Six Tips For Risk Managers When Assessing Automation Hazards

From a risk management perspective, one of the benefits of automation is that robots can play a significant role in reducing injuries when deployed to replace or support workers in high-hazard jobs, such as those involving high force and repetition. Yet, without appropriate risk assessments, their benefits can become skewed in other situations.

Unfortunately, many companies still make critical automation decisions without adequately engaging risk management, which can leave workers vulnerable to a new set of unanticipated workplace hazards. By some estimates, manufacturers will deploy 1.2 million new robots in the next decade; the expanding use of robotics may bring numerous new significant safety considerations along with a critical need for effective risk management.

As the trend toward greater automation gains momentum, here are six tips for risk managers to assess automation-related workplace hazards and help their organizations achieve the gains they envisioned with these major investments:

  1. Do not underestimate the value risk management brings to automation. Although automation is not new, companies still have much to learn about its effective deployment and implementation – especially in situations where the aim is increased productivity.
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     Risk managers need to be actively involved in assessing potential risks as automation purchasing decisions are made, as well as in planning and managing implementation, related employee training and post-implementation safety assessments and injury monitoring.

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  1. Initiate a dynamic dialogue. When the aim of investing in robotics and automation is specifically for productivity improvement, the starting point should be for risk and operations managers and safety/ergonomics experts to open a dialogue with workers in units designated for automation; they are much more flexible than robots and can offer insights on improving the workplace, reducing injuries and driving efficiency – either without significant investment or by focusing deployment of automation where it is likely to have the greatest impact.
  1. Focus on human factors with increased automation. As plants become more fully automated, the interface between the equipment and employees becomes increasingly significant. Historically, there has been an increased emphasis on automation, but an insufficient focus on the human interface. With more industries retooling plants and upgrading operations, the premium will be on the intelligent design of the next generation of facilities. It calls for the use of advanced tools, such as HumanCAD 3D, to analyze the impact of new equipment on human operators, production, and maintenance, as well as assessments from ergonomics and risk management professionals.
  1. Understand automation is not a panacea. Even the latest robotics may not address every issue, such as assembly tasks that require very fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and higher-level thinking (such as complex assemblies, part orientation, inspection and precision fits). The automation of some tasks ultimately could require higher rates of repetition in the upper extremities of workers. In this case, ergonomic workstation design, scheduled breaks and worker feedback will be keys to prevent injuries and achieve gains in quality and productivity.
  1. Do not overlook worker demographics. Although automation may help all workers raise their productivity levels, implementation should account for the needs of an aging workforce. Businesses with multiple manufacturing facilities may have to refine workstations, signage, and lighting in areas with higher concentrations of older workers to achieve consistent productivity gains across all operations.
  1. Monitor potential worker safety issues with new product designs. Some forward-looking organizations are pushing for the application of design rules and human factors analysis to evaluate the “Design for Assembly and Ergonomics” (DFMAE) process. In these situations, product designers and advanced manufacturing equipment engineers collaborate with ergonomists to evaluate new product designs and the manufacturing equipment that goes with it. Until such approaches become widespread, it makes sense to check how new product designs might affect assembly workers.
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    Even slight adjustments in product design, manufacturing equipment or workstations can make the job easier and less stressful for employees without expensive robotics.

Investments in highly sophisticated equipment require thorough evaluation of all potential risks involving the interface between the equipment and employee. In some cases, operating equipment may expose workers to a range of injuries, such as repetitive motion issues. And high-speed mobile equipment can pose an outright danger on a factory floor without the delineation of designated “safety zones.” As key members of their organization’s automation team, risk managers play a critical role in anticipating and assessing exposures, developing remedies and facilitating success to ensure robots are working in collaboration with employees and not creating new, unanticipated risks.

2017 Workplace Fatality Statistics Released

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2017, a total of 5,147 fatal work injuries were recorded in the United States. And while this data marks 43 fewer casualties than in 2016, employers should note that it is still an increase of more than 300 in both 2014 and 2015.

The continued high rate was fueled by the frequency of transportation incidents (2,077) and 887 fatal falls, which marked their highest level in the 26-year history of the census.

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Another key finding involved overdoses of drugs and alcohol while at work.

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Unintentional overdoses due to nonmedical substances while at work increased 25% from 217 in 2016 to 272 in 2017. The BLS noted that this was the fifth straight year in which unintentional workplace overdose deaths have increased by at least 25%.

The National Safety Council (NSC) released a statement in reaction to the BLS data, saying that it was “disheartened to see a small rise in unintentional, preventable worker fatalities.” The NSC’s statement continued:

“Once again, the data clearly show we are not doing enough to mitigate the risks of these everyday killers. At work, leadership should set the tone and engage all employees in safety, identifying hazards and measuring safety performance using leading indicators to ensure continuous improvement.”

