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Navigating Technology Risks

One of the key questions being asked by audit committees and boards of directors of organizations around the globe is whether their emerging technology risks are being properly identified and managed. To that end, the Global Internal Audit Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) released “Navigating Technology’s Top 10 Risks,” which identifies the top technology risks and ways that organizations can learn about and address these risks.

Here are the top five out of 10 risks ranked by the study:

1.      Cybersecurity

One of the biggest cybersecurity risks faced by companies is the possibility of theft of confidential data by external perpetrators, and the study found this is the most discussed IT topic among executives, internal auditors, audit committees and the board. One of the biggest cybersecurity risks faced by companies is the possibility of theft of confidential data by external perpetrators.

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More than 70% of survey respondents consider the risk of a data breach to be extensive or moderate, while 82% of IT specialists consider this risk to be even higher.

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2.     Information Security

With the recent spotlight on data breaches, the current focus is a layered defense of critical information rather than a single layer of protection.

A strong information security program encompasses:

● Robust risk assessment process

● Effective governance and compliance procedures

● Documented and communicated information security policies and standards

● Effective security awareness training program

● Efficient access control procedures

● Tested disaster recovery, business continuity and incident response programs

● Operational asset management, network management, patch management and change management processes

● Tight physical security

3.     IT Systems Development Projects

While organizations need to update their technology systems, success rates are low. The study found that the success of systems development projects was 16.2% for overall success, 52.7% for challenged projects and 31.

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1% for impaired or canceled projects.

Examples of project objectives not achieved include missed deadlines, cost overruns, efficiencies not delivered as expected, flawed software that was not tested before implementation, reduced integration from the initial plan and less functionality than was identified in the business case when the project was approved.

4.     IT Governance

In many organizations, management questions the amount of money spent on IT and increasingly monitors IT costs. This added emphasis is also due to the widening gap of what IT thinks the business needs and what the business thinks IT can deliver.

A good IT governance program must have these elements:

● Clear alignment to business

● Measurable value delivery to business

● Accountable controls of resources, risk, performance and cost

IT Governance Activity

5. Outsourced IT Services

Because of the increased focus on IT costs, some key IT services have been outsourced. According to the study, this can expose an organization to risks that may remain undiscovered until a failure occurs. An average of six out of 10 internal auditors surveyed said they expect an increase in audits of outsourced IT services over the coming year, according to CBOK, which is administered through the Institute of Internal Auditors. The largest increase is expected in Sub-Saharan Africa and the smallest in Europe.

Insider Fraud: How to Identify and Prevent Internal Threats

Organizations of all sizes, across all industries have become data breach victims as cyber crooks become more sophisticated in identifying vulnerable targets.

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Attackers can compromise an organization within scant minutes in 60% of breaches, reports the latest Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. Still, insiders persist as one of the biggest fraud perpetrators, costing organizations globally about $3.7 trillion annually in 2014, estimates the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. The puzzling question is this: With the advances in technology, why aren’t organizations preventing these incidents and why aren’t the offenders being nabbed earlier?

The answer to the insider fraud dilemma lies in a lag in robust risk-management technologies that help organizations identify and prevent insider fraud, especially in such industries as banking. With this type of breach, tracking behavior becomes a key component of managing risks and threats proactively. While basic data tracking isn’t new, what is fresh is grasping the internal behavior of employees in a real time, comprehensive view across multiple platforms and applications.

Unfortunately, disparate legacy systems that don’t share information easily create larger problems by limiting an organization’s ability to monitor across all systems. And siloed information makes it impossible to find “normal” employee behavior that should serve as a benchmark for day-to-day activity.

For example, banks must be on the lookout continually for employees who exhibit illegal behavior when, say, handling a dormant bank account, who are manipulating customer information or who collude with colleagues.

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By benchmarking regular employee activity and leveraging link analysis to spot relationships across accounts or employees, banks also can monitor for and spot instances of employee negligence that can offer cyber crooks easy access to customer data.

Sophisticated surveillance technology exists that lets organizations monitor and detect suspicious behavior in real time, then analyze and develop an evidence trail. Organizations can use the following activities to help identify and prevent an internal threat before it escalates and triggers substantial monetary and brand damage.

  • Monitor all user activity: It is critical to establish what is normal and what is abnormal. Each organization has different user personas with unique activities considered “normal.” By defining organizational benchmarks for normal versus abnormal activity, risk managers can identify inconsistencies in employee behavioral patterns.
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    Visibility into user activity across applications and networks enables them to highlight incidents that warrant deeper analysis and determine threats.

  • Track behavior in real time: Rather than analyze data retroactively, organizations should adopt a solution which can alert from the moment data is captured from the corporate applications and networks. Long-lead systems or those heavily reliant on log-file data don’t allow for real-time tracking and often result in discovering a breach after the fact.

Enable searchability: Organizations can deploy a user-friendly monitoring system with Google-like searchability features with highly specific behavioral criteria. Moving beyond clunky legacy systems to technology that is intuitive eliminates user error and enables more advanced rule-based monitoring.

  • Record screen activity: Gaining visual evidence of illegal activity while it occurs is critical for use during an investigation. Technology that records screen-by-screen activity at the application level creates the comprehensive data trail needed for courtroom presentation.

A combination of these activities can assist organizations in identifying anomalies in employee behavior, track digital activities and contrast them with an employee’s normal routine or that of a peer group’s pattern. If incongruities appear, advanced risk-management technology develops a data trail and a case strong enough to stand up in court. Leveraging these measures, insider fraud can be discovered at an earlier stage to prevent customer data breaches and malicious attacks.

