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Marsh Tracks Top Captive Trends

The number of captive insurers continues to increase globally, from 5,000 in 2006 to more than 7,000 in 2016. Once formed primarily by large companies, the captive market has opened up to mid-size and small businesses. The industry is also seeing a trend in companies forming more than one captive, using them for cyber, political risk and other exposures, according to a recent Marsh report, Captives at the Core: The Foundation of a Risk Financing Strategy.

Organizations are seeing disruptions in a number of areas and are relying more on their existing captives, Marsh said. Because of their flexibility, captives are also being used to respond to market cycles and organizational changes such as mergers and acquisitions.

While North America and Europe still dominate in numbers of captives, other regions have shown more interest in the past three years. In Latin America, captive formation increased 11% in 2016, the study found.

Within the United States, there is more competition among domiciles and some of the newer domiciles are experiencing growth. The top-growing U.S. domiciles in 2016 were Texas, Connecticut, Nevada, New Jersey, Tennessee, and New York. Domiciles outside the U.S. seeing the most growth include Sweden, Guernsey, Singapore, Malta, and the Cayman Islands.
As organizations’ exposures increase in number, complexity and severity, shareholder funds generated by captives are becoming more important. According to Marsh:

For many clients, captives are at the core of their risk management strategy, going beyond the financing of traditional property/casualty risks.

Specifically, we are seeing an increase in parent companies using captive shareholder funds to underwrite an influx of new and non-traditional risks, including cyber, supply chain, employee benefits, and terrorism, as well as to develop analytics associated with these risks and fund other risk management initiatives.

Risk management projects funded by captive shareholder funds in 2016 included initiatives to determine capital efficiency and optimal risk retention levels in the form of risk-finance optimization; quantify cyber business-interruption exposures; accelerate the closure of legacy claims; and improve workforce and fleet safety/loss control policies.

For example, Marsh-managed captives used to address cyber liability increased by 19% from 2015 to 2016. Since 2012, in fact, cyber liability programs in captives have skyrocketed 210%.
“We expect to see a continued increase, driven in part by companies that are already strong captive users and by those that may have difficulty insuring their professional liability risks,” Marsh said.

Should You Respond to a Reservation of Rights Letter?

An organization buys insurance to transfer certain types of risks (depending on the policies purchased). If a covered event occurs that results in a loss, you submit a claim and get paid. Simple, right? That’s how it would seem, but many experienced risk managers know it doesn’t always go that smoothly.

A recent RIMS Executive Report discusses one of the most common instances when things don’t go according to plan, and the insurer sends along some unpleasant surprises. In “A Risk Manager’s Guide to Reservation of Rights,” we learn how an insurer protest against paying a claim is commonly initiated and communicated: the dreaded reservation of rights letter.

In case you’ve never had the pleasure of receiving one, a reservation of rights letter is “a notice that the insurer has reserved its rights to either limit or deny coverage for the claim, based on the terms and conditions of the policy or information uncovered in an investigation of the claim itself.” In other words, these legal notices can become hurdles for an organization trying to realize the value of the insurance it has purchased.

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Many risk managers do nothing when they receive this letter—they assume that the insurer will act in good faith and everything will work out.

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The authors of the RIMS Executive Report, however, strongly encourage a more active response. At the very least, the risk manager should compare the wording of the letter to the insurance policy language in question, as well as draft a response to the letter. The authors state: “Generally, there is no requirement that a policyholder respond to an insurer’s reservation of rights letter, disagreeing with the reservation or the bases thereof. However, it is highly recommended that the policyholder do so.”

A response letter might look something like this:
In some cases, a well thought-out response can save an organization a large amount of money. A good example is the common insurer-proposed reservation to recover defense costs spent on defending a policyholder if the insurer determines at a later date that it did not, in fact, have a responsibility to defend. In order to reject this reservation and the big legal bills that could come with it down the road, many jurisdictions in the United States require that the insured respond to the reservation of rights letter and specifically disagree with this detail.

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According to the authors: “Receipt of a reservation of rights notice should prompt a review by risk managers…leading to an informed decision and deliberate action: whether to accept the insurer’s interpretation of the coverage and defense obligations, or respond with a reservation of its own rights. If not, unexpected and unintended consequences may result.”

The report also includes more in-depth information on obligatory communications, the use of tolling agreements and conflicts of interest that arise in these situations. In a reservation of rights situation, there can be some tricky territory to navigate. For example, insureds are almost always contractually obligated to cooperate with the insurer’s investigation and defense of claims. Failure to communicate or cooperate with these efforts can be a breach of contract and result in loss of coverage.
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It is important for the insured (i.e., the risk manager) to “understand its obligations in the claims management and settlement process, and the continuing obliga­tions when a reservation of rights notification is issued.”

The balancing act is that “Insureds need to continue cooperating…regardless of any coverage disputes, to preserve the continuity of claim management as well as meet the policy obligation.”

