How Much Airport Security Is Too Much?

Martin Broughton, the chairman of British Airways, has had it up to here with the horse-and-pony show of airport security requirements required for all European flights headed to the United States.

“America does not do internally a lot of the things they demand that we do,” Broughton said in comments quoted by the Financial Times and confirmed by British Airways.

“We shouldn’t stand for that. We should say, ‘We’ll only do things which we consider to be essential and that you Americans also consider essential.'”

Specifically, he was referring to shoe and laptop removal requirements — “redundant” practices he had a few other choice phrases for.

Chairman Martin Broughton accused the U.S. of demanding “completely redundant” security checks at airports, such as removing shoes and separate examinations of laptop computers.
Europe should not have to “kowtow to the Americans every time they want something done” to beef up security on U.S.-bound flights, Broughton said.

Chairman Martin Broughton accused the U.S. of demanding “completely redundant” security checks at airports, such as removing shoes and separate examinations of laptop computers.

Europe should not have to “kowtow to the Americans every time they want something done” to beef up security on U.S.-bound flights, Broughton said.

He won support Wednesday from the owner of Heathrow airport and the British pilots’ union as well as several European airlines and security experts on both sides of the Atlantic.

It isn’t just European pilots who are on his side. Many of the major carriers across the pond gave their seals of approval to Broughton’s frustration.

security experts and several European airlines, including Virgin Atlantic, Iberia and Finnair, welcomed Broughton’s comments, saying it was time to reevaluate the many layers of time-consuming airport security.

“We need to keep passengers safe, but there’s also a whole bunch of security rules that could be eased out,” said Chris Yates, an aviation security analyst in London.

The requirement to remove shoes for screening, for example, was “the knee-jerk reaction after Richard Reid.” The newest metal detectors would sense any metal such as wiring in shoes, he contended.

Many of the security rules are in place because of history rather than real risk, agreed Todd Curtis, a Seattle-based security expert at

As with all risk management decisions — and, at its core, that’s what all security comes down to — Curtis’ point is the issue at hand: how do you ensure that commercial airlines can be as safe as possible but at the same time not impose onerous safeguards that impair their ability to succeed as commercial ventures?

The safest way to make sure no planes explode would be to ban air travel. No planes would ever be hijacked again. Also, oh yeah, no one would ever make another dime in the airline industry and we would all be doing a lot more driving.

The other extreme would be to have no security at all. There would be no lines to wait in before you board. No privacy-invading x-ray screening. The whole process of flying would be streamlined and the airport would become an ideal environment to make money from consumers. But then planes would likely be dropping out of the sky every few weeks.

There needs to be a balance.

And with a sensitive, hot-button issue like airport security — which is essentially the lynchpin of America’s “domestic war on terror” — the pendulum between safety and convenience will likely always sway along with the news. The more terrorist plots we see, particularly if ever there is another, major successful event, the more security we will likely see. The fewer events we hear about, the more complacency will set in and the more people will covet convenience.

Apparently some European heads of industry think the pendulum has swung too far in direction of safety — or more accurately, they think the “for-show” protocols that were once mere annoyances have turned into business-harming problems that need to be fixed.

Time can do that.

In related news, a humorous new website called Fun With TSA that I bet Broughton would enjoy is poking fun at some proposed, in-flight TSA safety restrictions. Apparently the aviation watchdog has suggested that it may be wise to not allow passengers to “leave your seat during the last hour of your flight, use electronic devices, or have anything at all on your lap.”

And while that would indeed be very annoying, here are two of their suggestions on fun ways you can pass the time during the last hour. There are eight other ideas if you click through to the Fun With TSA site.


Be the person on your flight to suddenly shout out “Marco!” during that last hour when others are looking for things to do.  It might take a few tries, but eventually someone somewhere on the plane will respond with a “Polo!” if for no other reason than to shut you up.  Entertainment achieved.


This can be every bit as much fun as when people do “the wave” at a stadium, only there will be no standing up here for obvious reasons.  Instead, simply power on your overhead light, wait for the people in front of you to power on theirs, then turn yours off.  A truly beautiful spectacle once it gets going.

Get Your Popcorn Ready — Upcoming Documentary Explores the History of the TSA

Though it probably won’t break any of Avatar‘s box office records, a new documentary from “retired aviation publisher” Fred Gevalt will document the history of the watchdog that protects our friendly skies. This in-depth look at the  Transportation Security Authority (TSA) is called Please Remove Your Shoes and comes out on July 1, although Gevalt will be self-distributing, so that doesn’t necessarily bode well for it being an enthralling expose’ — nor something that will be able to find in your local theater.

