On Data Privacy Day, Catch Up on These Critical Risk Management and Data Security Issues

Happy Data Privacy Day! Whether it is cyberrisk, regulatory risk or reputation risk, data privacy is increasingly intertwined with some of the most critical challenges risk professionals face every day, and ensuring security and compliance of data assets is a make or break for businesses.

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In Cisco’s new 2021 Data Privacy Benchmark Report, 74% of the 4,400 security professionals surveyed saw a direct correlation between privacy investments and the ability to mitigate security losses. The current climate is also casting more of a spotlight on privacy work, with 60% of organizations reporting they were not prepared for the privacy and security requirements to manage risks with the shift to remote work and 93% turning to privacy teams to help navigate these pandemic-related challenges. Amid COVID-19 response, headline-making data breaches and worldwide regulatory activity, data privacy is also a critical competency area for risk professionals in executive leadership and board roles, with 90% of organizations now asking for reporting on privacy metrics to their C-suites and boards.

“Privacy has come of age—recognized as a fundamental human right and rising to a mission-critical priority for executive management,” according to Harvey Jang, vice president and chief privacy officer at Cisco. “And with the accelerated move to work from anywhere, privacy has taken on greater importance in driving digitization, corporate resiliency, agility, and innovation.”

In honor of Data Privacy Day, check out some of Risk Management’s recent coverage of data privacy and data security:

CPRA and the Evolution of Data Compliance Risks

Also known as Proposition 24, the new California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) aims to enhance consumer privacy protections by clarifying and building on the expectations and obligations of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Frameworks for Data Privacy Compliance

As new privacy regulations are introduced, organizations that conduct business and have employees in different states and countries are subject to an increasing number of privacy laws, making the task of maintaining compliance more complex. While these laws require organizations to administer reasonable security implementations, they do not outline what specific actions should be taken. Proven security frameworks like Center for Internet Security (CIS) Top 20, HITRUST CSF, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework can provide guidance.

Protecting Privacy by Minimizing Data

New obligations under data privacy regulation in the United States and Europe require organizations not only to rein in data collection practices, but also to reduce the data already held. Furthering this imperative, over-retention of records or other information can lead to increased fines in the case of a data breach.

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As a result, organizations are moving away from the practice of collecting all the data they can toward a model of “if you can’t protect it, don’t collect it.”

3 Tips for Protecting Remote Employees’ Data

As COVID-19 continues to force many employees to work from home, companies must take precautions to protect sensitive data from new cyberattack vulnerabilities. That means establishing organization-wide data-security policies that take remote workers into account and inform them of the risks and how to avoid them. These three tips can help keep your organization’s data safe during the work-from-home era.

What to Do After the EU-US Privacy Shield Ruling

It was previously thought that the EU-US Privacy Shield aligned with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but following the CJEU’s recent ruling, the Privacy Shield no longer provides a mechanism for legitimizing cross-border data flows to the United States. This has far-reaching consequences for all organizations that currently rely on it. In light of the new ruling, risk professionals must help their organizations to reevaluate data strategies and manage heightened regulatory risk going forward.

The Risks of School Surveillance Technology

Schools confront many challenges related to students’ safety, from illnesses, bullying and self-harm to mass shootings. To address these concerns, they are increasingly turning to a variety of technological options to track students and their activities. But while these tools may offer innovative ways to protect students, their inherent risks may outweigh the potential benefits. Tools like social media monitoring and facial recognition are creating new liabilities for schools.

2020 Cyberrisk Landscape

As regulations like CCPA and GDPR establish individuals’ rights to transparency and choice in the collection and use of their personal data, one can expect to see more people exercise these rights.

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In turn, businesses need to ensure they have formal and efficient processes in place to comply with such requests in the clear terms and prompt manner these regulations require, or risk fines and reputation fallout. These processes will also need to provide sufficient documentation to attest to compliance, so if businesses have not yet already, they should be building auditable and iterative procedures for “data revocation.”

Data Privacy Governance in the Age of GDPR

As personal information has become a monetizable asset, risk, compliance and data experts have increasingly been forced to address the regulatory and operational ramifications of the rapid, mass availability of personal customer and employee data circulated both inside and outside of organizations. With new data protection regulations, Canadian and U.S. companies must reassess how they process and safeguard personal information.

