Hurricane Risk Management: Key Considerations Before and After Storms Strike

On Sunday, August 29, Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 4 storm with winds of 150 miles per hour, making it one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the United States. Striking on the same date that Hurricane Katrina devastated the region 16 years ago, Ida caused significant wind damage, storm surge and flooding in Louisiana and Mississippi and has left 1 million homes and businesses without power, including the entire city of New Orleans. Ida has now weakened to a tropical storm and will continue to cut through the south before making its way across much of the East Coast, bringing significant risks of wind, rain and inland flooding throughout this week.

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The storm marks another overactive hurricane season officially underway in the United States, prompting business leaders and property owners to ensure they are adequately prepared from an insurance and risk management perspective.

Some key recommendations to consider before and after any hurricane include:

Preventative Measures

First, establish a plan that includes clearly defined roles and responsibilities for preventative measures to protect your building, employees or tenants in the event of a hurricane. This plan should include everything from the identified incident response team and the established internal and external communication protocols to the selected offsite workspace and disaster recovery plan.

It is also critical to have a predetermined contact list for key service vendors, suppliers and contractors—and to build relationships with those individuals in advance. When a storm of any magnitude hits, multiple businesses will likely be affected, so establishing a vendor rapport beforehand allows you to pre-negotiate rates and availability guarantees, helping to save time and money after a disaster.

From a property perspective, ensure that your buildings and structures are adequately protected to mitigate potential damage. Precautionary steps like boarding up buildings, covering windows and landscaping, and fastening anything that could blow away or fall may seem like small considerations, but can significantly reduce damage and losses.

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Additionally, back up important paperwork and IT services to avoid losing valuable assets. Severe weather often causes power outages and other service disruptions that may last longer than anticipated, and key files like property records and facility plans should be safely stored and easily accessible in the event of a hurricane.

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Not only is this important for overall business operations, but it is also easier to adjust claims when you can show that you recently backed up files.

Read the Fine Print

When it comes to your insurance policies, it is critical to verify that your coverage includes appropriate, up-to-date limits and deductibles.

This includes determining if you have adequate insurance based on your location and its respective risk for floods or windstorms. In addition, you should review your policy’s sublimits, which set coverage limits for certain scenarios, so you know what to expect if damage occurs. For example, windstorm, flood and named storms all have different limits based on the typical severity of the type of storm.

Do not wait until the hurricane is coming to evaluate or modify coverage, as this is like trying to insure a burning building, and insurance carriers will be bombarded with requests. Perform these evaluations and changes proactively so you can remain calm knowing the appropriate coverage is in place for any potential threat.

If a hurricane does hit close to home, business owners can typically tap into business interruption insurance and extra expense limits for any losses that occur due to suspended operations resulting from the storm. This also applies to property owners who may need to move tenants to a different location while the property is being fixed—a process that could take several months depending on the severity of the hurricane and the associated damage—and are therefore not incurring rent.

Now What?

If a hurricane impacts your business, implement your disaster recovery plan. Then, as soon as it is deemed safe to re-enter the property, document all damage in detail with written descriptions, as well as photos and/or videos. At this time, take a full inventory of damaged materials, as this will be important throughout the claims process, and save any pieces that could help with restoration down the line. Most claims require you to immediately notify the carrier of damage and provide the documented “proof of loss” within a specific time frame. Before doing so, reach out to your insurance broker who can help guide you through this process.

Another best practice is addressing any damage in a timely manner to avoid any issues that could worsen with time or additional weather events. Taking immediate action, such as covering an exposed roof, securing doors and windows, removing water, and drying out any affected areas, can lessen the potential impact of further deterioration and keep those in the vicinity safe from harm. For more dangerous and technical issues, like getting the electric system back up and running, consult a qualified professional.

While hurricanes can certainly be daunting, there are ways to prepare in advance to make sure you are not caught off guard or without a plan. Be sure to assess your risk and execute the appropriate steps to protect your business, property and employees. Most importantly, lean on your insurance broker and other qualified vendors with any questions or concerns.

Travel Risk Management for LGBTQ+ Employees

LGBTQ+ travelers can face unique challenges when traveling abroad—many countries do not legally recognize same-sex marriage and more than 70 countries consider consensual LGBTQ+ relationships a crime. If an employee travels on business to a country where their sexual orientation or expression of gender identity is criminalized, an extra layer of complexity is added to duty of care responsibilities. Corporate risk managers need to consider how to best protect employees in a way that doesn’t make them feel singled out, working with them to stay safe and respect local laws without compromising their own values. 

