Batten Down the Hatches: Watch Out for Whale Phishing

Many risk managers and corporate counsel are in a quandary over the latest crime wave to strike businesses—a flood of incidents involving what is known as whale-phishing. This occurs when criminals use a combination of emails and phone calls to perpetrate a fraud and scam companies out of large sums of money through fraudulent wire transfers.

Here is how a typical whale-phishing episode unfolds. A perpetrator sends a “spoofed” email (indicating it came from an email address other than the one that was actually used) to a company employee.  The spoofed email address is usually that of a senior company official, which is why the term “whale” is attached to these phishing emails.

The email message is usually sent to a mid- or lower-level manager in the finance department or person with access to banking funds.

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 The email is typically worded as “highly confidential.” The perpetrator often selects an employee who has had minimal contact with the senior executive whose email address is spoofed. Thus, the employee will not be familiar with the executive or his or her mode of interacting with employees on fund transfer matters.

The spoofed email message typically refers to a “project” for which significant funds are required immediately, but emphasizes that the funds need to be transferred discretely. The message also informs the individual handling the transaction to expect a phone call from a trusted official outside the company, typically an attorney or accountant, who will provide instructions for transferring the funds.

The employee gets the follow-up call and usually transfers the money. Once funds are transferred, if the scam goes undetected, a second email is sent from the same executive thanking the employee for helping with the transaction and providing instructions for the next transaction.

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Another call is placed to the employee, who then unwittingly arranges the second, often significantly larger, transfer of funds. This process continues until the fraud is detected.

At that point, however, the transferred funds and the perpetrators usually are long gone. These criminals are difficult to apprehend, and their accounts are almost impossible to trace.

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The challenge for the risk manager then becomes trying to collect on a crime insurance policy. Unfortunately, however, insurers have been denying coverage.

With respect to crime/fidelity insurance, there often is some policy language pertaining to losses due to computer fraud. Since a portion of the scheme is carried out via a telephone call or fax, insurers contend that the fraud was not perpetrated by a computer.

Insurers also have issued denials based on their contention that the email is not a financial instrument and/or the email does not constitute a forgery of a financial instrument. Furthermore, they point out that in these situations a company employee, not an outside perpetrator, was directly responsible for the loss.

As the number of whale-phishing incidents continues to increase, risk managers and their brokers need to confirm with their insurers that they expect these types of losses to be covered under their crime insurance policies. Indeed, policy language should be reviewed carefully in this context.

To help prevent such frauds, senior leadership and all individuals with access to company bank accounts need to be made aware of the potential for such scams. Procedures should be in place to validate any and all requests for money transfers and there should be adequate redundancy in the approval process that takes place outside of email.

Be forewarned and prepared; phishing scams are out there and they can lead to large losses.

Crime Expert Reveals Biggest Gaps in Company Security

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, Canada – After decades of working undercover for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and U.S. Customs Service, crime and risk expert Chris Mathers knows where companies are vulnerable and what it takes to protect them.

“In a world where popular culture tells us that the ends justify the means, crime is all about perception,” he said in a keynote address at the 2014 RIMS Canada Conference. “Young people are bombarded with it all the time, but we are in business, too. So the question is, how vulnerable is your business?”

Mathers, who joined the forensic division of KPMG and was later named president of corporate intelligence, shared his insight into how companies can best guard against “the business of crime, and crime in business.”

During his 20 years dealing with drug traffickers, money launderers and members of organized crime syndicates, Mathers developed what he calls a “10/80/10” theory – 10% of the population is truly bad, 10% is truly good and would never lie (but you will probably never meet), and the other 80% is everywhere in between. Identifying and managing the risks of that 80% requires far more work than employers are currently doing, he said.

Background checks may be the single biggest thing companies can do better, Mathers said. While most businesses perform background checks when an employee is hired, such investigations are seldom conducted during the course of employment. As an example, he cited a case where a company had a director who was serving jail time on the weekends. Due to Canadian privacy laws, however, the case was never reported, so no one knew he had been convicted and imprisoned while on staff. In addition to possible reputation implications, the company could have been exposed to liability if any incidents had occurred at work.

While searching for criminal records of new hires is an excellent start, periodic checks should be implemented for all employees. High levels of drug use in the workplace in industries like manufacturing can be further compounded by the lack of drug testing in Canada, Mathers said. Further, 90% of corporate theft cases he have involved perpetrators who were gamblers.

