Insider Threats Missing from Most Cybersecurity Plans

When it comes to damaging cyberattacks, a horror movie cliche may offer a valuable warning: the call is coming from inside the building.

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According to PwC’s 2014 U.S. State of Cybercrime Survey, almost a third of respondents said insider crimes are more costly or damaging than those committed by external adversaries, yet overall, only 49% have implemented a plan to deal with internal threats. Development of a formal insider risk-management strategy seems overdue, as 28% of survey respondents detected insider incidents in the past year.

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In the recent report “Managing Insider Threats,” PwC found the most common motives and impacts of insider cybercrimes are:

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These threats can come from a variety of sources, from employees to trusted business partners who are given extensive access. Even after the costly lesson from the Target breach about the risk of contractors with system access, only 44% of respondents in PwC’s survey have a process for evaluating third parties before engaging in business operations with them, and just 31% include security provisions in contract negotiations.

To fortify against the risk, the firm recommends that organizations use a phased approach to build an insider threat management program over time.

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This should be formed with an eye to compliance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework, which highlights the key functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. To explain how and when to tackle these, the report explains:

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Shale Shakes Up Energy Sector

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HOUSTON—In the words of the well-known rock group REM, “It’s the end of the world as we know it,” at least for the energy sector in the last decade, said Ross Payne, managing director of Wells Fargo Securities and keynote speaker at the IRMI Energy Risk and Insurance Conference here. Since 2009, production in the United States is up 72%, he said. “That’s a phenomenal increase, driven by shale production.”

The huge boon in shale production was the result of technology. “Just sticking one straw into shale was not going to be economic, butwhen you were able to take that drill bit and turn it horizontal, and go out one to two miles horizontally and pop a hole into the ground every hundred yards along that one or two miles, you got enough flow to make that economically an option,” he said. “That’s why, when we broke the technology on that, it did change the world as we know it.

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Looking at energy from 30,000 feet, he explained that, since the early ’90s, the energy sector has enjoyed “one way pricing,” which was brought about by constricted supplies. The only new technology before developments to extract shale came along was in the deep water offshore arena, “a brand new territory for drilling in the 1980s and ’90s.”

Adding to that was dramatic global growth and demand, primarily from the BRIC countries–Brazil, Russia, India and China–and geopolitical issues such as the Arab Spring and the Iraq war, Payne said.

With high prices, however, “you get substitutions and you get disrupters. Clearly shale has become a disrupter.” What kind of impact has shale had on the industry? “Just since 2011 to 2013, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) doubled their crude basin estimates to 95. There are now 41 countries out there with significant shale assets.

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Shale reserves increased 980% in that two year time frame. Currently in the United States, 42% of production is through shale, with crude production around 50%,” he said.

As technology continues to evolve, Payne said, “we are continuing to do a better job of pulling this gas and crude out at a lower price. We are going to get more prolific and drive down costs even further.” Meanwhile, other countries, including China and Russia, are doing the same.

“Shale is the future, it’s the future on a global basis as well,” he said. The country with the largest shale reserves, he noted, is Russia, with the United States in second place. “We’re obviously the largest producer of shale crude, and China is number three.

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On the natural gas side, China is number one and the U.S. is number four.”

But how long will crude prices stay low? “We think it’s going to be awhile,” Payne said. “Because of shale, prices will be capped. As prices start to come up, we will see a situation where rigs come back on line very quickly. We think that, as we get into the $65 to $70 per barrel range, a lot of rigs will come back on line,” he said. “At peak, we were at 1,610 crude rigs in the U.S., and if you have 1,610 rigs working in the fields primarily on shale, you will get 1 million barrels of growth year-over-year.” He also does not see prices going much above $80 because of the ability to turn these rigs so quickly, primarily in the U.S.

A poll among energy experts in the audience as to where prices will be by the end of 2015 reached a consensus of $55 to $60 per barrel. Asked whether he believes the Nixon-era ban on exporting oil will be lifted, Payne pointed out that a number of CEOs have been pushing for U.S. exports of crude. “I’m surprised that Obama let LNG [liquefied natural gas] exports materialize as quickly as he did,” he said, adding that the president has allowed for other similar exports as well. However, he warned, “Once we start to export, there could be a knee-jerk reaction from OPEC. We are going to be viewed as a competitor rather than a customer, and they may want to squelch that competitor a bit longer than people’s expectations. So I think there is a danger to doing that, but it could very well move forward.”

Why Aren’t We Performing Risk Management Well?

Whenever a project is being planned, risk management has to be part of the equation – things rarely go smoothly or completely as expected, and there will always be areas that present more risks than others. Whether they affect the projected timeframes, budgets or outcomes, it is the job of the project manager to identify them and ensure that provisions are in place to limit their impact should they occur.

However, failures are made in risk management every day – they helped to trigger the economic crisis in 2008, demonstrating that even the world’s biggest banks, which take financial and logistical risks every day, are not immune to risk mismanagement. With this in mind, it’s understandable that smaller projects and processes might suffer from errors made in risk management.

