Cavalcade of Risk #164

Today marks the 164th edition of the Cavalcade of Risk, a gathering of the most important and well-written posts within the blogosphere pertaining to risk and insurance. In this edition, industry bloggers have covered everything from workers comp to investing risk to disease management. And it’s all here for you:

  • Investment Risk: Investing in bonds is relatively safe, but Darnell Brown points out the investment risks inherent in any type of bond purchase, as well as traditional stock buying.
  • On-the-job Risk: Julie Ferguson of Workers’ Comp Insider writes about the less obvious risks that law enforcement and first responders face in her hard-hitting post that cites a recent South Carolina case in which a sheriff was denied workers comp benefits for mental distress after he fatally shot a suspect.
  • Measurement Risk: If you can’t believe the actuaries, who can you believe? Unfortunately when it comes to disease management and wellness, the  industry is “rife with incompetent measurement of outcomes,” which leads to massive misallocation of funds, at least according to this podcast with David Williams and Al Lewis, president of the Disease Management Purchasing Consortium.
  • Liability Risk: Jason Shafrin tackles the question of who is financially liable for covering most American’s risk of falling ill? The answer is increasingly the federal government (i.e., taxpayers).
  • The Risk of Inadequate Coverage: Veteran insurance blogger Henry Stern writes about critical illness insurance policies — something all of us should be aware of, though few are.
  • The Risk of Working With Different Personalities: For life insurance risk managers, there is a type of buyer who wants to lead a more financially responsible life but often fails. Russell Hutchinson explores how you may be able to help them.
  • 10 Common Questions Claimants Have When Filing a Worker Comp Claim: Rebecca Shafer of Work Comp Roundup answers questions such as how to get paid and whether being assigned to a light duty job that pays less than your usual job is illegal or not.

Don’t forget to check out Jason Shafrin’s Healthcare Economist blog for the next Cavalcade of Risk.

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