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2018-19 Holiday Season Flu Warning

While the forecast for the 2018-19 flu season is not as severe as years past, manufacturers projected they would provide between 163 million and 168 million doses of injectable vaccine for the U.

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S. market. Companies are encouraged to maintain efforts to prevent the spread of the flu in the workplace.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently provided updates regarding the 2018-19 influenza season and you can access the outlook report here. Some new information includes:

  • Flu vaccines have been updated to better match circulating viruses [the B/Victoria component was changed and the influenza A(H3N2) component was updated].
  • The age recommendation for Afluria Quadrivalent was changed from 18 years and older to 5 years and older after the annual recommendations were published last season to be consistent with Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved labeling.
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  • Most regular-dose egg-based flu shots will be quadrivalent [they will have four components].
  • The nasal spray flu vaccine (live attenuated influenza vaccine or “LAIV”) is again a recommended option for influenza vaccination of persons for whom it is otherwise appropriate, including for use in non-pregnant individuals, 2 to 49 years old.

For 2018-2019, trivalent (three-component) vaccines are recommended to contain:

  • A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus
  • A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 A(H3N2)-like virus (updated)
  • B/Colorado/06/2017-like (Victoria lineage) virus (updated)

Quadrivalent (four-component) vaccines, which protect against a second lineage of B viruses, are recommended to contain:

  • The three recommended viruses above, plus B/Phuket/3073/2013-like (Yamagata lineage) virus

Though the CDC recommends that people get a flu vaccine by the end of October, “getting vaccinated later, however, can still be beneficial and vaccination should continue to be offered throughout the flu season, even into January or later.” Check out the agency’s FluView site for more national trends and other information.

AlertFind recently released a “Deadliest Pandemics of This Century” infographic, calling out the severity of the 2017-18 influenza season, which caused 80,000 deaths and 900,000 hospitalizations. It also provides tips employers can use to prevent the spread of disease.

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Delta Places Age and Time Limits for Support Animal Travel

Travelers might flock to, or flee Delta Airlines, depending on how they feel about emotional support and service animals. The company announced two risk management provisions as changes to its service and support animal policy with regard to the ages of the animals as well as flight durations:

  • Effective Dec. 18, 2018: Service and support animals under four months of age are not allowed on any flight due to rabies vaccination requirements. Additionally, emotional support animals are no longer allowed to be booked on flights longer than eight hours.  If you purchased your ticket prior to Dec. 18 and have requested to travel with an emotional support animal, it will be OK to travel as originally ticketed.
  • Effective Feb. 1, 2019:  For customers originating travel on or after Feb. 1, 2019, Emotional support animals will not be accepted on flights longer than eight hours after regardless of booking date.

These announcements follow the July notice that the airline would only allow one emotional support animal per customer and that it would no longer allow pit bulls.

The Los Angeles Times reported that passengers who had asked to bring a support animal on a long flight and bought their ticket before Dec. 18 will be allowed to fly with the animal until Feb. 1.

Delta’s policy says passengers who want to travel with support or service animals must comply with the U.

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S. Department of Agriculture rule that pets be at least 8 weeks old and fully weaned before they can fly. Whether other airlines and transportation companies follow Delta’s policy pattern remains to be seen.

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Service v. Support

In April, Risk Management magazine discussed the risks associated with assistance animals on flights and in businesses. While most people are more sympathetic to the need for a seeing-eye dog, the concept of emotional support animals, by contrast, is still relatively new and possibly dangerous.

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“This can cast reasonable doubt on claims about the need for an assistance animal, particularly with the ‘alternative’ animals like pigs, rabbits and ducks that have drawn notable media attention,” Risk Management reported.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines service animals as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.”

Furthermore, “the work performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability, such as guide or Seeing Eye dogs…”

Psychiatric service animals are not the same as emotional support or comfort animals, which are not considered service animals under the ADA. Delta also hosts a resource page that explains the difference between trained service animals and emotional support or psychiatric service animals:

On Delta flights, service and support animals are expected to be seated in the floor space below a passenger’s seat or seated in a passenger’s lap. Service and support animals and their associated items travel for free. The size of the animal must not exceed the “footprint” of the passenger’s seat.