Key Features of India’s New Data Protection Law

Among the new data protection laws on the horizon is India’s Personal Data Protection Bill. While the legislation has not yet been approved and is likely to undergo changes before it is enacted, its fundamental structure and broad compliance obligations are expected to remain the same. Companies both inside and outside India should familiarize themselves with its requirements and begin preparing for how it will impact their data processing activities.

Responding to Litigation Hold Notices

The purpose of a litigation hold is to preserve relevant information when an organization reasonably believes this information can lead to an investigation or litigation. The information to be preserved can be documents, equipment and/or electronic information or materials that may be relevant to a lawsuit or an investigation, depending on your industry. If relevant documents or information are lost, altered or destroyed, the company could suffer serious legal consequences.

The spoliation of evidence is “the intentional, reckless, or negligent withholding, hiding, altering, fabricating, or destroying of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding.” The maximum penalty for destroying or concealing evidence is either six months in a county jail or a fine up to $1,000, or both. For example, spoliation can occur when documents are shredded, emails erased, physical evidence is sold, destroyed or hidden and otherwise rendered unavailable for trial. It is the company’s duty to take all reasonable steps to preserve potentially relevant information.

The risk professional’s role is vital—he or she may be aware of an incident that might give rise to a claim or suit, well before a suit is filed, sometimes even a year or more. For example, if you receive an incident report that a third-party vendor fell on your property, you would call security to see if there is video of the incident, and if so, secure a copy of that video. You would interview any witnesses, preferably on the day of the event while memories are fresh, and document the incident in their words. If the victim alleges that something caused the fall, then you should take photos of location and determine whether the pavement was wet or dry, there was debris in the aisle, what the weather conditions were, and other considerations. Once you complete the investigation, all documentation should be stored and secured.

If there is a claim that is either in a lawsuit or the company believes could later become a lawsuit, the clock starts ticking on litigation hold notices. In the United States, the law requires that companies comply with their duty to preserve evidence. Evidence is broad and can include an automobile involved in an accident; emails; a chair involved in a slip and fall; videos, voicemail, photographs or text messages; among others. The notice can involve official company files, personal files or non-official files. All information that may be relevant to the matter must be preserved.

Preserving potential evidence that the company believes may reasonably lead to a lawsuit or investigation takes a coordinated effort that can involve legal, risk management, IT, HR, compliance, engineering, security and any other department.

If you are an employee who may have information pertinent to investigation or lawsuit, you would be considered the custodian of this information and would have a legal obligation to preserve such evidence. As custodian, the legal department or possibly a third-party administrator would instruct you to preserve the evidence. The general procedure is that you would receive a notice on a matter that could be involved in an investigation or a lawsuit. You will be required to review, comply, sign and certify a document that states you agree to preserve information that would be related to the event. There may be a requirement to return signed document within a certain amount of time from receipt, and violation may result in disciplinary action that can include termination.

The evidence required may be very specific (such as video recorded on this date), or general (like all related emails), and may include a date range. Once identified, do not destroy, alter, modify or delete documents subject to the hold notice. When the lawsuit or investigation is completed you will receive a termination and release of this obligation. The evidence may be saved as part of the company record retention program.

Risk management can play an important role in this process by storing the hold notice in the claim file, periodically reminding custodians of their obligations, involving and sending new notices for new custodians that might have evidentiary material, and notifying custodians of termination of hold notices.

After COVID, Cyberrisks Top Agenda for Risk Professionals in India, Marsh and RIMS Report

For risk professionals in India, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical need to build business resilience and develop mature yet flexible business continuity plans to address both short- and long-term threats. In the new Marsh and RIMS report Excellence in Risk Management India 2020, Spotlight on Resilience: Risk Management During COVID-19, 63% of risk professionals in India said a new pandemic or continued fallout from COVID-19 was a top risk facing their organization, followed by cyberattacks (56%), data fraud or theft (36%), failure of critical infrastructure (33%), fiscal crises (31%), and extreme weather events (25%).

This mix of top risks illustrates the critical task before risk professionals heading into 2021: ensuring capability and procedures to respond to fast-emerging disasters, while not losing sight of the critical work to boost baseline resilience against foreseeable risks across the enterprise.

