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LexisNexis: 10 Myths About Workers Compensation

Recently, LexisNexis published a list of 10 myths relating to workers compensation — an interesting article on a topic that costs companies more money than necessary if not adequately managed. Teaming up with the well-known blog, Work Comp Roundup, LexisNexis compiled several myths and facts from contributors (including yours truly) from different segments of the industry.

The importance of such posts is to not only inform readers of relevant issues, but to also initiate a dialogue between industry peers, further adding to our knowledge of the topic at hand.

So with that in mind, I encourage you to add comments or questions to this unique post.

Here is a rundown of the the first five myths:

  1. Large Discount Networks Are the Key to Success in Workers’ Compensation Managed Care
  2. The Employer’s Role Ends Once the Workers’ Comp Claim Is Paid
  3. Workers’ Compensation Claims Improve With Age
  4. Technology Will Cure All of Our Ills
  5. Because FECA Is So Different From State Workers’ Compensation Systems, Private Sector Case Management Best Practices Won’t Work

For the entire list, click here. Enjoy reading and (hopefully) commenting.

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