POS System and Critical Infrastructure Attacks, Hactivism Pose Top Cyber Threats

Maintaining enterprise security only gets more difficult, as additional means of cyberattack and increasingly sophisticated techniques are added to attackers’ arsenal.

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“Our personal and professional attack surfaces have never been greater, and they are only expected to grow as organizations and individuals continue to increase their reliance on the digitally connected world for a variety of tasks,” explained researchers from network infrastructure and security services company Verisign. “Security practitioners must not only protect their enterprise assets, but also guard against threats to their supply chain and other business ecosystems.

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These threats, coupled with the cyber threat landscape’s continuous evolution in terms or actors, tactics and motivations, have created a situation where organizations must now move toward an intelligence-driven, holistic security approach to keep pace with the rapid changes in attackers’ tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs).”

According to Verisign’s “2015 Cyber Threats and Trends: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Data,” the top cyberrisks from 2014 and the first half of 2015 came from:

  • attacks on point-of-sale (POS) systems
  • banking trojans and downloaders
  • various forms of hacktivism
  • critical infrastructure attacks
  • open-source software exploitation
  • vulnerability research “crowdsourcing”

Check out the infographic below for some of the report’s key insights into the top cyberthreats and the biggest vulnerabilities for enterprise security:

verasign cyber threats trends 2015

Staying Ahead of the Financial Industry’s Next Wakeup Call

The financial services sector is no stranger to stringent regulation. At the very least, financial institutions are audited every 18 months. But without a proper security posture, complying with the likes of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and others doesn’t always have the dual benefit of protecting against breaches: the PwC 2015 Global State of Information Security report noted a 141% year over year increase in the number of financial services firms reporting losses of $10 million to $19.9 million.

This tells us a few things: first, compliance is all about a company’s interpretation of the rules, which can be bent and glossed over–compliance is, after all, a minimum standard to which firms should adhere. Additionally, regulation needs to have more teeth as security threats become more sophisticated and targeted. Most importantly, with the regulated ecosystem being so complex, institutions should identify the elements prescribed most frequently across compliance mandates and put solutions in place that meet them. While doing so won’t guarantee complete security, it will put firms in the best possible position to protect against attack while simultaneously satisfying auditors.

The Cost of Compliance

The 2014 SANS Financial Services Security Survey, which examines the drivers for security-related spending in the financial services industry, reports that 32% of organizations spend more than one quarter of their IT security budget on compliance mandates. Nearly 16% of respondents say they are spending more than 50% of their security budgets on compliance.

Unfortunately, this investment in compliance doesn’t translate to investment security dollars. In fact, the survey also demonstrates that certain drivers behind firms’ information security programs are competing for resources with compliance mandates; while 69% of respondents say that demonstrating regulatory compliance is a top driver, a majority also cited drivers that tie closely to that, including reducing risk (64%) and protecting brand reputation (51%).

To ensure investment in security and compliance are not mutually exclusive, it takes effort on both sides–firms should put more effective solutions in place, while regulators should have stronger directives to encourage firms to streamline those efforts.

Securing the Endpoint

Specifically, firms should put systems in place that address endpoint vulnerabilities, including insider threat and malware on the devices, rather than on network solutions. The same SANS report elucidates that endpoint vulnerabilities were the biggest causes of security incidents among financial institutions, with abuse or misuse by internal employees or contractors (43%) and spear phishing emails (43%) the most prevalent, followed by malware or botnet infections (42%).

It doesn’t take long to find explicit use cases that corroborate these findings. The JPMorgan Breach, which impacted nearly 76 million households, came down to a hacker that gained high-level administrator privileges. Put simply, the cause for breach wasn’t necessarily the sophisticated malware, but rather, the ritual IT administrator tasks that were compromised. Clearly, while perimeter technologies like firewalls can prevent certain types of external attacks, they cannot block malware that has already found its way onto endpoints within an organization. Layering proactive solutions will be critical to preventing serious threats from occurring.

Least Privilege: The One-Two Punch

Proactive solutions should incorporate layering elements like patching, application whitelisting and privilege management. Taking this defense-in-depth approach will enable financial organizations to more effectively protect against the spread of malware, defending their valuable assets and ultimately their reputation. The dual benefit? They will satisfy auditors.

The least privilege methodology in particular, which limits administrator privileges from individuals and grants them to certain applications instead, is broadly prescribed across multiple financial mandates in the United States–from PCI DSS, to Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel (FDCC) to the Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance (SOX) mandate. For instance, the PCI DSS has a specific requirement to log activity of privileged users and states that employees with privileged user accounts must be limited to the least set of privileges necessary to perform their job responsibilities.

Internationally, the practice is even more strictly enforced. For instance, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has technology risk management guidelines that detail a number of system requirements–such as limiting exposure to cyber and man-in-the-middle attacks – that would be very difficult to achieve without a least privilege environment. In fact, the document presents one section dedicated entirely to least privilege. Here, requirements encourage restricting the number of privileged accounts and only granting them on a ‘need-to-have’ basis. The guidelines also encourage the close monitoring of those who are given elevated rights, with regular assessments to ensure they are always appropriately assigned.

Ultimately, limiting privileged access limits hackers’ attack vector and also prevents staff from implementing sophisticated attacks like logic bombs, knowingly or unwittingly. At the same time, the practice will help achieve compliance, driving down unnecessary spending. While progress is being made collectively between firms and regulators, more can be done; regulators can bring endpoint security top of the priority list and firms can put in practice simpler elements for a strong architecture. A next high-profile security beach shouldn’t be the industry’s wakeup call.