RIMS President Urges Members to Give to Japan

As stated on the RIMS homepage, the Risk and Insurance Management Society’s president, Scott B. Clark, is urging members to give to Japan as the country works to slowly bring itself back to pre-earthquake and tsunami status. Clark was in Japan when the quake hit and felt first-hand the power of mother nature over seemingly helpless humans.

When the earthquake hit, I was in Tokyo, having just arrived to attend the Japan Chapter of RIMS’ annual meeting. My partner, Peter, and I were with Yoshi Hamaji, president of the Japan Chapter, when the quake struck and at the time, we didn’t realize the extent of the tragedy. As we were able to receive news updates and the true extent of the devastation became clear, it was difficult for us, as for the rest of the world, to comprehend.

Experiencing such a tragic event would touch anyone on a personal level, as it has Clark. Feeling the need to do something about it, he has asked each RIMS chapter to match his chapter’s (RIMS Greater Miami) donation of $1,000 to the American Red Cross’ relief efforts in Japan.

Click here to read more of Clark’s writing about his experience in Japan and his call to action.

Click here to go directly to the American Red Cross donation page.

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