Q&A: The Automotive Industry After the Quake

Though many industries were affected after the Japan earthquake and tsunami, there were some that were hit especially hard — electronics and automotive.

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To get a better glimpse of what the automotive industry was going through, I contacted Fred Hubacker, automotive supplier expert with Conway MacKenzie, a Detroit-based crisis management firm. The following is what transposed:

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan has created chaos for most companies
with operations in the area. How has the automotive industry fared. In your
opinion, was it the industry hardest hit?

FH: In general, the automotive industry has suffered tremendous loss from this
tragedy. Lost auto production, in Japan, could reach 335,000 units by the
end of this week (3/25). In addition, the effect is starting to be felt in
North America with overtime elimination and at least one assembly facility
down (GM Shreveport [Louisiana]) and downtime in Europe. Automotive seems to be the
hardest hit, at least on an immediate basis, however, the effect on other
industries such as electronics and aviation have not been widely reported

What were the major risks posed to automotive companies with operations
in the affected areas?

FH: The major risks include damage to their own assembly and component
manufacturing facilities, damage to suppliers producing many components
including electronics, petro-chemical products and powertrain components,
the loss of infrastructure including power, roads, water and transportation,
and of course, the issues created from the huge loss of human lives.

Was there one particular automotive company that was hit hardest?

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FH: Not entirely clear at this point but it appears that Honda has a heavier
concentration of suppliers in the quake zone than the other manufacturers.
Toyota, for example, is losing all Prius model production at the moment.

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How will such business interruptions in the automotive industry affect
other industries?

FH: Widespread component shortages and production downtime could ripple effect
to thousands of other auto component and logistics suppliers who were not
directly affected by the quake. Normal just-in-time suppliers will not be
able to continue production.

What can be done, if anything, to prevent such interruptions in the wake
of a catastrophe?

FH: Alternative sources can be developed, but generally that is a lengthy and
expensive process.

Nike Has Bedbugs — And Is Telling Everyone About It

The above video features an AP news report about how the Niketown store in chic SoHo New York has become infested with bedbugs. Just like a lot of other places in New York. But rather than try to duck the issue, the store let everyone exactly why it is closed, simply by posting a note on the door.

The note reads as follows: “Nike has proactively closed 21 Mercer because of a discovery of bedbugs at the store. Our primary concern is the well being of our consumers and sales associates. We are taking all proper steps to eradicate the problem and we expect the store to reopen shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience and for more information please call 1-888-224-6453.”

According to New York magazine’s Amy Odell, this openness stands in stark contrast to the way other retailers have handled the same issue.

Now this is the proper, good way to handle a bedbug attack on a retail establishment. Unlike Abercrombie and Hollister, who never used signage to inform shoppers of their bedbug problems, and just thrust the half-naked people back into the doorway as soon as they could as though to flaunt their bite-free flesh. Of course Nike’s sign still fails to answer the Big Questions here, such as where their bugs came from. If the vermin are holding court in a Nike warehouse somewhere, that would be a terrifying prospect.

Good on, Nike. But … hmmm … terrifying indeed.

I am actually currently in the market for a new pair of basketball sneakers, too. Maybe I’ll wait another month — just in case it was the source of bedbugs that Mars Blackmon was talking about when he told Michael Jordan that “it’s GOTTA be the shoes.”


Does Saying “I Was Wrong” Help Repair the Brand?

For several years now, reputation risk has been among the top threats listed by company executives when they are asked what keeps them up at night. There are several reasons for this. The emergence of 24-hour news, the internet and social media have created a world where corporate snafus that would have been merely a one-day story in the paper into an ongoing PR nightmare. Similarly, advocacy groups are now much more evolved and can launch coordinated campaigns to encourage public outrage. But most of all, most companies simply have no idea how to repair their image after it’s tarnished.

There is no insurance that can fix the problem and even where coverage is available to fund a “PR swat team” to come to the rescue, the short-term damage is already done, and the brand will always be tied to the negative press. In the long term, the reputation smear may prove survivable, but it sure never seems that way in the initial hours, days, weeks and sometimes even months and years following the calamity.

In recent years, the most oft-repeated mantra for avoiding irreparable harm to the brand is to “get out in front of the story.” Basically, after a mishap occurs, be honest, transparent and don’t let your CEO wake up to be blind-sided with an unwanted Wall Street Journal headline. Tell the public that something went wrong and that you’re now doing everything in your power to fix the situation.

That certainly makes sense, and recent examples of companies who were criticized for their delayed response include Toyota, Massey Energy and BP. The fact that all three companies seemed to bury their heads in the sand — for years — when it came to safety issues still would have come out, but the instant backlash perhaps could have been different if the companies took charge of the situation sooner — at least with Toyota anyway.

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I’m not sure there is anything BP could have done differently in the first week or two that would have made people feel much differently about the oil giant than they do today.

