Financial Services Firms Report Losing 27% of Revenue Due to Poor Reputation

Improving reputation remains a chief objective in the financial services industry — and rightfully so, according to a new study that reports firms saw an average of 27% of revenue lost in the past two years due to reputation and customer service issues stemming from the financial crisis.

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The 2014 Makovsky Wall Street Reputation Study found that 81% of financial service firms are still feeling major negative impacts on stakeholder perception, and over three-quarters of financial services executives say industry risk is the same or worse than in 2007.

Public perception, riskier markets, and regulatory actions are the biggest impediments to industry recovery, executives told the communications firm. The biggest drags on reputation come from negative public perception (64%) and regulatory actions (55%), they said. A majority agreed that the top emerging reputation risks are high frequency trading and cyber data breach.

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Further, four out of ten executives say their company’s reputation has already suffered due to recent cyber data breaches.

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Makovsky Wall Street Reputation Study

RIMS Risk Maturity Model: Performance Management

In the study measuring effects of enterprise risk management (ERM) maturity—as  defined by the RIMS Risk Maturity Model (RMM) assessment—no attribute had a more meaningful impact on bottom line corporate value than Performance Management. The correlation is not an accident. While many organizations say they have an effective handle on risk, their ability to execute the policies and procedures they’ve put into place are severely lacking.

The sixth RMM attribute of ERM Maturity, Performance Management, measures the ability for an organization to execute vision and strategy through the effective use of a balanced scorecard.

Balanced Scorecard

The root of the balanced scorecard concept lies in the desire to turn complex but passive strategic plans into marching orders and commitment that can be executed on a daily basis. The methods of accomplishing this result are familiar to risk managers: developing standardized criteria, prioritizing activities, and monitoring results.

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To execute the Balanced Scorecard concept, corporations typically have a whole host of measures for monitoring control activity effectiveness, but what is consistently lacking is a means to measure the effectiveness of how the control activity is addressing performance goals. Risk bridges this gap.

The Role of Risk

Every business faces the challenge of cutting costs and making changes. After all, all activities are critically important to someone. So how do you assure that the greater good of the organization gets prioritized?

Linking risk to performance for a risk adjusted decision addresses this challenge.

Examples of performance management in the absence of a risk-based Balanced Scorecard are widespread. BP knew back in 2002 that a lack of pipeline maintenance could result in “catastrophe,” but management instead prioritized the short term operational budget in the interests of cutting maintenance costs. More recently, the U.S. government has dealt with criminal investigations into the Veterans Health Administration’s inability to deliver care to U.S. veterans, due to “significant and chronic system failures.” In the case of the VA scandal, monitoring metrics were improperly controlled and focused on the wrong measures of success.

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The result was falsified reports created in the interest of demonstrating compliance with policy, rather than execution of strategy.

A Seat at the Table

Involving risk in strategic decision making is the essence of performance management. In every failure we’ve documented, the risks were known, but rarely given a seat at the table. Organizations with mature enterprise risk management (ERM) programs have empowered their risk managers to take action and use ERM tools to support and provide transparency to the organization’s strategic plan.

To learn how Enterprise Risk Management adds transparency and discipline to an organizations strategic planning and performance management process, watch our webinar, “What is Strategic ERM.

Valukas GM Report ‘Deeply Troubling,’ Barra Tells Employees

The Chevrolet Cobalt, on display at the Minneapolis International Auto Show on March 28, 2009, was criticized in the Valukas report.

An investigation by former U.S. Attorney Anton Valukas into General Motor’s ignition switch recall was described as “extremely thorough, brutally tough and deeply troubling” by General Motors CEO Mary Barra today.

In her remarks to employees about the report findings, which were presented to the GM board of directors on Monday by Valukas, Barra said, “For those of us who have dedicated our lives to this company, it is enormously painful to have our shortcomings laid out so vividly. I was deeply saddened and disturbed as I read the report.”

