Safety, Economics and Rap

As someone who actually listens to hip hop regularly, it is usually painful to see PSAs, commercials or really any organizational attempt to use rap as a method to appeal to the younger generations. The whole presentation and execution is usually just really, really poorly done and ends up just embarrassing the creators and, ironically, making them look old and out of touch in the process.

But once in a while, I actually come across a decent one — like this “Safety Rap” made by Dominion Virginia Power that I just found at the Risk and Safety Blog. The beat is very Dr. Dre and the hook is sort of catchy. Nice job.

This economic theory battle rap featuring the lyrical stylings of John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayekand F. A. Hayek is pretty good, too. Hayek can actually flow. Who knew?

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