Q&A With New National Cyber Security Alliance Executive Director Kelvin Coleman

The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) announced that its new executive director is Kelvin Coleman, who has held high-level positions in the United States Department of Homeland Security, and the National Security Council.

Coleman’s appointment puts him in charge of the country’s leading cybersecurity and privacy protection education and awareness organization, responsible for leading organizational growth; facilitating strategic partnerships and alliances with government, industry and non-profits; and acting as NCSA’s primary spokesperson.

He discussed with Risk Management Monitor the types of cyberrisks he follows, preventative measures and upcoming NCSA events and services.

What are the biggest cyberrisks facing businesses today? How do you plan to advise or collaborate with business leaders to combat them?

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Some of the biggest cyberrisks facing businesses today include email threats, employee activity and vendor security. When it comes down to addressing cyberrisks targeting businesses of varying sizes, everyone needs to start with the basics. It is imperative to get leadership on board with recognizing that cyber resilience is more than just taking technology-focused measures, but also modifying processes and behaviors at all levels in the organization.

What are the attacks that are easiest or most difficult to prevent?

The answer to both is phishing. Attacks come in through three different ways – people, products, and processes. A great product can hold attackers at bay. Similarly, great processes can mitigate a threat. Human beings are the wild cards. People are both the easiest to control and the most difficult, especially when it comes to phishing attacks. One of the NCSA’s tips is “when in doubt, throw it out.” We try to make sure folks understand that if they are not familiar with a link or a website, they need to delete it or ignore it.

At NCSA, our focus is on the human side of cyberattacks, and we work to get people to change their behaviors as well as understand the processes for keeping their devices and online accounts safe, particularly as phishing attacks become more sophisticated.

Speaking of the human side, which professionals are most exposed to cyberrisk?

All of them. Cybersecurity needs to be embedded into the company culture from the most entry-level positions to the most senior, because hackers can access information at any level. We’re all vulnerable, from the break room to the boardroom. We often tell small business owners that they must also train their employees to recognize malicious links and emails, as employees can often be the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity at the office.

What is your reaction when you learn that the information of 500 million Marriott guests may have been exposed?

Marriott is a great example of a company doing as much as it can to prevent an attack but still being targeted. They were not laissez-faire about their security. So, I see it as a warning for everyone to remain extremely vigilant in the face of increasing numbers of cyber attacks. If it happens to Marriott, we’re all vulnerable to an attack of this nature.

Small businesses seem just as susceptible to cyberrisk as large ones. How would you advise small businesses to protect themselves?

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Small businesses are more at risk and they often have information, such as customer data, that’s just as valuable to hackers as that of the customer data from large corporations. Small businesses often don’t have the resources to invest in a prevention plan, nor do they have the capital or leadership or knowledge about cybersecurity. This is why they’re often targets for hackers.

Our advice for small businesses doesn’t vary much from what we advise to all people: Keep a clean machine by keeping software updated, use stronger authentication and passwords, recognize and avoid phishing links, etc. If [a small business] decides to hire a third-party vendor for cybersecurity, we advise them to do their research and hire a reputable vendor. We also encourage them to attend our regional CyberSecure My Business events in their local community, or take part in a CyberSecure My Business webinar.

What new initiatives or campaigns will you be overseeing for in 2019?

In 2019, our overarching goal is to empower individuals and – at the same time– focus on educating businesses to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust. This means that consumers need to know how organizations collect and use personal information and companies of all sizes need to be transparent and communicate in an accurate and consumer-friendly language to their customer base.

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We will share key messaging and provide actionable tips to help protect privacy. NCSA and our highly engaged partners will host numerous events that will shine a spotlight on the rapidly changing technology landscape and forging ahead toward the future of privacy. We plan to engage industry leaders with diverse perspectives to address opportunities and challenges. In addition, we will soon be launching our Champions program which is a way for both individuals and businesses to officially show support. We expect to launch the Champions portal – along with additional Data Privacy Day information – in mid-December 2018.