Why aren’t we performing risk management well, then? With project management an ever-growing sector and more and more jobs being created every day, the next generation of risk managers needs to be able to identify issues in order to rectify them.

Unknown Unknowns

One of the most problematic aspects of risk management is the concept of “unknown unknowns” – the risks that we can’t predict and don’t even know could occur. As thorough as a risk management plan might be, there are some areas that it just can’t cover because they technically do not exist until the project has started and will arise as a result of the ongoing work.

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There is little that can be done about unknown unknowns – the only way that they can be completely avoided is if the project is never started, which is not a viable option.

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Any project inherently contains risks, but they can be risks that work out positively for the project and the organization. There is every chance that unknown unknowns may turn out that way.

Lack of Data

A lot of project risks are identified using historical data, which isn’t always credible – in the stock market, it is impossible to figure out future trends by using past events, and it’s the same here. However, data can be utilized to an extent, which means that the job is made a lot more difficult when it isn’t available.

A recent survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit states that more than half of risk executives at banks around the world have insufficient data to support a robust risk management strategy – therefore, there is no reason to suggest that, should the situation be the same in other industries, they would be any better equipped to produce a decent risk management strategy with the same data deficiencies.


On a very basic level, it can be quite intimidating to think about the number of risks that a project might possess, and risk managers can be concerned about seeming overly negative, affecting people’s opinions of the project and potentially the methods and processes used to complete the project. One might argue that if someone lacks this kind of forthrightness, they should not be involved in project management, but it is a weakness that has to be legislated for.

To not perform risk management thoroughly, however, smacks of incompetence and costs the organization as a whole both time and money. The responsible thing is to highlight risks so that they can be planned for in the event that they occur.

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Don’t worry about telling stakeholders anything they don’t want to hear – it just might trigger a different, better way of doing things.

Executive Focus Shifting to Operational Risks in 2015, Study Finds

Board members and C-suite executives across industries perceive the global business environment in 2015 as somewhat less risky for organizations than in the past two years. In “Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2015,” consulting firm Protiviti and the Enterprise Risk Management Initiative at the North Carolina State Univeristy Poole College of Management found that this is far from bad news for risk managers, as organizations are actually more likely to invest additional resources for risk management. Internal challenges like succession, attracting and retaining talent, regulation and cybersecurity are drawing the most attention, according to the report.

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“Our survey findings indicate that operational risk issues are keeping many senior executives up at night,” said Mark Beasley, Deloitte Professor of Enterprise Risk Management and NC State ERM Initiative director. Indeed, for the third consecutive year, regulatory changes and heightened regulatory scrutiny ranked as the number one risk on the minds of board members and corporate executives, with 67% indicating that it will “significantly impact” their organizations. More than half of global survey respondents indicated that insufficient preparation to manage cybersecurity threats is a risk that will “significantly impact” their organizations in 2015, pushing cyberrisk up three spots from last year to the third-greatest risk.

The Top 10 Risks for 2015

The top 10 risks identified in the annual risk survey, along with the percentages of respondents who identified each risk as having a “Significant Impact” on their business, were:

1. Regulatory changes and heightened regulatory scrutiny may affect the manner in which our products or services will be produced or delivered (67%)

2. Economic conditions in markets we currently serve may significantly restrict growth opportunities for our organization (56%)

3. Our organization may not be sufficiently prepared to manage cyber threats that have the potential to significantly disrupt our core operations and/or damage our brand (53%)

4. Our organization’s succession challenges and ability to attract and retain top talent may limit our ability to achieve operational targets (56%)

5. Our organization’s culture may not sufficiently encourage the timely identification and escalation of risk issues that have the potential to significantly affect our core operations and achievement of strategic objectives (51%)

6. Resistance to change may restrict our organization from making necessary adjustments to the business model and core operations (49%)

7. Ensuring privacy/identity management and information security/system protection may require significant resources for us (52%)

8. Our organization may not be sufficiently prepared to manage an unexpected crisis significantly impacting our reputation (46%)

9. Sustaining customer loyalty and retention may be increasingly difficult due to evolving customer preferences and/or demographic shifts in our existing customer base (48%)

10. Our existing operations may not be able to meet performance expectations related to quality, time to market, cost and innovation as well as our competitors (46%)

The survey also identified differing perceptions of the current risk environment between boards of directors and members of the executive team. CEOs and boards of directors reported more optimism about risk issues, while CFOs and chief audit executives perceived a more risky business environment.

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“Given encouraging signs in the economy, we’ve observed an overall shift in focus from macroeconomic risks to operational risks, which had the greatest increase in risk scores from 2014.

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Notably, however, CEO respondents remained extremely focused on macro trends affecting their business,” Beasley said.

Check out the infographic below for more of the study’s key findings:

Protiviti Top Risks for 2015