Piracy Incidents Down

Steps taken by the international maritime community have paid off, reducing the threat of piracy in the Arabian Sea’s Gulf of Aden, according to the Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty Safety and Shipping Review 2014. The number of ships seized and hostages taken was down significantly in 2013. According to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB), piracy at sea is at the lowest level in six years—264 attacks were recorded worldwide in 2013, a 40% drop since Somali piracy peaked in 2011. There were 15 incidents reported off Somalia in 2013, including Gulf of Aden and Red Sea incidents—down from 75 in 2012, and 237 in 2011 (including attacks attributed to Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and Oman).

But while the number of incidents in this region has gone down, piracy attacks in other areas have increased in frequency, notably Indonesia and off the west coast of Africa. While most of these Indonesian attacks remain local, low level opportunistic thefts carried out by small bands of individuals, a third of the incidents in these waters were reported in the last quarter of 2013, meaning there is potential for such attacks to escalate into a more organized piracy model unless they are controlled.

The Gulf of Guinea region accounted for 48 of the 264 incidents in 2013. Of these, Nigerian pirates and armed robbers were responsible for 31 incidents, including two hijackings, 13 vessel boardings and 13 vessels fired upon. One crew member was killed and 36 kidnapped—the highest number of Nigerian kidnappings for five years, according to the IMB.

Five Questions with a Food Fraud Expert

Food Fraud

BALTIMORE—After his Food Safety Summit session on food fraud and economically motivated adulteration, I caught up with Doug Moyer, a pharmaceutical fraud expert and adjunct with Michigan State University’s Food Fraud Initiative. Here are a few of his insights into top challenges for the supply chain, and the biggest risks to be wary of as a consumer.

What are the riskiest foods for fraud?

The most fraudulent are the perennials: olive oil, honey, juices and species swapping in fish. Most people underestimate the amount of olive oil adulteration, but the amount of what is labeled “extra virgin olive oil” that Americans buy is more than Italy could ever produce. I buy certified California olive oil because I’ve sat down with that group and I know that their industry is really concerned about standards and have established a rigorous certification process. I am also really concerned about species swapping in the seafood industry. I love sushi, but I have a lot of concerns eating it, and they are not always about health. I don’t like feeling duped, and a lot of companies now have to contend with that reputation issue after so many studies have found that the odds can be incredibly low that you are eating the fish that you think you ordered—as little as 30% in some sushi restaurants in Los Angeles, for example.

Adulteration has been getting a lot more attention recently, from consumers and regulators. How old of a phenomenon is food fraud?

Food fraud actually dates back to the antiquities. In the industry, we refer to it as a 2,000-year-old problem. There are actually ancient jugs used for oil or wine that feature art that is misleading about the origin or quality of what came inside.

Why are we seeing more food fraud in the U.S. now?

In the United States, we have the real luxury of solid supply chains and active food safety protectors in the form of regulators and advocates. But, as the supply chain lengthens, strangers and anonymous players get introduced, and that’s where the system is most endangered.

What is the worst case of food fraud you’ve ever seen?

Melamine in Chinese infant formula is definitely one of the worst, and especially sinister. In the ‘80s, there was also a truly horrible case with olive oil in Spain. Many people hear about olive oil adulteration now and say, “What’s the harm, if it’s just another oil?” In that case, though, it was adulterated with industrial grade oil. Over 1,000 people died, and some are still infirm and in hospitals today.

What are the biggest culprits in pharmaceutical fraud?

Male enhancement, by far, is the top victim. Patients may be too embarrassed to see a doctor about their symptoms, so they log online and order from a rogue pharmacy—which may not even be a pharmacy at all. But if they were too embarrassed to get the medication to begin with, they will probably be too embarrassed to report the issues, too. Anti-malarials are also a big culprit abroad. In countries with a lot of demand for medications that fight malaria, many counterfeiters see the opportunity to fill that need before legitimate providers can. Poor populations gravitate toward these cheaper products, and access to doctors may be limited by a long, expensive trip—when you are already sick, or cannot afford the trip, it’s easier to go to a street vendor who rips off a sheet of what he says will help. It’s a particularly heinous crime because counterfeiters will trick customers with a little bit of aspirin in the pills that lower fevers and help with the body ache. That kind of deliberate attempt to keep people from getting better, to me, is more heinous than food fraud.

Who’s Committing Economic Crime?

According to a recent survey from PricewaterhouseCoopers, economic crime is on the rise, particularly in the United States. Of organizations in the U.S., 45% suffered from some type of fraud in the past two years, compared to the global average of 37%. Further, 23% of companies that reported economic crime experienced accounting fraud, up from 16% in 2011.

So who is committing these crimes?

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External perpetrators are on the rise, closing the gap with internal perpetrators — it’s now 45% versus 50%, respectively. But the profile of these internal actors has changed since the last survey in 2011.

Now, most internal frauds are perpetrated by middle management (54%, compared to 45% in 2011), and fraud by junior staff has dropped by almost half, now totaling 31%.

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The typical internal fraudster is now a white male in middle management, age 31-40, who has been with the company for six years or more.

Internal Fraudster Profile

In good news, PwC also found that awareness of risk is higher among U.S. companies, for example, seven out of 10 American respondents perceived an increased risk of cybercrime in the last two years, compared to just under half globally. The C-suite is also increasingly getting the message about the risk of economic crime:

C-Suite and Economic Crime

For more details on the 2014 Global Economic Crime Survey, check out the report from PwC here.

U.S. Fraud Up, Prevention Down

Although fraud has increased for U.S. organizations in the past two years—45% of U.S. organizations experienced fraud, compared to a global average of 37%—companies are doing less to prevent fraud than in 2011, according to a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The Global Economic Crime Survey 2014 found that the less proactive approach was consistent with the upward trend in economic crime in most fraud categories since 2011. Slightly more than half (53%) of organizations performed fraud risk assessments annually or more often, a significant drop from 70% of organizations that performed fraud risk assessments annually or more in 2011.

The report also found that the most serious economic crime experienced by U.S. respondents within the past 24 months was more likely committed internally (50%) than externally, (44%), but that external fraudsters are closing the gap. This trend is consistent with more organizations engaging in business opportunities in high-risk markets.

“The United States has proved to be fertile ground for domestic economic crime in recent years. Catastrophic coastal events on the Eastern and Gulf coasts have generated rampant insurance fraud that squanders taxpayer dollars and undermines community relief and reconstruction efforts. Farther inland, natural gas exploration and fracking have led to boom towns sprouting overnight in places like North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, and Texas. Many of these towns do not have the infrastructure or governance capability to handle the influx of people, and crime, that inevitably accompany boom-town dynamics.

Land lease and mineral rights agreements, zoning ordinances, permits, and licenses have become particularly vulnerable to exploitation.” PwC Global Economic Crime Survey 2014

According to the report:

• More than half of U.S. organizations that experienced fraud in the past two years reported increased occurrences.

• 67% of U.S. respondents said their organizations now have, or plan to have operations in high-risk markets, compared to only 58% of global respondents.

• 57% of U.S. respondents said their organizations pursued opportunities in markets with high-levels of corruption risk within the past 24 months, versus 38% of global respondents.

Fraud levels are climbing:

• 24% of U.S. organizations that reported economic crime experienced accounting fraud in 2009. While this dropped to 16% in 2011, accounting fraud increased to 23% in 2014.

• In 2014, bribery and corruption doubled from 2011 levels of 7%, after dropping by more than a half, to 16% since 2009 PwC said.