8 Legal Developments You Need to Know About

In a new RIMS Professional Report, attorneys Mark Plumer and Xandra Bernardo (of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP) and Patrick Walker, a risk professional at mining company Rio Tinto Group, shed light on the top risk management legal developments of 2017.

According to the authors, risk managers “must be familiar with the legal principles that underlie claims that are asserted. A successful resolution will turn on the policy wording, the company’s business relationship with the affected insurers and the strength of the  coverage argument under the law.”

In The Top 8 Legal Developments You Need to Know About in 2017, the authors lay out the notable rulings on insurance law relating to rights of coverage, rescission, cyber coverage and more. Here is a quick look at their findings:

  1. Rights to Coverage: There were important developments to rights of coverage under historic occurrence-based policies. These relate to “long-tail” liabilities such as environmental exposures.

“The best practice now is to assign the right to make claims on historic policies for such exposures, where such transfer of rights is intended. Legal counsel should assure that the law in the affected jurisdictions allows for the transfer of insurance rights.”

  1. Rescission: It’s an insured’s worst nightmare: you have a claim that you believe should be covered, and the insurance company finds a way to rescind coverage. It’s a growing trend. “In particular, insurers are requiring more disclosures during the application process and may seek rescission if full and accurate disclosures are not provided.”

The authors focus on H.J. Heinz Co. v. Starr Surplus Lines Ins., a trial decision that was reached in New York’s Third Circuit. The court ruled that Heinz was not entitled to its purchased coverage because of historic loss information that was mistakenly withheld by the company’s risk manager.

“The Heinz case highlights the importance of answering questions thoroughly and truthfully in connection with applying for insurance. Applying for insurance is an increasingly challenging process, particularly with respect to specialty policies that require answers to many questions and call for considerable data. Risk managers must assume that insurers will be emboldened by Heinz and other, similar cases.”

  1. Consent to Settle: In case you needed to be reminded: risk management and corporate counsel need to work together!

“Some courts may simply void coverage where there is a voluntary payments provision and advance consent from an insurer for a settlement was not requested regardless of whether the insurer was prejudiced.

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It is rare that insurers will stand in the way of a settlement. Thus, asking for consent often is no more than a technical requirement. Insurers should not be allowed to escape coverage your company has paid for based on a technicality.”

  1. Notice: Your coverage can be voided if you don’t give prompt notice of a claim. There were two important developments on this front in 2017 that the authors describe in detail in the report.

“The best way to avoid an insurer ‘late’ notice argument is to provide notice at the earliest reasonable date, even if this requires later supplementation and clarification. Of course, this is often easier said than done. You should learn the law affecting notice in your home jurisdiction and consider treating occurrence-based policy and claims-made policy notification procedures differently…”

  1. Cyber Claims: This is obviously a hot area in risk management and in insurance. It seems like we constantly hear about new entrants into the insurance market on this front, with new firms specializing in cyber also popping up almost every day. Risk managers need to exercise caution in this field: cyber insurance is still relatively new and untested, and the claims history for this subfield is short.
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The policies are also potentially confusing. For example, “many cyber policies specifically provide coverage for credit card association assessments for an additional premium. These policies are quite complicated and may contain dozens of cross-referenced definitions.”

  1. Construction Claims: The authors dive into key decisions coming out of New Jersey and Iowa on this familiar risk management topic. They caution risk managers to “make certain your CGL policy has a subcontractor exception in the ‘your work’ exclusion. Policies containing a ‘your work’ exclusion that do not also include a subcontractor exception to that exclusion place your company at greater risk.”
  2. Additional Insured: Access to additional insured endorsements is getting narrower, according to the authors. A decision from New York continues this trend: the June 2017 decision from New York’s high court in Burlington Ins. Co. v. NYC Transit Auth.

The report cautions that the Burlington decision “may come as a surprise to many policyholders who expect courts to interpret additional insured endorsements broadly, particularly ISO’s standard form endorsements. Risk managers concerned about this potential reduction in coverage can follow the advice of the Burlington court: ‘Of course, if the parties desire a different allocation of risk, they are free to negotiate language that serves their interests.’”

