Cavalcade of Risk #165

Jason Shafrin combines Vegas and the start of the NFL season to present this week’s round-up of risk-related bloggery. What’s so unique (and interesting) about this edition is Jason’s use of Vegas-style odds as applied to each post. You can check it out on his blog, Healthcare Economist.

Included are:

  •  Work Comp Roundup how companies can decrease their risk of fraudulent claims through increased surveillance
  •  Workers Comp Insider presents a multimedia look at just how risky it is to get up and go to work every day
  •  Excess Return offers a discussion on how the global and local markets for capital affect interest rates

For even more risk management blogging, head to these sites:

  • Schneier on Security tells readers how the FBI has a database of 12 million Apple UDIDs
  • Claire Wilkinson, of III’s Terms + Conditions blog, writes about continually increasing property/casualty rates
  • The FCPA Blog explains how companies that might be using “conflict minerals” have to perform due diligence, according to the SEC

And for a new, revamped website that can fill all your risk management-related reading needs, click here.

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