Following a beautiful opening ceremony at Disney’s Epcot Center, the first official day of the 2009 RIMS Conference began this morning in beautiful Orlando with an inspirational keynote address by Dennis N.T. Perkins.
Perkins, a former marine leuitinant and current corporate consultant, opened the festivities with a thoroughly engaging speech referencing his book Leading at the Edge : Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton’s Antarctic Expedition. The book focuses on the 1914 expedition to the South Pole led by risk-taker Ernest Shackleton in which he and his entire crew survived for more than a year on the ice after his ship, aptly named “Endurance,” drifted off course and was crushed by mammoth icebergs and an unyielding frozen sea.

Shackleton (second from left) and three of his crew members during their trek to the "snowy south."
Drawing from Schackleton’s courage, strength and endurance during his historic expedition, Perkins devised his 10 critical strategies for productive leadership:
- Never lose sight of your goal but focus your energy on short-term objectives
- Set a personal example with visible, memorable symbols and behaviors
- Instill optimism and self-confidence but stay grounded in reality
- Take care of yourself — maintain your stamina and let go of guilt
- Reinforce the team message constantly: “We are one — we live or die together”
- Minimize status differences and insist on courtesy and mutual respect
- Deal with anger in small doses, engage trouble-makers and avoid needless power struggles
- Find something to celebrate and something to laugh about
- Be willing to take the “big” risk (not needless risks)
- Never give up — there’s always another move
There’s something to be said for such an inspirational message in trying times like these. As companies fight to stay alive, Perkins provides a much-needed voice of hope and confidence.
“As you’re out there staring into the ice and your ship’s not exactly on an even keel or you’re day’s not going exactly as planned or you need an out-of-the box solution, I would encourage you to think about Shakleton’s family motto: ‘By endurance we conquer.’ And above all, go for the edge.”
Perkins’ speech touched a cord with the filled-to-capacity room, as I’m sure the remainder of the conference will do as well. So stay tuned for further updates live from the 2009 RIMS conference in Orlando all week long.

Dennis N.T. Perkins, RIMS 2009 Keynote Speaker