Commercial Aircraft Use Jumps

Higher demand from countries experiencing greater wealth is driving growth in the commercial airline sector, where passenger travel demand skyrocketed 396% from 1981 to 2012, according to a report from Deloitte. Utilization of commercial aircraft rose 15.4% during that period.

According to Deloitte’s “2014 Global Aerospace and Defense Industry Outlook,” Airline travel in China, India, the Middle East and other Asia-Pacific region countries contributed to an increased demand for leisure and business travel, also encouraged by lower fares and more available routes.

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In 2014, revenue growth is predicted at about 5%, similar to 2012 and 2013, Deloitte said.

Aircraft demand is also rising, as improvements such as fuel efficiency creates a need for upgrading and replacing aircraft.

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Commercial aircraft annual production levels are expected to increase by about 25%, the study found. Because there are few competitors in production, it is expected there will be more competition in the future, which could impact pricing. The aerospace supply chain will also be challenged to keep pace with the increased rate of production, Deloitte said.

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Tech Trends in 2013 and New Year Predictions

With the New Year comes added awareness of the hazards social media can present to corporations, the risks of data exchange between business systems and other challenges inherent with technology. Here is a look at the top trends of last year and predictions for the year ahead.

2013 Key Trends

1.      Growing Convergence between IT, Security and the Business

Evolving risk challenges require that internal and external stakeholders are on the same risk page. For many organizations, however, internal audit, security, compliance and the business have different views of risk and what it takes to build a risk-aware and resilient business. Effective risk management starts with good communications. This includes a common taxonomy for dealing with risk, and a collaborative discussion framework to facilitate the cross-functional sharing of ideas and best practices.

2.      Focus on Managing Third Party IT and Security Risks

Organizations are increasingly global and hyper-extended, with a heavy reliance on third parties such as partners, vendors, and cloud-based service providers. Data flowing within and throughout this modern business ecosystem supports critical business processes, and also contains sensitive and regulated information. Therefore, strong oversight and management of the various IT and security risks is critical to protect the business and its reputation.

3.      Movement Towards Risk-Based Security Operations Management

In 2013, IT & Security Operations adopted a more formal, structured approach that is more closely aligned with the business and its priorities. Using a risk-based approach to prioritize security initiatives drives efficacy and efficiency—which can help secure greater buy-in and support from senior management. Risk-based security management allows security teams to promote an understanding of risk by communicating in the terms and context needed to support decision-making.

4.      Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Mobile Device Risk Management

Mobile, e-commerce, online, wireless—this is how business is done today. Furthermore, employees are increasingly mobile and rely heavily on their devices, such as smartphones and tablets, for a variety of business activities. The threats that come with this trend are many, including data leaks, theft, and misuse. Corporate IT departments have to create stronger policies and tighter controls to manage corporate data, applications, and user behavior.

2014 Predictions

1.      Leveraging social media to drive situational awareness

Security and business continuity management teams have begun to realize the power of both social media and technology solutions that can mine and analyze data from sources such as Google Crisis Maps, Twitter, Facebook, and more, to provide real time crisis updates. Further extending this intelligence can help governments and businesses gain a complete understanding of a crisis and all of its associated financial, operational, and reputational risks.

2.      Focus on Continuous Monitoring in Risk Management

Effective risk management requires the real-time monitoring of threats, vulnerabilities, and potential exposures. In 2014, IT, Security, Risk and Compliance teams will need to work more closely together to create mature monitoring processes, supported by technology, and guided by regulations and standards such as PCI DSS 3.0, ISO 27001, and NERC CIP 5.

3.      Security and Risk Analytics Based on IT and Security “Big Data”

Incorporating security analytics and metrics alongside more traditional performance metrics such as liquidity and revenue will be critical for management to gain a much-needed holistic view of the operational risk portfolio. Leveraging IT and Security “big data” can provide the risk intelligence needed to create a truly data-driven business, guide continuous improvement processes, and lay the foundation for organizational transformation.

Weather Risks Often Overlooked

Unpredictable weather is a risk that can’t be put off or ignored. In fact, insurer payouts for weather-related catastrophes rose from $15 billion a year between 1980 and 1989 to a staggering $70 billion annually between 2010 and 2013, a study found.

While major weather events are a focus of businesses, small events can still have a big impact, according to The Weather Business: How Companies Can Protect Against Increasing Weather Volatility by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.

Even though weather volatility is shown to be rising globally, organizations are still failing to protect their revenue from the risks of changes in temperature, snowfall, wind levels, rainfall and too much sun, the report found. Changes in weather can also impact a number of industries including construction, energy, retail, tourism, food, distribution and transport.

Bad weather, however, is no longer an excuse for company stakeholders. Analysts, lending and rating agencies are increasingly looking at whether weather risks are included in a company’s risk management program, the study found.

Weather risk management can help companies hedge the risk posed by fluctuations in weather, similar to how companies already combat the threats of interest rate and foreign currency exchange movements, the report said.

Can Britney Spears Ward Off Piracy?

Britney Spears

Pirates remain a notable risk for businesses that involve maritime activities like shipping for supply or distribution. While it’s easy to dismiss the idea with images of wooden ships, gangplanks and a thoroughly unwashed Johnny Depp, the face of piracy has changed, but it has far from disappeared.

In the last decade, increased pirate activity out of war-torn Somalia have drawn considerable media attention, especially as hundreds of ships were attacked and dozens hijacked and their crews held hostage. Pirates earned an average of $4.87 million per ship in 2011, a huge financial toll for businesses that was only compounded by rising need for kidnap and random insurance for crews.

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Yet the Horn of Africa and the Suez Canal are not the most perilous seas. Australia’s News Limited reported, “Shipping industry figures show that the waters around Indonesia and the Malay Peninsula is the world’s hotspot for pirates.

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” The International Maritime Bureau found that Indonesia has experienced a more than 50% surge in pirate attacks in the first half of 2013. Of the 48 attacks reported, 43 involved pirates boarding vessels and assaulting the crew. West Africa has also grown as a hotspot, and the Control Risks RiskMap Maritime 2013 also highlighted high conflict potential at sea off South Korea, Nigeria, and Bangladesh.

RiskMap Maritime 2013Some experts are turning to more creative measures to ward off pirates, Time magazine reported this week. To deter pirates from approaching supertankers off the east coast of Africa, merchant navy officer Rachel Owens said ships have begun blasting the musical stylings of Britney Spears.

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“Her songs were chosen by the security team because they thought the pirates would hate them most,” Owens said. “These guys can’t stand Western culture or music, making Britney’s hits perfect.”

It’s a colorful approach to consider, especially as Hollywood turns a spotlight on mismanaged pirate attacks with the new Tom Hanks movie “Captain Phillips.” Let’s just not take it too far – as Steven Jones, of the Security Association for the Maritime Industry, told Time, “I’d imagine using Justin Bieber would be against the Geneva Convention.”