The Psychological Hurdle to Earthquake Preparedness

The final death toll from the earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan is now expected to exceed 18,000. While that number paints a far graver picture than the initial, much lower estimates, many believe that the human fallout from a magnitude 9.0 quake would have been worse if it wasn’t for the country’s strict building codes.

In that sense, Japan’s path towards resiliency should be a lesson to other nations threatened by seismic activity. Either modernize and fortify your construction and infrastructure or jeopardize the lives of your citizens when the next major earthquake hits.

Unfortunately, improved building standards are not the only impediment to better preparedness. A new study from a University College London researcher Helene Joffe has shown that there are some significant psychological hurdles as well — and the underlying rationale may vary from culture to culture.

In Japan, for example, responses to her survey about how safe people would feel if an earthquake hit revealed a fatalistic outlook, meaning that many people didn’t believe that improved building standards — or any other preparedness efforts, really — would ultimately make any difference.

Japanese participants, while being the most confident in the structural integrity of their buildings, had a more negative response than those in the US when asked “How safe would you feel being inside your house during an earthquake?” The Japanese also scored lowest on the number of seismic adjustments they had made: an average of seven, compared with nine in the US. Joffe says there was far more talk of worry, anxiety, fear and a sense of vulnerability from Japanese respondents, while those in the US had a much greater feeling of optimism.

Japanese participants gave the impression that damage is caused by the force of an earthquake alone rather than arising as the result of interactions between uncontrollable geophysical events and controllable features of the built environment, says Joffe. “We found the Japanese participants to be more fatalistic than we expected,” she says. “The feeling was that you can do whatever to your house but what is going to happen is going to happen and there is very little you can do to change that.”

Other survey participants came from Turkey, another nation with high seismic risks. Here, too, people had a “there’s nothing you can do” attitude, something that was skewed both by religion and a distrust of government.

In Turkey, there was much more talk of earthquakes being an act of God. There was also much more talk of distrust in government and corruption. “They thought that their buildings were badly built and that there was nothing they could do to prepare because everything was negatively affected by corruption,” says Joffe.

We already know that there many hurdles to better disaster preparedness: budget constraints, complacency, a lack of urgency and an “it won’t happen to me” attitude, to name just a few. But according to Joffe, this new information means that policymakers must also begin to incorporate cultural understanding into their efforts.

Joffe’s team says the current models of seismic adjustment need to give a more prominent role to these cultural influences. They will use their results to identify how best to motivate people to make changes.

“If we find that fatalism is leading the Japanese not to make necessary adjustments, then it may be better to go in on the engineering side and retrofit their houses,” she says. “In Turkey, on the other hand, you’re not going to change vulnerability without starting with corruption.”

For more on the other psychological hurdles, read this excellent piece that FM Global’s Ruud Bosman wrote for us recently highlighting research that his company conducted.

March Issue of Risk Management Now Online

Faithful readers: the March issue of Risk Management magazine is now online. The cover story focuses on five labs and research centers that make the world smarter, safer and more resilient. Other features explore the Consumer Product Safety Commission, greenhouse gas emissions and aircraft products liability and insurance.

Our columns explore topics such as the possibility of a California superstorm, how to evaluate absence policies, data privacy rules around the world and an engaging Q&A with Howard Kunreuther, director of the the Center for Risk Management and Decision Processes at the Wharton School.

If you enjoy what you seen online, you can subscribe to the print edition to enjoy even more content.

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Super Bowl: A Game of Risk

The most-watched sporting event of the year is upon us. This Sunday, the Packers will take on the Steelers in a battle of brawn. But such a large event undoubtedly poses serious risks to everyone in attendance, including vendors, teams and spectators. To understand how the NFL and the stadium handle such threats, I contacted Chris Rogers, director of risk control for Aon Risk Solutions’ national entertainment group with a few questions.

RM: For an event the size of the Super Bowl, there are bound to be concerns regarding the safety of fans, vendors and the facilities used. How does the NFL and Cowboys Stadium go about protecting these assets?

Chris Rogers: As with any event of this nature, the sponsors and promoters are very concerned with fan and participant safety. All responsible organizations spend a large amount of time in the planning and preparation phases necessary to put on such a grand event. Safety and security will be at the forefront of all deliberations during decision-making times. These plans and preparations will have begun virtually the same day that it was announced when and where the Super Bowl would be played and continues right up to, and during, the game itself.