Here’s how Speakeasy, a Wall Street Journal blog, characterized Fred Gevalt’s Please Remove Your Shoes.

Thee final production, which Gevalt is self distributing July 1, asks viewers to evaluate if the TSA has truly made flying the friendly skies any safer post 9/11, and features interviews with Congressmen James Oberstar and John Mica (both of whom are on the Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure), as well as a number of former TSA and FAA employees. Gevalt adds that it wasn’t easy finding enough subjects to speak about their relationship with the TSA on the record, but as one interview beget another, “the business of access became less difficult.

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Even if it doesn’t make your local cineplex, it will presumably at least make it to the Netflix circuit eventually, so look for this one starting next month if airline security is something that strikes your fancy.


A cartoon lampooning TSA policies, courtesy of the brilliant xkcd.

Safe Travels

The airline industry gets a lot of bad press, what with the occasional terrorist threat, security hassles and new fees for blankets and the like, but they deserve to get credit for when they’re doing things right. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), an airline industry trade group, 2009 was the second safest year for Western-built jets since the group started keeping records in 1964.

The IATA reported a rate of only one accident per 1.4 million flights, meaning that statistically you could take a flight every single day and not get into an accident for 3,859 years. Only 2006 saw a safer year and since 2000 the accident rate has dropped 36%.

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“Safety is the industry’s number one priority. Even in a decade during which airlines lost an average of US$5 billion per year, we still managed to improve our safety record. Last year, 2.3 billion people flew safely. But every fatality is a human tragedy that reminds us of the ultimate goal of zero accidents and zero fatalities,” said Giovanni Bisignani, IATA’s Director General and CEO.

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There is still room for improvement in certain key areas, however. Pilot handling was a contributing factor in 30% of all accidents, while runway incidents (called “excursions” by the industry) and ground damage accounted for 26% and 10% of all accidents respectively in 2009. The IATA has proposed a variety of safety programs to address these and other risk factors.

“Safety is a constant challenge. Having made aviation the safest way to travel, further improvements will come only with careful data analysis. We must understand the underlying safety risk trends, not just from the handful of accidents each year, but by bringing together and analyzing data from millions of safe flights.

The IATA Global Safety Information Center was launched in December 2009 for just that purpose.

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Going forward our goal is to work with other organizations and governments involved in aviation safety to add to the database and drive even more improvements,” said Bisignani.

Now if they could just do something about flight delays.

TSA to Begin Swabbing Hands of Passengers

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U.S. airports will now be randomly swabbing the hands of passengers to check for traces of explosive materials. You may be familiar with this technique as it was previously used with carry-on baggage of some passengers.

Soon now, though, travelers can expect to see the increased random use of ETD [explosive trace detection] technology in different areas, including checkpoint lines and at boarding gates. Officers may swab a piece of luggage or passengers’ hands, then use ETD technology to test for explosives. The swab is placed inside the ETD unit which analyzes the content for the presence of potential explosive residue. To ensure the health of travelers, screening swabs are disposed of after each use. Since it will be used on a random basis, passengers should not expect to see the same thing at every airport or each time they travel.

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This measure has been put into place in response to the attempted bombing of Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas day. Currently, the TSA has more than 7,000 ETD machines and has purchased 400 additional units with $16 million in federal stimulus money. The president’s fiscal 2011 budget calls for $60 million to purchase approximately 800 portable ETD machines.

But can’t terrorists wash off trace amounts of explosives with soap and water? Apparently not. The ETD can detect race elements “down to the nanogram — or billionth of a gram,” making it nearly impossible, no matter how many times hands are washed, to completely rid oneself of traces of explosives.

What exactly are the machines trying to detect? The official TSA list is classified. But it probably covers any commonplace explosive you can think of, including fertilizer, nitroglycerin (used in dynamite), C4, TNT, RDX, and PETN, the chemical used by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on Christmas Day.

Other security measurers are also being implemented in airports across the country. Backscatter x-ray and millimeter x-ray machines are currently being used in a handful of airports, while hundreds are in the process of being put into place by the TSA.

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Privacy groups, however, are up in arms about the technology, which is part of the reason they are not more commonplace in American airports.

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For more on this discussion, check out the March issue of Risk Management in which we feature an article titled “Airport Security: Privacy vs. Safety.”