What changes or improvements are in store for National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM)?

I don’t believe NCSAM needs a shiny new toy each year. Our plan is to engage a much larger audience. NCSAM continues to reach more and more people every year, but there are still significant numbers of Americans who need to hear our message – not just during October but throughout the year. We want to connect these folks more with our proven tips for staying safe and secure online. Our goal at NCSA is reinforcing our cybersecurity best practices among a broader audience to better impact online behavior.

Using Adaptive Behavioral Analytics to Detect Fraud

While fraud threats are nothing new for payments processors and financial institutions, the degree and magnitude of such incidents have escalated in recent years. A February 2018 Javelin study found that nearly 16.7 million consumers were victims of identity fraud in 2017—up 8% from the previous year.

Fraud prevention solutions must be flexible and sophisticated enough to not only counteract increasingly-savvy fraudsters, but also distinguish true fraud from false positives, which occur when genuine activity is mistakenly treated as fraud. According to CreditCards.com, four out of five blocked transactions are actually genuine, and these misunderstandings often result in customers being locked out of their accounts. In many ways, the aftermath of false positives can prove more damaging and costly than an actual instance of fraud, as institutions miss revenue generation opportunities while simultaneously hindering customer loyalty and trust.

As consumer payment technologies evolve, so too will the complexities of fraud detection and mitigation. Therefore, it is vital that risk management teams end their reliance on rigid, manually-programmed rule sets or static machine learning models and instead capitalize on the advanced capabilities offered by today’s more versatile tools. By modernizing their fraud strategies with adaptive behavioral analytics, payments processors and financial institutions can better mitigate risk and increase revenue.

How Does it Work?

Unlike the static machine learning of the past, adaptive behavioral analytics are extremely proficient at differentiating between actual fraud and activities that appear suspicious but are ultimately genuine. As a result, friction in financial services and e-commerce is significantly reduced and customers can maintain confidence in their preferred transaction method.

Adaptive behavioral analytics empowers machine learning through a set of sophisticated, automated, self-learning algorithms that review account activities and notify security teams of anomalies.

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These algorithms construct baseline behavioral profiles to reflect a customer’s activity type and frequency. In every interaction—regardless of if a payment occurs—information is gathered and evaluated on the type of device that is used, how it’s used, its location and the amount of the purchase. Combined, these behaviors create a customer portrait that becomes increasingly more accurate over time. Every subsequent interaction then can be measured against the behavioral portrait, within milliseconds, to determine if their activities are fraudulent or genuine.

For example, if a user logs into his or her account at an abnormal rate or suddenly begins adding priority shipping to high-priced orders, the system will detect the irregularity and block future activity. However, if a user simply purchases an expensive holiday gift or books travel arrangements—behaviors that coincide with seasonal activity—the system will recognize and differentiate the fraudulent from the legitimate accordingly.

Adaptive behavioral analytics also optimizes the speed and convenience of fraud detection by processing volumes of data and delivering critical intelligence accurately and immediately. Through this more comprehensive investigation, the software enhances the customer profile to better understand and recognize behavioral trends—a welcome sight for security teams that previously spent hours sifting through reports to locate red flags.

Where Can Adaptive Behavioral Analytics Help Most?

The ubiquity of mobile technology has created a consumer audience who prefers to conduct business through a smartphone, tablet or another device that eliminates a trip to a physical store or bank branch. In turn, these consumers demand leading-edge mobile technologies that are intuitive, convenient and offer a full range of services.

The combination of the U.S. adoption of the EMV standard in 2015 and the rise in e-commerce has escalated the volume and prominence of Card Not Present (CNP) fraud. Whether through online purchase portals or apps that access mobile wallets, the digital entry of account information raises the likelihood of a person’s information becoming compromised.

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With more transactions taking place, the volume of both true fraud activity and regular behaviors that appear suspicious will increase. However, adaptive behavioral analytics enables a more refined detection between the actual fraud and genuine activity.

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It is the best of both worlds: a much-needed, innovative line of defense that combats payments fraud and clears a path for more revenue-generating transactions.