Today, most of these plans will follow the basic outline of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and their model of Incident Command Structure (ICS), which provides for a structured approach to coordinating all the various entities that will be involved. Using this system, risk and threat assessments will be completed that attempt to identify what threats may be posed and how best to eliminate or mitigate them. These plans will also incorporate the training needed by safety and security personnel working the event.

RM: Does the league or the stadium incorporate weather policies and procedures into the overall emergency planning process. If so, how?

CR: Weather is a large factor in the planning and preparation process. Using historical data and assistance from public and private weather services, various scenarios will be mapped out and preparations will be made for response personnel. These plans would include situations before the game as well as during. Plans will also be reviewed regarding “Sheltering-In-Place” procedures should that be required.

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Weather-trained experts will be on site during the game for immediate consultation and assistance.

RM: What types of events could cause a cancellation of the game? How would that be managed?

CR: The events that might be cause for an event of this nature to be canceled would include: severe weather situations (lightning, earthquake, flooding, tornadoes, etc), civil disorder, major fire, terrorist attack, structural collapse, major news events (assassination of a political figure, outbreak of war), as well as pandemic illness (SARS, flu, etc.).

Each of these situations will have to be addressed by risk and security personnel to determine how likely the event might be as well as how severe it might be. In other words, they will conduct a risk assessment for each during which they will address the likelihood of occurrence and how well prepared they are to handle such a situation as well as what the consequences might be if the event occurs. After this assessment, they will begin to decrease their vulnerability by outlining current controls and capabilities as well as a plan for reducing those vulnerabilities wherever they can. These reductions could involve the “hardening” of the venue with new barriers (additional perimeter fencing, additional security personnel, additional lighting, etc.) as well as implementing new restrictions on deliveries and access to the venue or providing additional training for staff and response personnel.

Another aspect of this will be who will be responsible for deciding when and if a cancellation is needed. This will be decided well beforehand and would include procedures for advising all participants that a cancellation is in effect. These procedures will obviously vary depending upon when the decision is made (before the event, just prior to the event or during the event) as each will have unique challenges associated with it.

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RM: How does the stadium work to prevent possible terrorist attacks. What types of security measures are taken inside and outside of the stadium?

CR: The potential for a terrorist attack is an ongoing threat that any stadium hosting an event must be prepared for. For several years now, large public assembly venues have been “hardening” themselves as a target in order to discourage an attack or at least make it as difficult as possible for someone to do harm. This hardening includes structural changes (additional barriers, increased security patrols, new access control systems, closed circuit TVs, etc.) along with procedural changes (employee and vendor background checks, training, delivery appointments, etc.).

There will also be many meetings with law enforcement agencies to review any known or suspected threats. Pictures of any known threats will be circulated and discussions held regarding possible scenarios that might be an issue. And if the event should be designated as a Special Security Event (SSE), additional military and government personnel and capabilities will be made available as well.

RM: Who do you think will win? Why?

CR: As for who will win, GO PACKERS. As for why, because they have a quarterback with a great last name (even though he spells it differently).

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Chicago Practices Poor Risk Management

Chicago’s worst storm on record paralyzed the entire city and beyond. The area’s heavily-traveled Lake Shore Drive became a parking lot for snow-covered and stranded cars — around 900 of them. City officials are being criticized for not taking action to close the major thoroughfare before conditions became treacherous. Lake Shore Drive was not closed until 7:58 p.m. Tuesday after three crashes occurred. Conditions soon worsened after a string of additional accidents, leaving many motorists stuck in their vehicles for up to 12 hours.

Lincoln Park resident Julius Jellinek, who was trapped on Lake Shore Drive for six hours, called it “a disgrace” that the city took as long as it did to move cars blocking exit ramps. “There was absolutely no reason to hold us hostage,” he said. “With a little planning or a little thinking, they could take all of the cars off Lake Shore Drive, the ones that were stuck.” Aware of the complaints, [Mayor Daley’s Chief of Staff] Orozco took full responsibility for the timing of the Drive shutdown and apologized to the hundreds of motorists who were inconvenienced.

The apology:

And now, another video showing the road conditions.

It’s baffling to see one of the nation’s biggest cities so ill prepared for emergency situations. It reminds us of the post-Christmas snowstorm in New York City, when Mayor Bloomberg was heavily criticized for the city’s slow response to snow removal and other emergency situations. Cities like Chicago and New York should practice better risk management. There is no excuse.