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The Cost of Workplace Bias

There are many costs associated with workplace harassment and discrimination—monetary, reputational and the morale of employees to name a few. In 2012, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported filing 122 lawsuits including 86 individual suits, 26 multiple-victim suits (with fewer than 20 victims) and 10 systemic suits. The EEOC’s legal staff resolved 254 lawsuits for total monetary recovery of $44.2 million.

The agency added that it secured monetary and non-monetary benefits for more than 23,446 people through administrative enforcement. These methods include mediation, settlements, conciliation and withdrawals with benefits. The number of charges resolved through successful conciliation, the last step in the EEOC administrative process before litigation, increased by 18% over 2011.

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Can Britney Spears Ward Off Piracy?

Britney Spears

Pirates remain a notable risk for businesses that involve maritime activities like shipping for supply or distribution. While it’s easy to dismiss the idea with images of wooden ships, gangplanks and a thoroughly unwashed Johnny Depp, the face of piracy has changed, but it has far from disappeared.

In the last decade, increased pirate activity out of war-torn Somalia have drawn considerable media attention, especially as hundreds of ships were attacked and dozens hijacked and their crews held hostage. Pirates earned an average of $4.87 million per ship in 2011, a huge financial toll for businesses that was only compounded by rising need for kidnap and random insurance for crews.

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Yet the Horn of Africa and the Suez Canal are not the most perilous seas. Australia’s News Limited reported, “Shipping industry figures show that the waters around Indonesia and the Malay Peninsula is the world’s hotspot for pirates.

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” The International Maritime Bureau found that Indonesia has experienced a more than 50% surge in pirate attacks in the first half of 2013. Of the 48 attacks reported, 43 involved pirates boarding vessels and assaulting the crew. West Africa has also grown as a hotspot, and the Control Risks RiskMap Maritime 2013 also highlighted high conflict potential at sea off South Korea, Nigeria, and Bangladesh.

RiskMap Maritime 2013Some experts are turning to more creative measures to ward off pirates, Time magazine reported this week. To deter pirates from approaching supertankers off the east coast of Africa, merchant navy officer Rachel Owens said ships have begun blasting the musical stylings of Britney Spears.

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“Her songs were chosen by the security team because they thought the pirates would hate them most,” Owens said. “These guys can’t stand Western culture or music, making Britney’s hits perfect.”

It’s a colorful approach to consider, especially as Hollywood turns a spotlight on mismanaged pirate attacks with the new Tom Hanks movie “Captain Phillips.” Let’s just not take it too far – as Steven Jones, of the Security Association for the Maritime Industry, told Time, “I’d imagine using Justin Bieber would be against the Geneva Convention.”

Cyber Risk a Top Concern for C-Suites

NEW YORK—Risk managers no longer have a problem getting the attention of their company board and executives when it comes to cyber issues, according to panelists at the Advisen Cyber Risk Insights conference yesterday.

At Royal Ahold N.V., in fact, a supervisory board “insists on an annual presentation on the insurance policies,” which include cyber, said Nicholas Parillo, vice president of global insurance for the company. Giving his annual presentation to the board is made much easier, because “the person before me is the chief security officer and before that, the CIO and it’s good to know that they are saying the same things I’m saying. That’s the level this kind of risk has achieved within major corporations.

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In the U.S., Ahold owns about 2,000 supermarkets—780 in the northeast, including Stop ‘n Shop and Giant Food Markets and 300 pharmacies, Parillo said. The company, which has annual revenue of $42 billion, also owns a number of chains throughout Europe.

Parillo noted that Ahold’s chief concern is the large amount of customer data needed for its goal of major online sales growth.

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“Our CEO a couple of years ago established a goal of increasing our online sales from $400 million annually to $1.5 billion,” he said. “We should hit that target in the next two years or sooner. One of our big concerns in this area is fast growth in ecommerce,” and also that “good governance surrounds” that growth.

