Inadequate Emergency System Contributes to Indonesia’s Rising Death Toll Following Earthquake and Tsunami

The death toll on Indonesia’s island of Sulawesi has risen to 1,200 as of this morning, in the aftermath of a 7.5 magnitude earthquake on Friday and the tsunami that followed. As emergency crews still lead efforts to locate and save victims and clear debris, officials warn that the number of casualties could rise further.

The current warning system is comprised of tidal gauge stations augmented by land-based seismographs, sirens in about 55 locations and a system to disseminate warnings by text message. Time reported that the country had not updated its emergency notification systems (ENS) following the 2004 tsunami that devastated the region, due in part to lack of funding. According to Time:

The high-tech system of seafloor sensors, data-laden sound waves and fiber-optic cable was meant to replace a system set up after an earthquake and tsunami killed nearly 250,000 people in the region in 2004. But inter-agency wrangling and delays in getting just 1 billion rupiah ($69,000) to complete the project mean the system hasn’t moved beyond a prototype developed with $3 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Analysts say that a proper ENS would have provided earlier warnings of the disasters and may have prevented some of the casualties.

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At the time of impact, the country was already dealing with the fallout of major seismic activity in the region. Within the span of about a week in late July and early August, the Indonesian resort island of Lombok was the site of intense earthquakes that killed hundreds, displaced hundreds of thousands and destroyed more than 13,000 houses.

Indonesia is prone to earthquakes because of the country’s location in the “Ring of Fire,” the arc of volcanoes and active fault lines in the Pacific Basin.

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Sutopo Purow Nugroho, a National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman, said communications with the earthquake-stricken region were disrupted.

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“Our early estimation, based on experience, is that it caused widespread damage, beginning from Palu northward to Donggala,” he told MetroTV.

It seems as though social media will have to play a more central role in alerting the public of new disasters. This morning, Indonesia’s Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) tweeted a new alert of a 5.0 magnitude quake near the North Central Timor Regency in East Nusa Tengarra – an Indonesian province – that could potentially lead to a tsunami.

Expect the Unexpected: Mitigating the Risks of Natural Disasters

As we’ve seen with the recent Kilauea volcanic eruption and last year’s catastrophic hurricane season, natural disasters are becoming more frequent and dramatically more powerful. In fact, NOAA recently reported that weather and climate disasters reached an all-time high in damage costs within the United States, exceeding $300 billion in 2017.

In the face of these increases, companies have a social responsibility to maintain a strong disaster recovery strategy. How can your company prepare to combat the risks from these seemingly unpredictable events? Implementing a proactive risk management approach can help companies better prepare themselves, their employees and their communities to minimize damage and loss in the face of these destructive events. But these strategies cannot simply be created when a natural disaster strikes. As with anything, careful planning before a catastrophe happens is vital to the continued health and success of a business.

When developing these strategies, it is imperative that both pre- and post-disaster planning is  included in the mix, as each plays a critical role in ensuring your ongoing operations.

Maintain a pre-event strategy
It’s important to remember that when natural disaster strikes, there are both direct and indirect costs to a company. How you plan and address these costs can either save or destroy your business.

With today’s technology, we have the ability to monitor most natural disasters and maintain a better idea of when and how hard they will hit. This isn’t always the case, however. While hurricanes can take time to form before making landfall, oftentimes tornadoes and wildfires happen overnight, making it critical to have disaster plans in place before a disaster strikes.

There are three main areas companies should consider when creating a preemptive disaster strategy: 1) supply chain, 2) employees and 3) business infrastructure.

Maintaining a timely and accurate risk strategy for your company and your employees is incredibly important to protect all of these assets. First, it can help protect your supply chain by providing time to divert your supply chain operations from problem areas.

Additionally, it is imperative to be mindful of conditions affecting your various suppliers and how their potential risks can affect your operations.

Armed with this knowledge, you can proactively develop supply chain diversion strategies to maintain efficiency and production. While you may not have the threat of a natural disaster, one of your largest suppliers might. So think ahead, make a back-up plan and monitor both your own operations and those of your supply chain.

As we all know, employees are central to each and every business. An established risk mitigation strategy will include notifying employees so they have time to protect themselves and their family. It can also help management decide if and when to send employees home to help keep them safe.

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Finally, a preemptive strategy needs to consider the effects of disaster on business infrastructure. How will you prepare your building and operations for the threat of a flood or tornado? Do you have access to the proper reinforcements and equipment to accomplish these preparations? A well-established pre-event risk management strategy can help with these issues and also minimize damage so that you are not left picking up the pieces of what could have been a protected building or warehouse.

Implement a proactive post-event strategy
When developing a post-event disaster plan, the best strategy is to think long-term, as short fixes are just that—short fixes.