As the coordinator between functional areas and the in-house risk expert, risk professionals have an important role in all of these stages.

Lloyd’s Plans for Post-Brexit Subsidiary

Just one day after the U.K. set in motion its process for withdrawal from the European Union by triggering Article 50, Lloyd’s announced it was establishing a subsidiary in Brussels, intending to be able to write EU business for the Jan. 1, 2019, renewal season.

The new company will write risks from all 27 European Union countries and three European Economic Area states once Brexit is completed. Because Britain remains a full member of the EU for at least two more years, there will be no immediate impact on existing policies, renewals or new policies, including multi-year policies written during this period of time, the insurer said. The Brussels subsidiary will have its own board of directors and, unlike some banks that have said they will move hundreds of employees to the EU, it will only employ dozens of staff in areas such as information technology and compliance.

Hank Watkins, president of Lloyd’s North America spoke to Risk Management about the company’s plans and the why it chose Belgium as its new location.

RM: How did the process of finding a new EU base begin?

Watkins: Within a week or two of [the Brexit vote] last June, Lloyd’s was on its way, looking across Europe for a new domicile, if you will, for our European business. We are not moving out of London—what we have done is set up an insurance company in Brussels, purely to allow us to passport around the European Union. Because we are not necessarily confident that the U.K. will be able to negotiate passporting rights with the other countries, we are assuming they are not. If they are ultimately successful, then we will just close up and go back home, but that probably will not be the case.

RM: How will the subsidiary work?

Watkins: If you are a policyholder with Lloyd’s, where you previously would have received a policy with all of the syndicates subscribed to it, and that would have been stamped by each of those syndicates, you will also receive an identical policy for the European exposures. It will have the Lloyd’s insurance company name on it and the syndicate stamp of that insurance company and the Lloyd’s syndicates. It is just a little more paperwork for us. The policy is the same—it does not change coverage and it does not change pricing—It is more of an administrative effort to align with what the regulator expects. And our ratings are not affected, we are still S&P-, AM Best- and Fitch-rated A or better and the central fund is still very strong.

RM: Why Belgium?

Watkins: We found a regulator there who is allowing us basically to cede 100% of the premium and the risk back to the syndicate in London. Every other country has some variation of wanting to maintain part of the risk in their country but that does not work for us. So Belgium is a very strong regulator centered in the heart of Europe and a great talent pool as we build out the platform—which won’t be that large, by the way, because we are not necessarily moving people there.

RM: How will insureds be impacted?

Watkins: Companies with no risks in the European Union will see no impact, and it will be seamless for international companies with risks in the EU. Also, it is probably not as well known, but because we are not just large, commercial risks, we do insure a lot of homeowners on the coastlines and a number of private yachts and aircraft, so this is a way to seamlessly include coverage for them in Europe as well.

Navigating Risk Management Around the Globe

Over the past few years, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to travel the world and visit factories, distribution centers, ports, warehouses, and several offices for the company where I work. Apart from being a great way to see the world, it has also been an opportunity to learn from the ways different cultures see and manage risk.

Coming from Latin America, it was clear to me that the concept of risk management was something not highly promoted or recognized in the region.

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Companies that operated locally took the approach of using intermediaries to transfer their risks to insurance companies. Occasionally I would find buyers focused on managing their own risks efficiently. But that was more than a decade ago. During my most recent trips to South America, I had the opportunity to see the implementation of a regional affinity program—a collaboration between a well-known broker and our company’s financial operations. In this case, those involved were highly educated in insurance concepts and their understanding of risk acceptance was completely in line with more developed markets.

Another interesting aspect of dealing with this program was the strong relationship between the broker and our office. It was a very cordial and open communication that transcended the usually formal interaction between these parties—and included text messages flying back and forth to get the deal done. In a way, the warm personality of South Americans permeated the business environment. So when it comes to this colorful part of the world, business is, in fact, personal.

European markets have had the opportunity to evolve over centuries and this is clearly represented in the broadness of coverages available. The highly tailored wordings, both inside and outside of Lloyds, give a global insurance program more complexity when it includes exposures in Europe.

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In a way, Europe continues to be an innovation hub but with difficulties in exporting those advancements. There are still great products and coverages in the insurance market that have not found their way to the Americas—and only on a limited basis to Asia. There are reasons behind this, however. While the nature of exposures in Europe continue to be unique in multiple ways, one reason these solutions have not fully taken off is that other markets do not yet fully recognize the need for them.

Asia marked, for me, a huge difference in how I saw the business relationship around insurance and the implementation of risk management. Those markets are inherently independent from the broker relationship and thus are inclined to build direct dealings with insurers. This proves to be difficult when a foreign multinational attempts to combine Asian exposures with a global program.

There is reluctance to work with intermediaries and it can take time to transform the carrier-insured liaison, which can only happen after a trusting relationship is built.

Have you recognized patterns in some regions?

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Do you think that analyzing and exploring this kind of multicultural risk management would be of benefit to organizations?