Yesterday marked the conclusion of the 2009 RIMS Conference & Exhibition, where the entire risk management and insurance industry gathered in Orlando to challenge its risk I.Q. From charitable work at the Give Kids the World Village and inspiring keynote speeches to the massive Exhibit hall and the extravagant evening receptions, RIMS 2009 provided guests with an exceptional experience.
As for us, all the editors at Risk Management magazine were able to make many valuable contacts and devise dozens of new story ideas that we look forward to sharing with all of you in future editions.
What was the highlight of RIMS 2009 for you?
UPDATE: Check the RIMS site for even more post-Conference coverage, including each day’s Show Daily newsletter, attendee Twitter feeds (you can follow our editor Jared Wade @RiskMgmt) and a Conference image gallery.

The Exhibit Hall was the hub of the excitement with some 400 exhibitors.