But, in trying to be honest and transparent, should the company’s executives go so far as to say “I was wrong” and “I’m sorry”?

Logic says yes.

As journalist and author Kathryn Shultz pointed out today in a guest post on the New York Times‘ Freakonomics blog, however, those who have admitted the error of their ways have not always been greeted with forgiveness.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

Earlier this year, former Assistant Education Secretary Diane Ravitch published The Death and Life of the Great American School System, which denounced a series of school reforms (including educational testing, school choice, charter schools, and No Child Left Behind) that she herself had advocated for years.  When I interviewed Ravitch for Slate, the comments section lit up with the familiar charges: “Why is Diane Ravitch Making a Bundle Saying She Was Wrong All Along?” “Wow! Thanks Diane! It’s only taken you ten years to see the blindingly obvious.” “We’re supposed to be impressed by her contrition?”

And that is the central question: what are we supposed to do about the sincere contrition of those who err?

Schultz, who just wrote a whole book on the topic that looks interesting but I have yet to read called Being Wrong, says that the answer is a lot easier in our personal lives than it is in the public sphere. In our private lives — with relatives, friends or colleagues — the answer is usually forgiveness. People make mistakes and, often, when they are willing to admit and own up to their errors, they should be granted at least some level of reprieve.

But that courtesy is rarely extended to public officials (which is who she is really speaking about here) or corporate representatives (which is who I believe this concept may also apply to)/

When our public officials make mistakes, the costs (which are often not borne directly by them) can be horrifying.

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It seems reasonable to demand not just an acknowledgment of error but some effort at ameliorating the consequences.
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Sometimes, though, this is simply impossible.  No one can bring back the war dead; no one can unspill the oil; no one can compensate a child for twelve years of bad schooling. All that truly contrite leaders can do in such a situation is work off their public debt the best way they know how – and live with the torments of their own conscience.
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But are those torments real?  Many people doubt it, and therefore find the idea of forgiveness galling.  As one commenter observed after listening to a conversation about wrongness over at The Takeaway, “A lot of people’s admitting to being wrong is little more than a PR ploy.  Public apologies do not impress me.

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”  In the acid bath of cynicism that is contemporary American politics, it is all but impossible for public figures to convincingly establish their sincerity.  And fair enough: sometimes, political changes of mind really are craven or self-interested or simply for show.  But sometimes, presumably, they are not.

When our public officials make mistakes, the costs (which are often not borne directly by them) can be horrifying. It seems reasonable to demand not just an acknowledgment of error but some effort at ameliorating the consequences.  Sometimes, though, this is simply impossible.  No one can bring back the war dead; no one can unspill the oil; no one can compensate a child for twelve years of bad schooling. All that truly contrite leaders can do in such a situation is work off their public debt the best way they know how – and live with the torments of their own conscience.

But are those torments real?  Many people doubt it, and therefore find the idea of forgiveness galling.  As one commenter observed after listening to a conversation about wrongness over at The Takeaway, “A lot of people’s admitting to being wrong is little more than a PR ploy.  Public apologies do not impress me.”  In the acid bath of cynicism that is contemporary American politics, it is all but impossible for public figures to convincingly establish their sincerity.  And fair enough: sometimes, political changes of mind really are craven or self-interested or simply for show.  But sometimes, presumably, they are not.

Ultimately, her short post doesn’t offer any concrete solutions. It certainly does present a good amount of evidence that, publicly, forgiveness — especially when the act leads to death or major destruction — is tough to come by. Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara is cited as a prime example.

Regardless, I have to believe that, in this day and age, corporate honesty and admission of guilt will better resonate with the public than anything else. But the alternative perspectives raised here sure do lead us to one indisputable conclusion: executives are right to be concerned with reputation risk.

How Not to Manage Your Reputation

The other day I wrote about how BP CEO Tony Hayward caught some heat for suggesting that food poisoning, not a reaction to chemical dispersants, was the culprit behind the illnesses that have befallen workers involved in the oil spill clean up.

Well it turns out that unfortunate comments have become a bit of a habit for Mr.

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Hayward and Newsweek took the time to compile some of the “best” ones.

On April 29, The New York Times reported that Hayward, apparently exasperated, turned to fellow executives in his London office and asked, “What the hell did we do to deserve this?” (A possible answer might be the company’s 760 safety violations over the last three years. ExxonMobil, in contrast, has had just one.)

On May 14, Hayward attempted to persuade The Guardian that “the Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume.”

Only a few days later, he told Sky News that “the environmental impact of this disaster is likely to be very, very modest.” That might surprise the many scientists who see the spill as a true environmental calamity, the full extent of which remains unclear.

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Obviously it’s bad enough for BP that they haven’t been able to stop the leaking oil.

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Their stock price is taking a beating and they have become an object of ridicule and disdain (as exemplified by this series of satirical billboards). But a CEO that can’t stop putting his foot in his mouth is certainly not helping. As they saying goes,”If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”