This process begins by providing up-to-date guidance on laws and cultural variations as part of an organization’s duty of care. Attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community vary considerably around the world, and employers therefore need to shape their duty of care policies around a wide range of considerations, both legal and cultural.

Understand the Law

Risk managers need to ensure they have relevant and up-to-date information at hand to fully understand the traveler’s destination. There are nuances within each country’s legislation, and acceptance can vary dramatically even within different regions of the same country, also evolving over time. Employees need to be informed of the laws to which they will be subject at their destination before they travel. Duty of care procedures should incorporate pre-travel advice and awareness, educating employees on what to expect when on business travel as well as how to respond and whom to contact in an emergency.

Legislation may impact an employee’s behavior in a given destination and travel managers can provide advice on best practices. In the United Arab Emirates for example, transgender, gay and gender nonconforming people have been arrested for violating a law against men “disguised” as women. To the extent possible, it is best for travelers in these countries to remain in resort areas and for same-sex couples to refrain from holding hands, hugging or kissing in public.

Understand the Culture

In addition to local laws, social norms are another factor to consider for deciding whether a destination is safe. While many countries officially recognize homosexuality and allow gender confirmation measures, some communities within these “safe” countries still harbor prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community. In such environments, LGBTQ+ travelers who engage in open displays of affection with each other or appear gender nonconforming may be at risk of harassment and assault, and may also feel intimidated when reporting the incident to local police. There may be few or no local venues that provide a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community and the risk of hate crimes and police raids at such establishments cannot be ruled out. Travelers are advised to maintain a low profile in countries that lack full protection for the LGBTQ+ community and exercise caution about where and with whom to discuss related topics in public spaces.

Social media can also put travelers at risk. For example, while dating apps can help people connect with local members of the LGBTQ+ community when traveling or relocating for work, employees should be advised to exercise caution if they plan to use these in communities that are not LGBTQ-friendly. In Russia, where prejudice is widespread and a law against “gay propaganda” has been in effect since 2013, far-right activists and gang members have used dating apps to lure gay men to assault and extort them. Prior to travel, risk managers should advise employees to review privacy settings on social media platforms and reconsider the use of dating applications while abroad.

With some countries still refusing to accept—let alone recognize—the LGBTQ+ community, LGBTQ+ employees often feel compelled to take additional precautions that others would not have to even consider. However, corporate risk managers can help employees to stay safe while on business travel by being aware of the local laws and social norms of the destination before departure.

For other guidance on how to support LGBTQ+ employees and advance diversity, equity and inclusion programs, check out these additional pieces from Risk Management Magazine and the Risk Management Monitor:
Beyond Pride: Building Strong Diversity and Inclusion Programs
The LGBT Travel Risk Dilemma
The Benefits of Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
Engaging Employees in Their Own Duty of Care
Developing a Strategy for Transgender Workers
The Case for Effective DE&I Training

New York City’s New Biometric Information Law Governs Collection and Use of Consumer Health Data

For risk professionals, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the importance of ensuring customer and employee safety measures are incorporated into operations, processes and future strategies. As many businesses reopen from pandemic shutdowns or return from remote work arrangements, some enterprises are now exploring both the effectiveness and the risks associated with conducting health screenings that collect biometric information and other personal health data.

This month, New York City released the Biometric Information Law, a new measure that goes into effect on July 9 and imposes disclosure requirements on businesses that collect consumer biometric information.

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It also sets parameters on what they can do with that information, most importantly, prohibiting the exchange of biometric information for anything of value.

As detailed in recent client notice from the law firm Reed Smith, highlights from the law include:

  • The measure requires a business that “collects, retains, converts, stores or shares biometric identifier information of customers” to place a “clear and conspicuous sign” near all consumer entrances that, in plain language, discloses the collection, retention or sharing of biometric information.
  • It stipulates that it is unlawful to “sell, lease, trade, share in exchange for anything of value or otherwise profit from the transaction of biometric identifier information.”
  • It establishes “an ‘aggrieved’ consumer’s private right of action,” meaning that “[a]ny person who is aggrieved by a violation by this chapter is entitled to commence an action to enforce its protections.”

There are key exclusions, however, as “governmental agencies, employers, or agents” are expressly excluded from compliance with any provision.

New York is not the only state to enact a law attempting to govern how organizations can use biometric information. Arkansas, California, Illinois, Texas and Washington have also set guidelines for businesses.

