Hurricane Risk Management: Key Considerations Before and After Storms Strike

On Sunday, August 29, Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 4 storm with winds of 150 miles per hour, making it one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the United States. Striking on the same date that Hurricane Katrina devastated the region 16 years ago, Ida caused significant wind damage, storm surge and flooding in Louisiana and Mississippi and has left 1 million homes and businesses without power, including the entire city of New Orleans. Ida has now weakened to a tropical storm and will continue to cut through the south before making its way across much of the East Coast, bringing significant risks of wind, rain and inland flooding throughout this week.

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The storm marks another overactive hurricane season officially underway in the United States, prompting business leaders and property owners to ensure they are adequately prepared from an insurance and risk management perspective.

Some key recommendations to consider before and after any hurricane include:

Preventative Measures

First, establish a plan that includes clearly defined roles and responsibilities for preventative measures to protect your building, employees or tenants in the event of a hurricane. This plan should include everything from the identified incident response team and the established internal and external communication protocols to the selected offsite workspace and disaster recovery plan.

It is also critical to have a predetermined contact list for key service vendors, suppliers and contractors—and to build relationships with those individuals in advance. When a storm of any magnitude hits, multiple businesses will likely be affected, so establishing a vendor rapport beforehand allows you to pre-negotiate rates and availability guarantees, helping to save time and money after a disaster.

From a property perspective, ensure that your buildings and structures are adequately protected to mitigate potential damage. Precautionary steps like boarding up buildings, covering windows and landscaping, and fastening anything that could blow away or fall may seem like small considerations, but can significantly reduce damage and losses.

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Additionally, back up important paperwork and IT services to avoid losing valuable assets. Severe weather often causes power outages and other service disruptions that may last longer than anticipated, and key files like property records and facility plans should be safely stored and easily accessible in the event of a hurricane.

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Not only is this important for overall business operations, but it is also easier to adjust claims when you can show that you recently backed up files.

Read the Fine Print

When it comes to your insurance policies, it is critical to verify that your coverage includes appropriate, up-to-date limits and deductibles.

This includes determining if you have adequate insurance based on your location and its respective risk for floods or windstorms. In addition, you should review your policy’s sublimits, which set coverage limits for certain scenarios, so you know what to expect if damage occurs. For example, windstorm, flood and named storms all have different limits based on the typical severity of the type of storm.

Do not wait until the hurricane is coming to evaluate or modify coverage, as this is like trying to insure a burning building, and insurance carriers will be bombarded with requests. Perform these evaluations and changes proactively so you can remain calm knowing the appropriate coverage is in place for any potential threat.

If a hurricane does hit close to home, business owners can typically tap into business interruption insurance and extra expense limits for any losses that occur due to suspended operations resulting from the storm. This also applies to property owners who may need to move tenants to a different location while the property is being fixed—a process that could take several months depending on the severity of the hurricane and the associated damage—and are therefore not incurring rent.

Now What?

If a hurricane impacts your business, implement your disaster recovery plan. Then, as soon as it is deemed safe to re-enter the property, document all damage in detail with written descriptions, as well as photos and/or videos. At this time, take a full inventory of damaged materials, as this will be important throughout the claims process, and save any pieces that could help with restoration down the line. Most claims require you to immediately notify the carrier of damage and provide the documented “proof of loss” within a specific time frame. Before doing so, reach out to your insurance broker who can help guide you through this process.

Another best practice is addressing any damage in a timely manner to avoid any issues that could worsen with time or additional weather events. Taking immediate action, such as covering an exposed roof, securing doors and windows, removing water, and drying out any affected areas, can lessen the potential impact of further deterioration and keep those in the vicinity safe from harm. For more dangerous and technical issues, like getting the electric system back up and running, consult a qualified professional.

While hurricanes can certainly be daunting, there are ways to prepare in advance to make sure you are not caught off guard or without a plan. Be sure to assess your risk and execute the appropriate steps to protect your business, property and employees. Most importantly, lean on your insurance broker and other qualified vendors with any questions or concerns.

Women in Risk: Advice for Advancing Female Risk Professionals Beyond Women’s History Month

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“There are more and more courageous conversations happening in business about gender parity and barriers for women in business,” said Tina Gardiner, manager of risk management services for Regional Municipality of York, Canada, and member of the RIMS board of directors. “While women are still underrepresented at the executive level largely due to gender bias, I am pleased to see changes happening at a rate much faster than ever before.”