Consider the upstream impact of the disaster. Damage to raw materials and supplier areas can amount to huge indirect costs. So how can you avoid this? One way is by ensuring your pre-event plan is efficiently put into effect and is able to redirect any necessary supplies. It is also imperative to have a successful remediation strategy in place to recover from the effects of a disaster for both your operations and those of your supply chain. Be prepared to re-establish your supply chain and be sure it is completely intact post-disaster.

Many disasters also have long-lasting impacts that cause companies to have a lengthy rebuilding process. Have a plan for secondary supply chain options to ensure ongoing operations in case a supplier is out of service for a longer period of time. The problems don’t end when the disaster ends, so be sure to build out contingency plans for your operations through the potential recovery months.

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Your post-event remediation strategies must also consider your physical office environment. Ensure there is a plan to check that equipment is operational and know how to repair or find replacement equipment to get operations up and running as soon as possible. Focus on rebuilding the business ecosystem from supply chain, to operations, to your employees.

Finally, consider how you will get your employees back to work, and not just for the immediate future. Invest in your employees, and they will invest in you. After natural disasters, your employees could be facing damaged or destroyed homes, the loss of loved ones and even personal injuries.

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Look at what the company can do to help ensure their well-being so that they are willing and able to return to work.

Inevitability doesn’t have to mean susceptibility
Regardless of location, natural disasters are going to occur that affect you and your business to some extent. That is a fact of life. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that your company is susceptible to the significant damages and costs associated with these disasters.

Maintaining open lines of communication with your leadership and employees will help you develop and implement a strategic plan before and after nature takes its course. As we face the upcoming hurricane season and other inevitable disasters, it is better to mitigate the risks and susceptibility so that your “in case” plan doesn’t become “we should have.”

Lava Threatens Hawaii’s Land, Economy and Ecology

Activity from the Kilauea volcano on the island of Hawaii, in Lava Zones 1 and 2—deemed the most dangerous of the island’s nine zones—continues into its third week. As previously reported, aftershocks, lava flow and lingering hazardous fumes in Lanipuna spilled into nearby areas. About 1,800 people living in surrounding neighborhoods were ordered to be evacuated earlier this month by Hawaii County. The one serious injury reported was of a man sitting on this front porch, who sustained a leg injury caused by lava splatter.

Experts warn that more powerful explosions may follow the 30,000-foot ash cloud that engulfed the sky on May 17. Since then, breathing masks have been distributed to local residents and workers.

On May 18, the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) issued a press release aiming to quell fears about safety on other parts of the island. The statement explained that the only affected region is “a remote area along the Lower East Rift Zone on the island, Kilauea Summit and surrounding areas.” The steam and ash outbursts from Halema’uma’u crater are occurring in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, which is about 40 miles from the Lower East Rift Zone. This is a natural occurrence as rocks fall into the crater and magma interacts with groundwater.

An “aviation red alert” was issued last week due to the potential that aircraft routes could be impacted by the ash, but flights and normal operations have apparently not been impacted and the HTA maintained that there is “no reason for visitors planning a trip to the Hawaiian Islands to change or alter their leisure or business travel plans.”

Reports indicate, however, that as of last week, cancellations from May through July added up to at least $5 million and bookings for hotels and other outdoors activities have declined by 50%.

And while the tourism and transportation industries are integral to the state’s economy, the risk to its ecology is becoming more evident and immediate. In addition to the falling ashes, air near the site contains sulfur dioxide, which some breathing masks cannot protect against.

Several fissures combined created two lava flows that have entered the ocean off Highway 137 near MacKenzie State Park, according to the Island of Hawaii’s Civil Defense. Highway 137 is a critical stretch along the coast that is the site of several problems for residents. A two-story lava wall emerged on parts of the highway, essentially cutting off a portion of the escape and evacuation route. Authorities have since opened an alternate escape route via Highway 11, which was blocked by almost a mile of lava in 2014.

The lava oozing into the Pacific Ocean has short- and long-term effects on the local ecology. While it is certain to harm or repel marine life, the chemical reaction when mixed with water also affects the air.

A Hawaii county spokesman said recently:

“The lava has entered the ocean. Be aware of the laze (lava haze) hazard and stay away from any ocean plume. Laze is formed when hot lava hits the ocean sending hydrochloric acid and steam with fine glass particles into the air.

As one can imagine, since the laze is in the air, lungs, eyes and skin are particularly susceptible to irritation and it can change direction quickly since it travels with the wind.”

Information on ash hazards and how to prepare for ashfall can be found here.

Although the K volcano has been active for decades, this most recent surge in activity could be attributed to the 6.9-magnitude earthquake on May 4, the strongest quake to hit Hawaii in more than 40 years. The earthquake was one of hundreds to be felt recently on the Big Island, although none of them caused any notable threat to life or property.

