Q&A with RIMS 2019 Keynote Speaker Dr. Erin Meyer

The RIMS 2019 opening keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Erin Meyer, a professor at the INSEAD school of international business in France, and the author of the Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business. She discussed with Risk Management Monitor the concept of “culture mapping,” and how her upcoming address in Boston will provide risk managers with methods to assess cultural rituals and differences before conducting international business.

Download today’s RIMScast episode for Dr. Meyer’s full interview and a deeper dive into culture mapping.

Risk Management Monitor: What will you discuss in the keynote address at RIMS 2019?

Erin Meyer: I will be talking about globalization and how it is impacting our effectiveness when we work internationally.

Risk professionals might be supervising a building code in Indonesia or leading a global team made up of Brazilians and Polish people, for example, and what it means to communicate effectively or make decisions can vary from one country to another.

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I will be presenting a “culture mapping” model that will help participants decode how these cultural differences are impacting their own effectiveness and then think about strategies for working in a more efficient way.

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RMM: What has your experience with risk managers been like?

EM: I’ve noticed that risk professionals were usually in situations where – if they were working internationally – they were collaborating with just one other country at a time. But that has changed recently. In the last couple of years, they’ve often been in these multicultural environments and that’s where the culture mapping tool becomes so important.

When working in a multicultural team, you’ll find that different members have totally different impressions of the same country that they’re working in. This is all part of the concept of what I call “cultural relativity” – where we might have totally different impressions of what’s going on, based on our own cultural perspective. We will explore all this in the keynote.

RMM: What details of your research have surprised you?

EM:  We’ve researched expatriate failure rates and looked at people moving from one country to another who had to return home early because they weren’t able to integrate into their new society. And what came up is the highest failure rate was not “Americans moving to China” or “Japanese moving to the Netherlands,” for example.

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It was Americans moving to the UK.

And I think that’s very interesting because it represents something called “cultural dissonance,” which arises when we think the other culture is the same as ours because of external indicators, like language. For example, when Americans start working with the British and they’re all speaking the same language and eating the same food they assume things will not be so different from their home country.

RMM: Does that make them seem too lax in their work?

EM: They don’t give culture itself as much thought, and the consequence can be that they are perceived as incompetent [by the new colleagues]. So when you’re looking at the culture map – which we’ll be talking about during the keynote – it’s often those small differences that cause problems. Awareness of those differences is crucial.

RMM: How has technology created communication challenges?

EM: When we’re working at a distance we can lose the visual cues that help us, even in our own culture, to understand what’s going on. And when we bring in technology we all lose those visual cues – especially when you consider conference calls, for example. So, in some ways that kind of brings us back to a more standard communication platform but it does make things complicated because of course, we have different ideas about how to use technology in different parts of the world.

RMM: In the Culture Map, you discuss how even the use of email – merely to sum up a discussion – can lead to miscommunication or even an insult. How can that happen?

EM: If you get off of the phone with someone in India, for example, and put into writing everything that was decided and you send it, that might be considered an indication that you don’t trust the recipient. And I think that’s where working at a distance complicates things because if we’re in the same room we might feel that something wasn’t going well. But we’re working a distance, so we make these “errors” and it might hurt the relationship without even realizing it.

Limit Organizational Exposure During the Polar Vortex

A polar vortex has gripped large areas of the Northern United States, and all-time lows are being approached in parts of Midwest states like Iowa and Illinois. This frigid weather phenomenon is defined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) as a large area of low pressure and cold air that normally surrounds the North and South poles. But during unstable conditions, the Arctic air can expand and drift southward to North America.

The extreme cold has led to several injuries and six deaths, including an auto accident that killed a couple, a man who likely froze to death in his Milwaukee garage and another man struck by a snow plow in the Chicago area.

The weather system has also forced the closure of schools, businesses, flights and even the United States Postal Service in some areas, and warnings are in effect for workers to stay home and keep off the roads.