Indeed, significant challenges remain in gaining true equity and eliminating the gender gap in risk and insurance, but there are also more resources, momentum and mentors than ever before.

“One of the biggest barriers I faced as a young woman starting a career in risk management was operating in an environment where there wasn’t really the benefit of high-level female role models or mentors,” said Carrie Cannataro, senior vice president of client services at Gallagher Bassett, noting the dramatic evolution since she entered the space in the mid-’80s. As more women have earned senior leadership roles, female risk professionals are increasingly strengthening both the risk profession itself and the prospects of other women fighting for a seat at the table. As Cannataro noted, “We can only be successful if we immerse ourselves within a network of collaborative and positive influences.”

To that end, I recently put out a call on social media asking women in risk to share their best advice for others who are trying to advance in the risk profession and who identify as female. Originally, the goal was to celebrate Women’s History Month by spotlighting women in risk and insurance in March, and it has been wonderful to see initiatives to highlight and advocate for women across the industry for the past 31 days. Equity and excellence from half the population should span far more than a month, however.

In that spirit, here’s some of the valuable insight of women advancing risk management year-round, and their advice to fellow female risk professionals looking to advance their careers in risk:

“There are tremendous opportunities for women in risk management. However, to reach your potential and really excel in this field, women can’t be afraid to speak up. We must ask for the resources we need and seek out opportunities that might take us out of our comfort zones but that also offer a platform for us to share our knowledge and expertise.”
Kristen D. Peed, CPCU, RPLU, CRM, AIC, ARM-E, corporate director of risk management and insurance at CBIZ, Inc. and member of the RIMS board of directors

“In my experience I have found women in risk management are strong in their support and encouragement of each other through networking, mentoring, celebrating and sharing stories about career journeys. We need to keep investing in each other by pushing boundaries and comfort zones in the positions we apply for, the salary levels we expect, the credentials we earn and the workplace environment we demand. We need to actively engage in the socialization of gender equality, inclusivity, combating imposter syndrome and workplace flexibility for shared family responsibilities. The future we want and deserve is ours to create for each other.”
Tina Gardiner, B.Sc., CRM, CIP, manager of risk management services for the Regional Municipality of York

“I’m committed to supporting women in the workplace and believe it’s crucial that we pave the way for future generations. I’d offer the following advice: 1) Own your development and invest in yourself. 2) Establish a personal growth/career goals, including strategies and tactics on how to achieve them and timelines. Review regularly to monitor progress and celebrate wins. 3) Create a personal board of directors and mentors, and seek feedback from them. 4) Give back and gain valuable experience via joining a non-profit board. 5) Network, network, network.”
– Soraya Wright, RIMS-CRMP, vice president of strategic initiatives at RIMS, and founder and chief risk officer of SMW Risk Management Consulting LLC

“Women have been the cornerstone of this profession since its inception. I applaud all of those who came before us and laid a foundation for us to grow and succeed, as well as those inspiring women who are determined to leave their own mark on this profession. For women to succeed in risk management, we must support each other. We must create opportunities for others to demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities, achieve their goals and advance professionally.”
Penni L. Chambers, CPRM, CIC, CRM, ARM, vice president of risk management for Hillwood, a Perot Company, and member of the RIMS board of directors

“One of my biggest pieces of advice for women working in risk is that working hard by yourself is not the answer. We need to seek out relationships that inform and support our advancement. Whether it’s a mentor, coach or other professional network, there are plenty of ways we can seek help in defining rewarding and realistic career opportunities and put those opportunities within our reach.”
Carrie Cannataro, senior vice president of client services at Gallagher Bassett

“Persistence and communication. Not everyone hears information the same way. Think about your audience as you communicate fact-based information and gut instincts. If you’re not heard the first time, don’t give up! You may need to change your wording, timing, or examples in order to get your point across.”
– Katherine Gledhill, MBA, vice president of finance and accounting at RIMS and CFO of Spencer Educational Foundation

