 80% of patches are successfully fixed in a typical cycle.

The confidence but lack of comprehension may reflect that many of the protections in place are motivated by compliance more than security, Tripwire asserts.

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“Compliance and security are not the same thing,” said Tim Erlin, director of IT security and risk strategy for Tripwire.

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“While many of these best practices are mandated by compliance standards, they are often implemented in a ‘check-the-box’ fashion.

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Addressing compliance alone may keep the auditor at bay, but it can also leave gaps that can allow criminals to gain a foothold in an organization.”

Check out more of the study’s findings below:

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Phishing: Understanding Your Cyber Adversaries

Nearly two years ago, an infamous incident occurred where stolen pictures of celebrities flooded the internet. Originally, it was thought that this was due to an iCloud vulnerability that allowed a brute force attack. But it now turns out it was because of a simple social engineering phishing hack.

Phishing usually involves sending mass emails that masquerade as legitimate communications, coming from a trustworthy source like a big bank or credit card company. The phisher seeks to trick the recipient into clicking on a link or opening an attachment that downloads malware onto the victim’s computer. The malware can then be used for criminal activity including theft of sensitive data or money. While phishers may send thousands of emails, all they need are a few or even one individual to fall for their trick to get into the IT system. It’s easy to forget that security threats aren’t always the work of sophisticated technology geniuses with malevolent intent. As in the case of the celebrity photos, the method was relatively simple. However, it still caused reputational damage.

Cyber attacks don’t appear out of nowhere.

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At the beginning and right through development and attack, humans are involved. Recently, we profiled half a dozen types of attackers. We call them the “Unusual Suspects.” An attack might start with the Professional working in the digital shadows seeking to make the most money possible from the damage they cause. Then you’ve got the Mules and Getaways who are on the front line, and will be the first to get caught when the law comes knocking. There are also Activists and Nation State Actors who are looking to change the world or steal information on behalf of their country’s government. And then there’s the Insider leaking sensitive information accidentally or on purpose with malicious intent.

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These are all just some of personas BAE Systems recently identified as key threats to businesses and without them, cybercrime can’t exist.

Wising up to phishing attacks

In the IT space, one of the most common ways cyber criminals target employees of a company is through phishing. In the aforementioned celebrity photos case, court documents said Ryan Collins, 36, of Pennsylvania, hacked more than 100 people. According to reports in the press he used email names like ‘’ and asked for password details.

With these credentials, the hacker was able to go through email accounts looking for photos and videos, managing to get into around 50 iCloud accounts and 72 Gmail accounts mostly belonging to celebrities. It’s quite easy to imagine the damage hackers could cause if they got hold of corporate emails – think of the damage the 2014 Sony hack inflicted.

You can’t patch a human

Employees will always be a weak spot, and clever social engineering is leading to more examples of how this weakness can be exploited. The effects can be devastating. For example: a company that collects credit card data from its customers is at risk of a major data breach from a single employee clicking on an email leading to a website laced with malware. The financial and/or reputational damage and the related fines or compensation claims that result could be significant.

At its core, combating social engineering is a human problem that requires human solutions. In certain cases victims may violate policies, but it may often be the case that the rules or training were not clear enough for the employee to know they were doing something that could have serious consequences. And because humans are behind social engineering attacks, they are capable of evolving, matching the way the business world is using technology.

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To mitigate against social engineering attacks, there needs to be security awareness and culture from top to bottom. This might mean ongoing training for employees to understand the threats, as well as the right policies and procedures in place. This helps employees understand the risk from social engineering and what role they have in preventing it. Remember, this all has to be done in tandem with putting the right technology in place.

Defeating the Unusual Suspects

Defending against cyber threats is all well and good, but what about catching these Unusual Suspects? This is difficult, because they use sophisticated tactics to escape detection–they are located all over the world, and use secure software to escape detection and remain anonymous, often routing communications through multiple countries to avoid being caught.

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Fortunately this is a case where human fallibility is a good thing–criminals will make mistakes and leave digital finger prints that sophisticated analytics and forensic analysis can pick up. Finally don’t underestimate the power of human ingenuity–thanks to the efforts of security professionals, we’re finally getting to a point where the investigation of online crime is being slowly demystified and defenses put in place to mitigate the threat.