Driving Tips

Some people must get out and drive, however, and so whether making deliveries, heading to or from work, or running necessary errands, drivers and asked to use heightened caution.

At this time last year when preparing for the “weather bomb,” AAA recommended precautions that can be applied during a polar vortex, including this basic tip: Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Applying the gas slowly when accelerating is the best method for regaining traction and avoiding skids, AAA said, cautioning that it takes time to slow down for a stoplight as it takes longer to slow down on icy roads.

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Building Tips

Looking inside your organization’s physical foundation is also critical to its resilience. In addition to clearing snow from driveways and de-icing entrances, organizations should be cognizant of how such brutally low temperatures can impact their workplaces. Interstate Restoration offers tips on how to address a building’s infrastructure during winter weather.

For example, if your pipes are found to be frozen, Interstate Restoration offers suggestions to reduce the likelihood of a burst:

  1. Turn off water to the building at the main water shutoff valve
  2. Inspect the pipe closely for cracks and note any that you find
  3. If you find cracks, call a plumber for advice before doing anything else
  4. If there is no damage present, add a space heater to the area or use a hair dryer to gradually warm the pipe. If the outside temperature is expected to rise, you can also wait for the pipe to thaw on its own before turning the water back on. PROCEED WITH CAUTION: Never use any type of open flame or torch to thaw pipes.

Outdoor Working Tips

The Department of Labor recommends that employees working in frigid temperatures avoid alcohol, smoking and some medications to help minimize risks.

As previously reported, the best way to avoid cold stress is by wearing proper clothing.

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The type of fabric makes a difference as well. For example, cotton loses its insulation value when it becomes wet, while wool, silk and most synthetics retain their insulation even when wet.

Here are some clothing tips for workers in cold environments:

  • For better insulation wear at least three layers of clothing: An inner layer of wool, silk or synthetic to wick moisture away from the body; a middle layer of wool or synthetic to provide insulation even when wet; and an outer wind and rain protection layer that allows some ventilation to prevent overheating.  Avoid tight fitting clothing.
  • Wear a hat or hood to help keep the entire body warm. Hats reduce the amount of body heat that escapes from the head.
  • Wear insulated boots or other appropriate footwear.
  • Keep extra clothing (including underwear) handy in case clothing gets wet.
  • Do not underestimate the wetting effects of perspiration. Venting of the body’s sweat and heat can be more important than protection from rain or snow, according to the DOL.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also issues guidelines, suggesting that heavy work be scheduled for the warmer part of the day, and to assign employees to work in pairs to lessen the risk of cold stress.

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Six Tips For Risk Managers When Assessing Automation Hazards

From a risk management perspective, one of the benefits of automation is that robots can play a significant role in reducing injuries when deployed to replace or support workers in high-hazard jobs, such as those involving high force and repetition. Yet, without appropriate risk assessments, their benefits can become skewed in other situations.

Unfortunately, many companies still make critical automation decisions without adequately engaging risk management, which can leave workers vulnerable to a new set of unanticipated workplace hazards. By some estimates, manufacturers will deploy 1.2 million new robots in the next decade; the expanding use of robotics may bring numerous new significant safety considerations along with a critical need for effective risk management.

As the trend toward greater automation gains momentum, here are six tips for risk managers to assess automation-related workplace hazards and help their organizations achieve the gains they envisioned with these major investments:

  1. Do not underestimate the value risk management brings to automation. Although automation is not new, companies still have much to learn about its effective deployment and implementation – especially in situations where the aim is increased productivity.
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     Risk managers need to be actively involved in assessing potential risks as automation purchasing decisions are made, as well as in planning and managing implementation, related employee training and post-implementation safety assessments and injury monitoring.