“Growth and comfort do not always happen at the same time. You have to get comfortable doing things that are out of your comfort zone. This is where you’ll really grow, when you challenge yourself beyond what you think is possible. As women, we must build each other up and constantly look for ways to learn from and support one another. I’d also strongly encourage women to consistently assess their values and take the time to prioritize them throughout their careers. This will lead to sustainable happiness and success in both your personal and professional life.”
– Grace Grant, executive director at Gamma Iota Sigma

“Pick an area that interests you and become an expert. Being an expert takes time, but once you have this knowledge, no one can take it away. You must always continue to learn and expand your knowledge base. A solid foundation will support and allow you to take chances that a generalist cannot. You can gain this expertise by moving within one company/industry, one line of business, or geographically—just be clear on what your focus is. Women are often undermined or challenged on technical issues. However, if you have developed the needed expertise, you are more likely to challenge confidently with fact and figures. As you build your career, you will learn that people trust and respect experts, as experts understand their business better and can predict trends and drive the business more effectively.”
Ciara Brady, global head of liability for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

On Data Privacy Day, Catch Up on These Critical Risk Management and Data Security Issues

Happy Data Privacy Day! Whether it is cyberrisk, regulatory risk or reputation risk, data privacy is increasingly intertwined with some of the most critical challenges risk professionals face every day, and ensuring security and compliance of data assets is a make or break for businesses.

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In Cisco’s new 2021 Data Privacy Benchmark Report, 74% of the 4,400 security professionals surveyed saw a direct correlation between privacy investments and the ability to mitigate security losses. The current climate is also casting more of a spotlight on privacy work, with 60% of organizations reporting they were not prepared for the privacy and security requirements to manage risks with the shift to remote work and 93% turning to privacy teams to help navigate these pandemic-related challenges. Amid COVID-19 response, headline-making data breaches and worldwide regulatory activity, data privacy is also a critical competency area for risk professionals in executive leadership and board roles, with 90% of organizations now asking for reporting on privacy metrics to their C-suites and boards.

“Privacy has come of age—recognized as a fundamental human right and rising to a mission-critical priority for executive management,” according to Harvey Jang, vice president and chief privacy officer at Cisco. “And with the accelerated move to work from anywhere, privacy has taken on greater importance in driving digitization, corporate resiliency, agility, and innovation.”

In honor of Data Privacy Day, check out some of Risk Management’s recent coverage of data privacy and data security:

CPRA and the Evolution of Data Compliance Risks

Also known as Proposition 24, the new California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) aims to enhance consumer privacy protections by clarifying and building on the expectations and obligations of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Frameworks for Data Privacy Compliance

As new privacy regulations are introduced, organizations that conduct business and have employees in different states and countries are subject to an increasing number of privacy laws, making the task of maintaining compliance more complex. While these laws require organizations to administer reasonable security implementations, they do not outline what specific actions should be taken. Proven security frameworks like Center for Internet Security (CIS) Top 20, HITRUST CSF, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework can provide guidance.

Protecting Privacy by Minimizing Data

New obligations under data privacy regulation in the United States and Europe require organizations not only to rein in data collection practices, but also to reduce the data already held. Furthering this imperative, over-retention of records or other information can lead to increased fines in the case of a data breach.

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As a result, organizations are moving away from the practice of collecting all the data they can toward a model of “if you can’t protect it, don’t collect it.”

3 Tips for Protecting Remote Employees’ Data

As COVID-19 continues to force many employees to work from home, companies must take precautions to protect sensitive data from new cyberattack vulnerabilities. That means establishing organization-wide data-security policies that take remote workers into account and inform them of the risks and how to avoid them. These three tips can help keep your organization’s data safe during the work-from-home era.

What to Do After the EU-US Privacy Shield Ruling

It was previously thought that the EU-US Privacy Shield aligned with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but following the CJEU’s recent ruling, the Privacy Shield no longer provides a mechanism for legitimizing cross-border data flows to the United States. This has far-reaching consequences for all organizations that currently rely on it. In light of the new ruling, risk professionals must help their organizations to reevaluate data strategies and manage heightened regulatory risk going forward.

The Risks of School Surveillance Technology

Schools confront many challenges related to students’ safety, from illnesses, bullying and self-harm to mass shootings. To address these concerns, they are increasingly turning to a variety of technological options to track students and their activities. But while these tools may offer innovative ways to protect students, their inherent risks may outweigh the potential benefits. Tools like social media monitoring and facial recognition are creating new liabilities for schools.