The company purchased its first cyber security insurance policy in 2007, he said, an action that was hastened by “two watershed events in retail business,” the Hannaford Bros. Co. privacy violation and the TJ Maxx case. Both of these have run into the “hundreds of millions of dollars now with a significant amount of legal fees associated,” he said, adding, “These events made my job a lot easier in terms of going to my management and saying that this could happen to us, despite the biggest and the brightest in our IT group.”

Jimmy Kirtland, vice president, corporate risk management with ING said that in the past, “trying to convince your CFO and CEO and general counsel that there really was [cyber] exposure,” was an issue. He explained that 10 or 15 years ago, “Even if you were going to look at cyber coverage you had only three brokers you could go to.”

Since then, “There has been a complete turnaround in 10 years. The market has grown tremendously and so have the brokers and it’s become much more sophisticated, which we appreciate. The C-suite has recognized that this is something that has to be looked at,” he said.

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Dutch-based ING is restructuring, separating its banking and insurance operations. ING U.S. plans to rebrand as Voya Financial, a retirement, investment and insurance company, according to the company’s website. “In our case, one of the biggest concerns we had was that because of the split with our parent company, we had very little time to place our financial lines products, including cyber. So the concern is to get it right.”

The company filed an IPO in May, “and yesterday we announced we would have a secondary offering. When you don’t have the umbrella of a major global corporation anymore, you become keen on your risks and exposures,” Kirtland said.

What happens if technology fails at the company? “With us it really is out in the cloud,” Kirtland said. “Classic business insurance reimburses you for supply chain problems or if a warehouse burns down, so it’s an extra expense we have to worry about.”

To be able to stay in business in case of a technology failure, or in the case of “a system-wide blowout, we went with a time-limited type of retention. It’s a set amount based on the time you are out,” he explained.

Difficulty in Modeling for Terrorism

The following is an excerpt from the RIMS executive report “Terrorism Risk Insurance Act: The Commercial Consumer’s Perspective.” The report is available for download here.

For any insurer to operate successfully and avoid going out of business, it must be able to accurately estimate the probability of its losses, the severity of those losses, and then determine the amount of premium that must be charged to cover those losses should they occur. Historical data from past events is used to predict the losses from future events and pric­ing is set accordingly.

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Even extraordinary events like Hurricane Sandy or the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma, while harder to accurately estimate, can be predicted to a certain degree based on historical data and experi­ence. Terrorism risk, however, differs substantially from these other risks in several different ways.

Terrorism risks lack certain elements possessed by other types of risk. Typically insurable risks will include the following elements: losses must be due to chance (accidental) and the risk must be predictable. The first element is lacking with terrorism risk because losses from terrorist attacks are not accidental, but rather the result of deliberate human behavior and action. For a terrorist attack to occur a plot must be hatched and then executed by one or more individuals. The motives, targets and actions of plotters are constantly changing and their motives are frequently affected by government actions that modelers and insurers are not privy to. These factors make modeling nearly impossible.

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Terrorism risk is also inherently unpredictable. Insurers can accurately predict which parts of the country will be hit by hurricanes or tornadoes and also what the anticipated losses will be based on the severity of an event. They are able to do this based on historical experience and data that thankfully does not exist for terrorism risk because of the rarity of terrorist events occurring.

The accuracy of weather predictions is enhanced by studying the “near misses” and variances in weather that resulted in a storm missing a tar­get or having its impact minimized. Information about “near misses” or foiled attacks is highly classified and not available to modelers. This lack of data, and the randomness of where terrorist events have occurred or were planned to occur, makes predicting such events impossible.

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Predicting the severity of losses from such an event is also difficult as losses vary significantly based on the scale of the attack. For example, losses from the 9/11 attacks have been estimated to be $35 billion while preliminary estimates of business losses from the Boston bombings are closer to $10 million. There are some recent attempts to model terror­ism events, however, they require making specific assumptions about the method of the attempt, the volume or size of chemicals or weapons and the specific site that will be attacked. While this information may be use­ful for strengthening a specific property’s risk of loss, it is not useful in attempting to assess potential risk exposures for a wider geographic area.