He suggested that investigations should examine whether employees: have extreme views, use or are addicted to drugs, exhibit signs of alcoholism, are addicted to gambling or participate in illegal gambling, frequent prostitutes, or have relatives or a spouse associated with a criminal organization.

Associating with criminals can be a significant risk factor, regardless of the nature of the relationship. “Prostitutes are criminals and associate with criminals,” Mathers said. “They are around that activity and more likely to engage in it, which may mean they steal a client’s wallet or steal the sensitive intellectual property he’s carrying.” Similarly, an administrative assistant who is married to a member of the Hell’s Angels can introduce far more than just reputation risk if the spouse gets involved in illegal activities like drug smuggling.

Employees within a company can also rationalize criminal behavior. In the case of a man found to have stolen thousands of dollars through expense account fraud, for example, Mathers said the company faced a wrongful dismissal suit from the thief. He was never told that he could not steal, the man said, claiming the practice was an “unofficial bonus program.” Further, he claimed his boss had been doing it for years. “People see that behavior and come to think it is OK because they become accustomed to seeing it,” Mathers said. Maintaining regular internal investigations and ensuring compliance does not just bust wrong-doers, but prevents others from developing, especially as new technology continually emerges to make theft easier to commit and harder to track.

“There are no new crimes – they’re the same crimes, they’re just using new techniques to get them to you,” he said. Companies need to keep updating their monitoring strategies to match.


Worst Insurance Scam Artists

From robbing their own store, to faked deaths, to slip-and-fall claims, to more gruesome crimes, scammers have gone to great lengths to collect insurance.

In the U.S. this amounts to about $40 billion per year, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation—at a cost of $400 to $700 per year, per family, in increased premiums.

According to the U.S. Department of Financial Services, there were 377 arrests made for fraud in 2011; 356 in 2012 and the number dropped to 215 arrests in 2013.

Check out some of the more devious and intricate schemes here:

Graphic by Eamonn Freeman

Home Depot Confirms Massive Data Breach

Home Depot Data Breach

On Monday, Home Depot confirmed that a breach of its payment data systems may have exposed customer card data across the United States and Canada. The breach appears to have begun in April, allowing hackers to steal an untold amount of shopper information including credit card numbers.

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The home improvement giant disclosed on Sept. 2 that it was investigating reports of “unusual activity” and, a week later, determined that any customers who used a card in the U.S. or Canada is at risk, though the breach does not appear to impact shoppers online or at retail stores in Mexico. In an official statement, the company assured that no one would be held responsible for fraudulent charges and offered free identity protection services, including credit monitoring, to anyone who has shopped at one of its locations since April.

As with the massive Target data breach, the Home Depot news was first broken by cybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs. The data went up for sale on rescator. So, the same underground store that sold credit card information from the Target and P.

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F. Chang’s breaches, and may have been stolen by the same group of hackers. Krebs reported, “In what can only be interpreted as intended retribution for U.S. and European sanctions against Russia for its aggressive actions in Ukraine, this crime shop has named its newest batch of cards ‘American Sanctions.’ Stolen cards issued by European banks that were used in compromised U.S. store locations are being sold under a new batch of cards labeled ‘European Sanctions.'”

Given the five-month duration, this breach may be many times larger than the Target attack, which exposed 40 million credit and debit cards and the personal data of 70 million customers in three weeks. The Target breach led to the resignation of its CEO and cost the company almost $150 million in the second quarter alone, according to the New York Times. In fact, the toll may reach ever higher. “I don’t see how they’re getting out of this for under a billion, over time,” John Kindervag, the vice president and principal analyst with Forrester Research, told the Times, adding, “$150 million in a quarter seems almost like a bargain.” Beyond the company itself, Javelin Strategy and Research reported at the time that total damage to banks and retailers could surpass billion, and consumers could be liable for more than billion in uncovered losses and other costs.

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One of the most promising ways to increase point-of-sale security is through the adaptation of EMV chip technology, as discussed in the March issue of Risk Management. In Europe, 81% of cards have EMV chips, and countries that have adopted the technology saw sharp declines in credit card fraud. In England, for example, the amount of fraud per transaction has dropped 57% since 2002, while it has risen almost 70% in the United States over the same period, according to consulting firm Celent. As part of its breach response, Home Depot announced plans to escalate adoption of EMV, installing “chip and PIN” checkout terminals throughout its U.S. stores by the end of the year. Target made a similar move in April, saying that it will issue its branded REDcard credit, debit and co-branded credit cards with MasterCard chip technology beginning next year.