2020 Cyberrisk Landscape

As regulations like CCPA and GDPR establish individuals’ rights to transparency and choice in the collection and use of their personal data, one can expect to see more people exercise these rights.

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In turn, businesses need to ensure they have formal and efficient processes in place to comply with such requests in the clear terms and prompt manner these regulations require, or risk fines and reputation fallout. These processes will also need to provide sufficient documentation to attest to compliance, so if businesses have not yet already, they should be building auditable and iterative procedures for “data revocation.”

Data Privacy Governance in the Age of GDPR

As personal information has become a monetizable asset, risk, compliance and data experts have increasingly been forced to address the regulatory and operational ramifications of the rapid, mass availability of personal customer and employee data circulated both inside and outside of organizations. With new data protection regulations, Canadian and U.S. companies must reassess how they process and safeguard personal information.

Key Features of India’s New Data Protection Law

Among the new data protection laws on the horizon is India’s Personal Data Protection Bill. While the legislation has not yet been approved and is likely to undergo changes before it is enacted, its fundamental structure and broad compliance obligations are expected to remain the same. Companies both inside and outside India should familiarize themselves with its requirements and begin preparing for how it will impact their data processing activities.

PAID Act Becomes Law, Fixing Medicare Secondary Payer Flaw

On December 11, the Provide Accurate Information Directly (PAID) Act was signed into law as a part of the funding bill to keep the government running. A top priority of RIMS Advocacy since it was introduced in 2019, the PAID Act will fix a current flaw in Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) compliance. Specifically, the PAID Act amends 42 U.S.C. § 1395y(b)(8)(G) to require that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expand its Section 111 Query Process to identify whether a claimant is currently entitled to, or during the preceding 3-year period has been entitled to, Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) and/or Medicare Part D (prescription drug) benefits. If so, CMS is then required to provide the names and addresses of any such Medicare plans through the Section 111 Query Process. Included in the bill is a one-year implementation provision that requires the fix to go live by December 11, 2021.

The bipartisan bill was introduced in 2019 by Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina and Democratic Congressman Ron Kind of Missouri in the House of Representatives. “Today, the PAID Act has taken a pivotal step closer to becoming law, filling in Medicare-related potholes that have cost seniors, Main Street job creators, and the American taxpayer millions of dollars over the years,” Sen. Scott said when the bill passed. “Decades-old regulations and bureaucratic red tape have caused confusion and avoidable litigation in the MSP for far too long, and by eliminating those problems we can help seniors and families across the country.”

The fix in the PAID Act will essentially settle the increased number of lawsuits that have been filed by Medicare Advantage Plans asserting recovery rights against insurers, including claims for “double damages” under Medicare’s private cause of action provision. If CMS provides settling parties with the name and identity of the plan and the dates of coverage, they can better resolve and repay MSP liabilities associated with settlements, judgments or awards. With these changes, there will be a more efficient solution for beneficiaries, taxpayers and employers.

Proponents of the PAID Act assert, in part, that this legislation will now help insurers better identify and address potential Part C and/or Part D recovery claims by allowing them to obtain entitlement and plan information in a more programmatic manner using Section 111’s Query Process.

Currently, there is no such centralized process or system for insurers to obtain this information. When an applicable plan submits the required query process data elements to CMS, if the queried individual is identified as a Medicare beneficiary, the query response only confirms that they are enrolled in Medicare. It does not provide any information as to the “type” of Medicare program in which the individual is enrolled. The PAID Act will change this to better identify whether a claimant is enrolled in Medicare Advantage and/or Part D.

The text of the PAID Act states that CMS must provide the following information to the applicable plan through the Section 111 Query Process:

    (I) whether a claimant subject to the query is, or during the preceding 3-year period has been, entitled to benefits under the program under this title on any basis; and (II) to the extent applicable, the plan name and address of any Medicare Advantage plan under part C and any prescription drug plan under part D in which the claimant is enrolled or has been enrolled during such period.

With the PAID Act now law, RIMS will monitor the CMS implementation process and provide feedback as needed. RIMS worked closely with the Medicare Advocacy Recovery Coalition (MARC) to support their efforts to get this bill passed. Check out their infographic on the Medicare issue the PAID Act should fix: