No One Knows if Texting While Driving Bans Have Prevented Car Crashes

Logically, you would think that imposing a statewide ban on mobile phone use while driving would have to make the roads safer. Distracted driving has become the scourge of the roads, according to many (including Oprah), so anything that helps curb such behavior would have to prevent accidents.

That very well may be the case.

But according to a recent long-term study conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association, no one can prove it.

The report—produced with a grant from State Farm—says limited research suggests cell phone use does increase crash risk, but no one knows by how much.

Additionally, there is no conclusive evidence about whether hands-free cell phone use is any safer than hand-held use.

State Farm could not immediately be reached for comment.

Texting “probably” increases risk, but no evidence exists to prove if cell phone use or texting bans reduce accidents.

Therefore, among a handful of recommendations, GHSA advises states that do not have handheld bans to wait until more research is done before passing laws. In the meantime, the association urges states with bans to enforce them.

So … thanks, researchers.

That really clears up nothing.

Map via Property Casualty 360

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2 thoughts on “No One Knows if Texting While Driving Bans Have Prevented Car Crashes

  1. Perhaps one of the reasons why the bans on texting while driving hasn’t provided enough statistical evidence is that many people continue to text while driving. I spend numerous hours a week on the road and constantly find cars swerving due to drivers texting while driving. Of course, I reside in one of the states that doesn’t have a legal ban but only suggested behaviour.

  2. So let’s say that 6,000 toddlers died each year from sticking their fingers into electric sockets, and half a million others were critically injured by sticking their fingers into electric sockets, but there was no conclusive evidence that parents warning their children to stay away from electric sockets actually prevented their children from getting harmed. Does it follow that parents really shouldn’t bother warning their children to stay away from electric sockets? Because, hey, there’s no conclusive empirical evidence that it really helps.

    Or perhaps the GHSA should extract their heads from their posteriors and recognize the simple fact that ANY death or injury prevented by statewide and nationwide laws, whether clearly visible to them or not, is worth the ban.

    As a State Farm client, I think I need to call them and please use my money more wisely than on useless grants to clueless people. This is infuriating.

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