Hawaii Volcanic Activity Reinforces States’ Need for Catastrophe Planning

Recent volcanic activity in Hawaii has turned national attention to emergency preparedness planning. As previously reported, the Kilauea eruption lessened but caused aftershocks, lava flow and lingering hazardous fumes in nearby areas. About 1,800 people live in the area, which was ordered to be evacuated last week by Hawaii County. No deaths or injuries have been reported.

On May 9, two more actively erupting fissures from the Kilauea volcano opened near Lanipuna, a neighboring community to the already affected Leilani Estates. Fox News reported that first responders went door to door to ensure everyone in the community was safely evacuated. At least 14 fissures are now open from Kilauea—considered one of the world’s most active volcanoes—with some releasing toxic gases and others spewing lava, at times at least 200 feet into the air.

Hawaii Gov. David Ige signed a Presidential Disaster Declaration request, asking President Donald J. Trump to declare the state a major disaster as a result of the ongoing seismic activity. Gov. Ige also requested assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), citing the unpredictable nature of the volcano, the number of structures destroyed, and the fact that residents may be unable to return to their homes for an undetermined amount of time.

Gov. Ige said in his Presidential Declaration request:

As more fissures open and toxic gas exposure increases, the potential of a larger scale evacuation increases. A mass evacuation of the lower Puna District would be beyond current county and state capabilities, and would quickly overwhelm our collective resources. Federal assistance would be necessary to enable us to successfully conduct such large-scale operations.

CBS reported that many people in the affected communities live in “lava zone one,” a high-risk area. Lava insurance doesn’t exist and homeowners’ insurance is very expensive, so some are going to be left on their own to try and rebuild.

With all these events, however, visitors to will find very little, if anything about the volcanic eruption on the state’s homepage [see screenshot]. Instead, there is much about the mild weather and announcements of a groundbreaking ceremony for a road pavement rehabilitation and the modernization of its payroll system. All-in-all, it’s difficult for the public to gage imminent dangers, such as the dangers of molten lava on the site. Visitors, as well as residents, need to navigate to the Residents Page to find the Emergency Information.

What Other States Can Learn
While volcanic eruptions may be relatively infrequent in the continental United States, the threat exists: There are 169 active volcanoes in the U.S., and 54 of them are considered high threats by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Washington is one state that is proactive in its planning, and May just happens to be when it observes Volcano Preparedness Month. Washington has had five active volcanoes: Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, Mount Adams, Glacier Peak, and Mount St. Helens. The latter volcano erupted in 1980 and demonstrated the disaster potential of volcanoes, causing an estimated $31 million in insured losses. That eruption killed 57 people and left dramatic changes to the landscape. It undoubtedly impacted state officials, who regularly include environmental and natural disasters in their strategic plans.

King County, Washington is in close proximity to these volcanoes and has a page dedicated to volcanic activity. It explains how its active volcanoes pose different threats from Hawaii’s:

Unlike Hawaiian volcanoes that ooze molten lava, volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest are known for sending choking ash, hot rocks, and poisonous gases high into the sky. Lahars, which are deadly mixes of hot mud, ash, and other debris, are also a big concern.

It also advises how residents and businesses should prepare and react in the event of an eruption. After ashfall:

  • Wear goggles to protect your eyes and long-sleeved shirt and pants to protect your skin.
  • Clear roofs and rain gutters of ashfall. Ashfall is very heavy and can cause buildings to collapse. Use extreme caution when working on a roof.
  • Avoid running vehicle engines. Driving can stir up volcanic ash that can clog engines, damage moving parts, and stall vehicles.
  • Avoid driving in heavy ashfall unless absolutely required. If you must drive, keep the speed down to 35 MPH or slower. Be prepared to change oil, oil filter, and air filters frequently (every 50 to 100 miles in heavy dust and every 500 to 1,000 miles in light dust).
  • As much as possible, keep ash out of buildings, machinery, air and water supplies, downspouts, storm drains, etc.

In 2017, King County co-hosted a climate change resiliency summit with the United Kingdom’s consulate to assess the physical geography and explore better emergency preparedness plans.

Risk Manager of the Year Honor Roll Member Jennifer Hills already had natural disasters on her radar. The director of risk management for King County, Hills is continually learning about the practical threats of a natural disaster and the county’s resiliency.

“We’re now looking at where emergencies and climate change should be on our risk register,” she told Risk Management magazine earlier this year, adding that she frequently collaborates with the county’s climate change and emergency management offices. “There’s a lot we’re understanding about King County’s exposures to natural disasters and we’re planning for those risks and how to mitigate them.  There’s a lot of untapped resources we may need to open.”