“Organizations need to balance their focus between longstanding and emerging risks,” said Sanjay Kedia, country head and CEO of Marsh India. “While there has long been an awareness of weather-related risks, low-frequency risks generally receive less attention. The pandemic has underlined the need for risk managers to keep all perils on their radar.”

Indeed, Marsh and RIMS found risk assessment and modeling are critical gaps for India-based risk professionals to focus on to mature their risk management programs. “As businesses recover from COVID-19, many senior leaders are shifting attention to questions of resilience.

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But, as our survey shows, the use of advanced risk management techniques in India remains limited—for example, more than one-fifth of respondents do not assess or model emerging risks,” the report noted.

This is particularly the case with emerging cyberrisks. Cyberattacks and data loss or theft ranked among the top three threats, and the pandemic escalated the already rising number of cyberthreats to companies in India with the shift to remote work, online business, and ransomware attacks. Indeed, the report noted that the pandemic led to a surge in cyberattacks against Indian companies, with New Delhi among the top 10 most often attacked cities with regard to ransomware in 2020, and more than a third of Indian respondents to a June survey by Microsoft reporting they had fallen prey to a pandemic-related phishing email. Yet only a third of respondents to the Marsh/RIMS report said they model potential cyber loss scenarios, and only 26% plan to do so in the next year. Key cyberrisk management measures and the rate of implementation among Indian companies include:

Whether it is phishing attacks on employees or internet outages interrupting operations in the supply chain, the report notes that the next major event for Indian companies could well be a cyberattack. Focusing on building cyber resilience was one of the report’s four key recommendations, noting “organizations should shift their focus from solely trying to prevent an attack to accepting the inevitability of a cyber event and taking action to mitigate its effect.”

The report’s other top recommendations for risk professionals in India were:

  • Regularly review existing business continuity plans – “Companies should carefully review and refine their business continuity plans. They should ensure their plans enable them to respond effectively to threats that bring short-term pain and long-term and widespread challenges, as is the case with COVID-19.”
  • Embrace the changing working environment – “Lockdowns intended to stem the spread of COVID-19 required many companies to quickly move to remote working, change their business models, and implement new safety measures upon return to the workplace. Other perils, like a natural disaster, could necessitate and precipitate such shifts, even if shorter in duration. Businesses should invest in structures that allow employees to work remotely effectively, efficiently, and safely and should educate employees on new ways of working under changing circumstances.”
  • Remap and remodel your supply chain – “The COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the need to re-examine supply chains regularly, with special focus on understanding the resilience and reliance of vendors. Companies would benefit from understanding their vendors’ ecosystems; both to provide a clearer view of how they could be affected by different risks and to review contracts to better understand liabilities.
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Moving forward, there is considerable room for risk professionals to be more involved in scenario analysis and strategy

In December, RIMS introduced additional resources specifically for risk professionals in India looking to elevate their risk practice. The report was released around the recent RIMS Virtual Risk Forum India 2020, which brought together hundreds of risk and insurance professionals from across India and around the world. Soon thereafter, the risk management society also announced the official formation of a RIMS India Chapter.

“The exchange of knowledge and experience drives the risk management profession, allowing practitioners to more effectively enhance corporate decision-making, strengthen resiliency and leverage new and exciting opportunities for their organizations,” said Roop Kumar, chief of risk at SBI Life and inaugural president of the India chapter’s board of directors. “RIMS India Chapter will quickly become an exceptional resource for all business leaders. We look forward to delivering cutting-edge risk management insight to support our members as they advance their programs and their careers.”

Other members of the inaugural board of the India chapter include: Keerthana Mainkar, head ERM at Infosys; Amol Padhye, head of market risk at HDFC Bank; Amber Gupta, head legal and corporate secretary at Birla Sunlife Insurance; Anand Shirur, CEO of Digitangle Consulting PVT, Ltd; Steward Doss, associate professor at National Insurance Academy; Monika Mittal, professor at BIMTECH; Shibyanshu Sharma, vice president of risk management at SBI Life; and Yogesh Ghorpade, head of ERM and insurance lead at Thermax Industries.

“RIMS India’s Board of Directors truly represent a cross-section of the country’s risk management community,” said Gopal Krishnan K S, head of RIMS India Operations. “The Society looks forward to learning from their unique experiences and welcoming others to contribute so that, together, we can develop the highest standard of risk management education to address corporate India’s biggest concerns.

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