The Valukas report makes a series of recommendations in eight major areas, which she said the company is already acting upon. “We are taking an aggressive approach on recalls,” she said, adding that a number of personnel decisions have also been made.

“Fifteen individuals, who we determined to have acted inappropriately, are no longer with the company.  Some were removed because of what we consider misconduct or incompetence. Others have been relieved because they simply didn’t do enough: They didn’t take responsibility; didn’t act with any sense of urgency,” she said.

Ray DeGiorgio, lead design engineer for the Chevrolet Cobalt ignition switch was among those who were fired. Disciplinary actions have also been taken against five additional people.

Barra said the key conclusions of the report were:

  • GM personnel’s inability to address the ignition switch problem, which persisted for more than 11 years, represents a history of failures.
  • While everybody who was engaged on the ignition switch issue had the responsibility to fix it, nobody took responsibility.

  • Throughout the entire 11-year history, there was no demonstrated sense of urgency, right to the very end.
  • The ignition switch issue was touched by numerous parties at GM – engineers, investigators, lawyers – but nobody raised the problem to the highest levels of the company.
  • Overall, the report concludes that from start to finish the Cobalt saga was riddled with failures, which led to tragic results for many.

RIMS Risk Maturity Model: ERM Approach and Process Management

Last week, we introduced the latest findings from studies of the RIMS Risk Maturity Model. In an effort to explain the model and results of the study more fully, it’s beneficial to break the RMM into each of its attributes. Here we’ll examine the first two attributes of an effective ERM program, ERM Based Approach and ERM Process Management.

ERM Based Approach

The emphasis of this attribute is to move organizations from an old, obsolete style of governance to a more holistic, integrated approach. Old-style governance is focused on regulatory compliance and silo specific risk management. The problem with this approach is it leaves the organization exposed to risk that isn’t governed by regulatory mandates, as well as cross functional risk that may be systemic to the company.

We see examples of failures in this approach all the time. West Virginia’s water contamination crisis, for example, was caused by a series of risks with inadequate controls—the chemical tank was not adequately surveyed, the employees were not directed to immediately report the leak, even the water filtration organization wrongly estimated that it could filter the chemicals out. None of these entities were at fault from a regulatory perspective, but they were still on the hook for millions in remediation (the chemical plant filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January).

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An ERM approach moves organizations past regulatory concerns, which are only a subset of the overall risk universe. This requires a number of activities that the Risk Maturity Model identifies as drivers of ERM Maturity—tone from the top, assimilation into front line activities, risk ownership—which when combined result in a more risk-aware enterprise.

RIMS Risk Maturity Model: ERM Process Management

With a new governance mindset in place, organizations can move to applying a risk-based process framework of Identify, Assess, Evaluate, Mitigate and Monitor within each business process.

The RMM assesses the degree to which these activities are pervasive inside business processes. Many executives misinterpret these processes as unique to ERM, when in fact the steps are iterative, constantly reoccurring within organizations but without any defined process or standardizations.

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The key to ERM process management is to create a common language and structure so areas can better transfer knowledge to each other where beneficial.  This is done by integrating these framework steps into the business in a way that provides accountability, repeatability, and adequate reporting. A great example is the Vendor Management Governance function. Vendor management is frequently tasked with identifying critical vendors, assessing their risk (such as “due diligence”) and then managing through mitigation (contracts, insurance certificates) and monitoring (shipping times, order completion).

The problem is that vendor management, like other functions, is operating independently with too little information exchanged between vendor management and other governance functions.

Why is this important?

Strategic imperatives are by nature cross-functional, but are rarely linked to processes and activities on the front line. When not linked, risks to corporate objectives are either not addressed or treated differently by the business processes. This alignment is a critical driver of ERM maturity. Organizations that can effectively communicate goals—not just at the corporate level, but down to the front lines—are better equipped to achieve results and elevate concerns.

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Interested in seeing how this approach differs from traditional governance? Watch our short video on Strategic Risk Management.