  1. Scope of Coverage: It’s important to understand your home jurisdiction’s philosophy on long-tail general liability claims. There are two types of jurisdictions, according to the authors: “all sums” and “pro rata.” In 2017, there were several decisions that complicated this well-understood legal dynamic.

“If your company faces a long-tail claim, be proactive and understand the scope of coverage law applicable to your historic policies. If the jurisdiction applies the ‘all sums’ principle, make sure your counsel is aware of it. If not, confirm whether your historic policies contain non-cumulation clauses or if the applicable jurisdiction has considered the ‘unavailability’ exception to pro rata allocation.

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For more information on “all sums” versus “pro rata,” as well as detail for all of the top legal developments, please visit www.rims.org and download the paper. All RIMS papers are members-only for the first 60 days of their release.

Lessons from Distracted Driving Awareness Month

June is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and while it is quickly drawing to a close, the message remains: Distracted driving is escalating, with 25% more vehicle accidents resulting from drivers talking or texting on cellphones. More cars on the road, especially during summer months, also translates to more accidents.

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Organizations with fleets should take note as motor vehicle crashes are the number-one cause of work-related deaths, accounting for 24% of all fatal occupational injuries, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). On-the-job crashes are also costly, with employers sustaining costs of more than ,500 per property damage crash and 0,000 per injury crash.

Zurich sums up NSC statistics:
Employers can and are being held liable for damages resulting from employee accidents. “We might expect an employer to be held liable for a crash involving a commercial driver’s license holder who was talking on a cell phone with dispatch about a work-related run at the time of an incident—especially if the employer had processes or a workplace culture that made drivers feel compelled to use cell phones while driving,” the NSC said.

The lines believed to exist between employment-related and personal or private life get blurred in some cases involving:

  • Cell phones owned by employees as well as employer-provided equipment
  • Vehicles that were employee-owned as well as employer-owned or leased
  • Situations where employees were driving during non-working hours or were engaged in personal phone calls

To protect themselves and their employees, the NSC recommended that organizations implement and enforce a total ban policy.

“The best practice is to prohibit all employees from using any cell phone device while driving in any vehicle during work hours or for work-related purposes. Regarding off-the-job hours, precedent has been set by lawsuits.

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Thus employers may want to extend their policies to cover off-the-job use of company-provided wireless devices, use of personally-owned devices that are reimbursed by the company, and use of devices in company-provided vehicles. All work-related cell phone use while driving should be banned 24/7,” the NSA advised.

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Companies should also pay attention to other common distractions that can lead to accidents, Zurich adds:

Should You Respond to a Reservation of Rights Letter?

An organization buys insurance to transfer certain types of risks (depending on the policies purchased). If a covered event occurs that results in a loss, you submit a claim and get paid. Simple, right? That’s how it would seem, but many experienced risk managers know it doesn’t always go that smoothly.

A recent RIMS Executive Report discusses one of the most common instances when things don’t go according to plan, and the insurer sends along some unpleasant surprises. In “A Risk Manager’s Guide to Reservation of Rights,” we learn how an insurer protest against paying a claim is commonly initiated and communicated: the dreaded reservation of rights letter.

In case you’ve never had the pleasure of receiving one, a reservation of rights letter is “a notice that the insurer has reserved its rights to either limit or deny coverage for the claim, based on the terms and conditions of the policy or information uncovered in an investigation of the claim itself.” In other words, these legal notices can become hurdles for an organization trying to realize the value of the insurance it has purchased.

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Many risk managers do nothing when they receive this letter—they assume that the insurer will act in good faith and everything will work out.

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The authors of the RIMS Executive Report, however, strongly encourage a more active response. At the very least, the risk manager should compare the wording of the letter to the insurance policy language in question, as well as draft a response to the letter. The authors state: “Generally, there is no requirement that a policyholder respond to an insurer’s reservation of rights letter, disagreeing with the reservation or the bases thereof. However, it is highly recommended that the policyholder do so.”

A response letter might look something like this:
In some cases, a well thought-out response can save an organization a large amount of money. A good example is the common insurer-proposed reservation to recover defense costs spent on defending a policyholder if the insurer determines at a later date that it did not, in fact, have a responsibility to defend. In order to reject this reservation and the big legal bills that could come with it down the road, many jurisdictions in the United States require that the insured respond to the reservation of rights letter and specifically disagree with this detail.

