Economic Crisis Advances Risk Management in India

According to the Times of India, risk management has come into much greater in focus in India ever since the financial collapse rocked the global economy twelve months ago.

The global shockwaves following Lehman Brothers’ collapse have woken India Inc to the importance of sound risk management system to tide over future crises.

Despite the fact the India was less affected by the meltdown, companies here are pulling up their socks as the slump has demonstrated that risks are entwined and cut across boundaries.

It’s a brief article without many specific examples, but it touches on the fact that risk management in something that many companies now expect from all their units — and they expect them to report their findings to the CFO. All this looks like many businesses in the country are beginning to see that there are real benefits to holistic risk management.

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Much like their U.S. and European counterparts, Indian companies will undoubtedly struggle to turn this good idea into good practice, but the underlying concepts have to come first, and this looks like a positive sign in that a key driver of the developing world economy is moving towards incorporating better forethought throughout its private sector.

Most big players have sought international risk advisory firms like Marsh, to step up the internal control process of their portfolio companies.

“The global credit crisis has driven home the point that although US was the epicentre, its effect has been felt elsewhere too, in today’s inter-connected world. Risk management must factor inter-linkages and remote possibilities,” said Marsh India head Sanjay Kedia.
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“Low-probability and high-severity catastrophes like the recent financial turmoil or the Mumbai terror attacks do happen,” he said.

And when they do, hopefully many companies in India will be able deflect the blow.

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Bangalore, or The Silicon Valley of India, has seen large-scale economic expansion in recent years. Now, a focus in risk management is expanding there as well.

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