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  1. Initiate a dynamic dialogue. When the aim of investing in robotics and automation is specifically for productivity improvement, the starting point should be for risk and operations managers and safety/ergonomics experts to open a dialogue with workers in units designated for automation; they are much more flexible than robots and can offer insights on improving the workplace, reducing injuries and driving efficiency – either without significant investment or by focusing deployment of automation where it is likely to have the greatest impact.
  1. Focus on human factors with increased automation. As plants become more fully automated, the interface between the equipment and employees becomes increasingly significant. Historically, there has been an increased emphasis on automation, but an insufficient focus on the human interface. With more industries retooling plants and upgrading operations, the premium will be on the intelligent design of the next generation of facilities. It calls for the use of advanced tools, such as HumanCAD 3D, to analyze the impact of new equipment on human operators, production, and maintenance, as well as assessments from ergonomics and risk management professionals.
  1. Understand automation is not a panacea. Even the latest robotics may not address every issue, such as assembly tasks that require very fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and higher-level thinking (such as complex assemblies, part orientation, inspection and precision fits). The automation of some tasks ultimately could require higher rates of repetition in the upper extremities of workers. In this case, ergonomic workstation design, scheduled breaks and worker feedback will be keys to prevent injuries and achieve gains in quality and productivity.
  1. Do not overlook worker demographics. Although automation may help all workers raise their productivity levels, implementation should account for the needs of an aging workforce. Businesses with multiple manufacturing facilities may have to refine workstations, signage, and lighting in areas with higher concentrations of older workers to achieve consistent productivity gains across all operations.
  1. Monitor potential worker safety issues with new product designs. Some forward-looking organizations are pushing for the application of design rules and human factors analysis to evaluate the “Design for Assembly and Ergonomics” (DFMAE) process. In these situations, product designers and advanced manufacturing equipment engineers collaborate with ergonomists to evaluate new product designs and the manufacturing equipment that goes with it. Until such approaches become widespread, it makes sense to check how new product designs might affect assembly workers.
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    Even slight adjustments in product design, manufacturing equipment or workstations can make the job easier and less stressful for employees without expensive robotics.

Investments in highly sophisticated equipment require thorough evaluation of all potential risks involving the interface between the equipment and employee. In some cases, operating equipment may expose workers to a range of injuries, such as repetitive motion issues. And high-speed mobile equipment can pose an outright danger on a factory floor without the delineation of designated “safety zones.” As key members of their organization’s automation team, risk managers play a critical role in anticipating and assessing exposures, developing remedies and facilitating success to ensure robots are working in collaboration with employees and not creating new, unanticipated risks.

2017 Workplace Fatality Statistics Released

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2017, a total of 5,147 fatal work injuries were recorded in the United States. And while this data marks 43 fewer casualties than in 2016, employers should note that it is still an increase of more than 300 in both 2014 and 2015.

The continued high rate was fueled by the frequency of transportation incidents (2,077) and 887 fatal falls, which marked their highest level in the 26-year history of the census.

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Another key finding involved overdoses of drugs and alcohol while at work.

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Unintentional overdoses due to nonmedical substances while at work increased 25% from 217 in 2016 to 272 in 2017. The BLS noted that this was the fifth straight year in which unintentional workplace overdose deaths have increased by at least 25%.

The National Safety Council (NSC) released a statement in reaction to the BLS data, saying that it was “disheartened to see a small rise in unintentional, preventable worker fatalities.” The NSC’s statement continued:

“Once again, the data clearly show we are not doing enough to mitigate the risks of these everyday killers. At work, leadership should set the tone and engage all employees in safety, identifying hazards and measuring safety performance using leading indicators to ensure continuous improvement.”

Additionally, the BLS found:

  • Contact with objects and equipment incidents were down 9 percent (695 in 2017 from 761 in 2016) with caught in running equipment or machinery deaths down 26 percent (76 in 2017 from 103 in 2016).
  • Fatal occupational injuries involving confined spaces rose 15 percent to 166 in 2017 from 144 in 2016.
  • Crane-related workplace fatalities fell to their lowest level ever recorded in by the census, 33 deaths in 2017.

Clearly, the fatality rate of some occupations remains alarmingly high. Below are the 10 most dangerous jobs in America for 2017, according to the BLS and the fatal work injury rate (per 100,000 workers).

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