The final day of the RIMS ERM Conference in San Diego was highlighted by the first-ever ERM Award of Distinction Luncheon, at which two people within the industry were honored for their innovative ERM programs that have demonstrated, with measurable value to their organization, enterprise risk management success. Essentially, the award was created to honor organizations that have shown tremendous committment to the ERM discipline. The criteria that the judging panel took into consideration included:
- The scope of the ERM program and how it engages different levels throughout the organization
- Its link or connection to the company’s overall mission
- Its ability to create additional value for the organization
Honorable mention for the ERM Award of Distinction went to Goodwill Industries International. With the assistance of Deloitte’s Governance, Risk & Regulatory Services team and as as part of its national pro bono program, Goodwill developed an ERM program template to help member agencies improve their risk management practices. With a template in place, Goodwill was able to provide valuable guidelines to its members, that in-turn has helped protect one of the organization’s most vital assets — its name.
“This is a remarkable story and great example of how an ERM program can protect against reputational risks in a decentralized management structure,” Seaman said.
Jacqueline Fifield of Deloitte accepted the award on behalf of Goodwill.
The big winner of the 2011 ERM Award of Distinction was Paychex, Inc., a company that implemented an ERM program to add value throughout the entire organization, making sure its scope went beyond traditional risk oversight. As Seaman noted, “value creation was the focus of Paychex’s ERM program, and it certainly hit the mark. This is an exceptional example of an ERM program that set out to uncover opportunities for the company to reinvent itself, and it was directly responsible for generating significant revenue.”
Accepting the award was Allan Smith of Paychex, Inc.

Nowell Seaman, Jacqueline Fifield, Allan Smith and Mary Roth at the ERM Award of Distinction Luncheon.