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Indeed, the recent Risk Management Magazine article “Preparing for Biometric Litigation from COVID-19” addresses the imminent and critical questions businesses must answer when collecting and handling such data.

Sensitivities surrounding the confidentiality of biometric and other health information are not new in certain industries, such as healthcare. Further, even before COVID-19, risk professionals were already grappling with the risks associated with new biometric technologies and the data collected, especially with regard to facial recognition, wearables and even the rise in popularity of telehealth.

Now, with every organization on high alert about infectious diseases and how quickly they can interrupt business, health and safety have become top priorities for every risk professional in every sector.

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As risk professionals look to new technology for help with these concerns, monitoring the emerging regulation and security risks around health and biometric technology will become increasingly critical in balancing benefit and risk to their organizations.
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Data security will continue to remain a significant threat, but New York’s Biometric Information Law should serve as a reminder that what the organization does with that data can also have a lasting impact on the enterprise’s reputation and consumer trust.

For more information to help risk professionals manage new health technology and data, check out these articles from Risk Management Magazine:

How to Conduct Better Third-Party Risk Assessments

Today’s enterprises operate in a complex digital ecosystem that connects customers, vendors and partners and through which data is shared and transactions are processed. Because much of this is done through outsourcing of systems and services to third parties, many enterprises have dramatically increased the scale and complexity of their risk surface.

While companies are reliant on third and fourth parties to do business and often benefit from using such external services, these relationships also pose a risk to the enterprise’s sensitive data. Enterprises rely on these third parties to fulfill essential services and often expect them to secure the enterprise’s data in the process. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. 

According to a survey by RiskRecon, a Mastercard company, and the Cyentia Institute, third-party risk practitioners said that 31% of their vendors could cause a critical impact to their organization if breached, while 25% claimed that half of their entire network could trigger severe impacts.

Recent catastrophic cybersecurity incidents like the SolarWinds case demonstrate that cyberrisk can come from supply chain layers beyond the company’s immediate third parties. These multi-party cyber breaches create a ripple effect and threaten to have a far greater impact than those affecting single companies.

Business leaders, third-party risk practitioners, and cybersecurity professionals are well aware of the potential impacts of third-party risk, yet many struggle to keep up. In fact, research shows that only 14% of third-party risk professionals are confident that vendors are capable of meeting third-party security requirements. Managing vendor risk can seem like an impossible problem, but the key is having greater visibility into your digital supply chain and monitoring the external parties that pose the greatest risks to your firm.

Traditional Risk Assessments vs. Continuous Third-Party Monitoring

Traditional risk assessment processes cannot fully address today’s dynamic cyberrisk landscape, as they can be difficult to validate, take a long time for both the vendor and the organization to process, and are pinned to a single point in time. Without a valid, current assessment, security teams are forced to prioritize vulnerabilities blindly, which ultimately compromises risk mitigation, and limits their value as an accurate barometer of third-party risk.

It can be easy and tempting to complete a third-party risk assessment in one month and then forget about it for another year, but third-party risk management is not a once-a-year project—it requires an ongoing program with ongoing monitoring. This may appear to be overwhelming, confusing and time-consuming. While there will always be more vendors to find, a well-structured and continuous third-party monitoring program can help your security team to prioritize.

It is also important to take action on the vulnerabilities these critical vendors produce and gain visibility into how to remediate these issues. Continuous third-party monitoring can not only help you identify and remediate risk, but can also serve as a helpful tool in communicating your organization’s security hygiene to board members or executive leadership.

Below are practical steps that cybersecurity teams and risk professionals can take to better manage their organization’s third-party cyberrisk:

  1. Ask the right questions: Build and collect security questionnaires that ask important questions about how a vendor is handling the company’s data. To better manage risk, security teams need insight into the technologies that are being used internally and externally by third parties, fourth parties, and beyond.
  2. Assign a risk rating: Based on the answers to the questionnaires, assign the vendor a risk rating. By having a clear understanding of a vendor’s security posture, the security team can then rank vulnerabilities in order of priority, so they know which issues to tackle first.
  3. Take action: Create custom-fitted risk action plans so you can immediately start engaging with your vendors on remediation. If a vendor’s cyber risk degrades or an element falls out of policy, you will be notified instantly. By having accurate visibility into supply chain risk, security teams can then use that information to make decisions about whom to share data with moving forward.

By utilizing these best practices, organizations can better manage their third-party risk, further reduce overall risk, increase cyber visibility, and improve the quality of vendor and supplier networks.