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According to the authors: “Receipt of a reservation of rights notice should prompt a review by risk managers…leading to an informed decision and deliberate action: whether to accept the insurer’s interpretation of the coverage and defense obligations, or respond with a reservation of its own rights. If not, unexpected and unintended consequences may result.”

The report also includes more in-depth information on obligatory communications, the use of tolling agreements and conflicts of interest that arise in these situations. In a reservation of rights situation, there can be some tricky territory to navigate. For example, insureds are almost always contractually obligated to cooperate with the insurer’s investigation and defense of claims. Failure to communicate or cooperate with these efforts can be a breach of contract and result in loss of coverage.
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It is important for the insured (i.e., the risk manager) to “understand its obligations in the claims management and settlement process, and the continuing obliga­tions when a reservation of rights notification is issued.”

The balancing act is that “Insureds need to continue cooperating…regardless of any coverage disputes, to preserve the continuity of claim management as well as meet the policy obligation.”

As the coordinator between functional areas and the in-house risk expert, risk professionals have an important role in all of these stages.

Food Defense Initiatives Can Safeguard Your Company

When most people think of product contamination and recalls, the first thing that comes to mind is food poisoning cases from bacteria such as e-coli and listeria. Food and drug companies, however, are experiencing malicious and intentional product tampering that can be equally deadly and dangerous. Many of us can’t forget the 1982 cyanide Tylenol crisis, Johnson & Johnson’s worst nightmare as reported cases of death from their products came pouring in, causing recalls nationwide.

The Tylenol case was long ago, but unfortunately, decades later and despite modern day advancements in packaging and processes, there is still a steady flow of cases globally, where bad actors contaminate products. This can lead to possible danger for customers, recalls, lasting reputational damage and potentially huge financial losses.

For example, in 2013, unsafe levels of the insecticide malathion was found in a Japanese frozen food company’s product after customers reported a chemical smell coming from the products and almost 3,000 incidences of sickness from consuming them. As a result, the products were recalled and the company shut down, causing its stock to plummet.

Why does it happen?
The main motive for tampering with food products is to make a statement. Bad actors aim to cause injury or economic and reputational harm to companies, especially since news of these acts can go viral, creating the negative impact on companies they hope to achieve.

As with cases of cybercrime, these companies are in a sense being “hacked” and need protection. Like with the mysterious hacker, manufacturers and retailers are facing this threat from both inside and outside the organization.

Oftentimes an employee within the company is the culprit, such as in the case of Just Bare Whole Chicken. A recall of 55,608 pounds of chicken sold nationwide went into effect last June, after black sand and soil was found in some Gold’n Plump and Just Bare branded poultry. The employee responsible was identified and terminated, but the effects of the disruption were lasting.

Taking Preventative Measures
Food companies should have a full understanding of the risks they face, the insurance available, and the regulations associated with product tampering.

Insurance: Malicious Product Tampering (MPT) insurance addresses deliberate contamination, or the threat of such contamination of products when a company or the public has a reasonable belief that the products might cause bodily injury if consumed. MPT insurance should be considered as part of a total product recall risk management solution. Many of these insurance programs provide experienced crisis management consultants to help a company manage and recover from such incidents efficiently and effectively in order to minimize loss. When putting together a risk management program, make sure to have first and third party coverage for product recall, including malicious contamination, business interruption, product extortion, product recall costs, rehabilitation expenses, replacement costs and consultant costs.

Defense initiatives: There is a difference between food safety processes, which protect food from unintentional contamination by products that are present in the production plant, and food defense initiatives, which protect from intentional tampering by unknown substances. Some people use the terms interchangeably, but food defense is key to protecting against tampering.

In 2016, the FDA issued a final rule on Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration and, as part of this initiative, released the Food Defense Plan Builder program, which assists food facility owners and operators with developing personalized food defense plans. This user-friendly tool should be quite valuable to your food defense strategy.

Regulation: The Food Safety and Modernization Act aims to ensure that the U.S. food supply is safe by focusing on preventing contamination before it happens rather than simply responding to it. It requires mitigation strategies to be put in place in certain food facilities.

With these risk management strategies and the right insurance plan in place, companies can protect themselves and help mitigate their risks of food or product tampering.