Additionally, the BLS found:

  • Contact with objects and equipment incidents were down 9 percent (695 in 2017 from 761 in 2016) with caught in running equipment or machinery deaths down 26 percent (76 in 2017 from 103 in 2016).
  • Fatal occupational injuries involving confined spaces rose 15 percent to 166 in 2017 from 144 in 2016.
  • Crane-related workplace fatalities fell to their lowest level ever recorded in by the census, 33 deaths in 2017.

Clearly, the fatality rate of some occupations remains alarmingly high. Below are the 10 most dangerous jobs in America for 2017, according to the BLS and the fatal work injury rate (per 100,000 workers).

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2018-19 Holiday Season Flu Warning

While the forecast for the 2018-19 flu season is not as severe as years past, manufacturers projected they would provide between 163 million and 168 million doses of injectable vaccine for the U.

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S. market. Companies are encouraged to maintain efforts to prevent the spread of the flu in the workplace.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently provided updates regarding the 2018-19 influenza season and you can access the outlook report here. Some new information includes:

  • Flu vaccines have been updated to better match circulating viruses [the B/Victoria component was changed and the influenza A(H3N2) component was updated].
  • The age recommendation for Afluria Quadrivalent was changed from 18 years and older to 5 years and older after the annual recommendations were published last season to be consistent with Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved labeling.
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  • Most regular-dose egg-based flu shots will be quadrivalent [they will have four components].
  • The nasal spray flu vaccine (live attenuated influenza vaccine or “LAIV”) is again a recommended option for influenza vaccination of persons for whom it is otherwise appropriate, including for use in non-pregnant individuals, 2 to 49 years old.

For 2018-2019, trivalent (three-component) vaccines are recommended to contain:

  • A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus
  • A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 A(H3N2)-like virus (updated)
  • B/Colorado/06/2017-like (Victoria lineage) virus (updated)

Quadrivalent (four-component) vaccines, which protect against a second lineage of B viruses, are recommended to contain:

  • The three recommended viruses above, plus B/Phuket/3073/2013-like (Yamagata lineage) virus

Though the CDC recommends that people get a flu vaccine by the end of October, “getting vaccinated later, however, can still be beneficial and vaccination should continue to be offered throughout the flu season, even into January or later.” Check out the agency’s FluView site for more national trends and other information.

AlertFind recently released a “Deadliest Pandemics of This Century” infographic, calling out the severity of the 2017-18 influenza season, which caused 80,000 deaths and 900,000 hospitalizations. It also provides tips employers can use to prevent the spread of disease.

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Delta Places Age and Time Limits for Support Animal Travel

Travelers might flock to, or flee Delta Airlines, depending on how they feel about emotional support and service animals. The company announced two risk management provisions as changes to its service and support animal policy with regard to the ages of the animals as well as flight durations:

  • Effective Dec. 18, 2018: Service and support animals under four months of age are not allowed on any flight due to rabies vaccination requirements. Additionally, emotional support animals are no longer allowed to be booked on flights longer than eight hours.  If you purchased your ticket prior to Dec. 18 and have requested to travel with an emotional support animal, it will be OK to travel as originally ticketed.
  • Effective Feb. 1, 2019:  For customers originating travel on or after Feb. 1, 2019, Emotional support animals will not be accepted on flights longer than eight hours after regardless of booking date.

These announcements follow the July notice that the airline would only allow one emotional support animal per customer and that it would no longer allow pit bulls.

The Los Angeles Times reported that passengers who had asked to bring a support animal on a long flight and bought their ticket before Dec. 18 will be allowed to fly with the animal until Feb. 1.

Delta’s policy says passengers who want to travel with support or service animals must comply with the U.

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S. Department of Agriculture rule that pets be at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned before they can fly. Whether other airlines and transportation companies follow Delta’s policy pattern remains to be seen.

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Service v. Support

In April, Risk Management magazine discussed the risks associated with assistance animals on flights and in businesses. While most people are more sympathetic to the need for a seeing-eye dog, the concept of emotional support animals, by contrast, is still relatively new and possibly dangerous.

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“This can cast reasonable doubt on claims about the need for an assistance animal, particularly with the ‘alternative’ animals like pigs, rabbits and ducks that have drawn notable media attention,” Risk Management reported.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines service animals as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.”

Furthermore, “the work performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability, such as guide or Seeing Eye dogs…”

Psychiatric service animals are not the same as emotional support or comfort animals, which are not considered service animals under the ADA. Delta also hosts a resource page that explains the difference between trained service animals and emotional support or psychiatric service animals:

On Delta flights, service and support animals are expected to be seated in the floor space below a passenger’s seat or seated in a passenger’s lap. Service and support animals and their associated items travel for free. The size of the animal must not exceed the “footprint” of the passenger’s seat.