Risk Management Education

For the fifth year in a row, we published a feature on risk management and insurance education in our September issue of Risk Management. As the future risk managers of the world head back to school this fall — or perhaps just begin their studies — you can read all about it.

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Emily Holbrook writes about the biggest trend right now in college-level risk management education: aligning the classroom with the boardroom. As the discipline of risk management evolves so too must the curriculum developed to teach it to the next generation.

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So programs administrators and professors on campuses across America are incorporating real-world learning into their courses by prioritizing ERM education, holding risk management “case competitions” and structuring their lessons around ISO standards.

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Additionally, she offers a snapshot look at the 10 largest college risk management programs.

And lastly,  Therese Palmiotto, an insurance industry underwriter, offers some tips on how the newest generation of insurance pros to enter the workforce can benefit from mentoring.

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