U.S. Commercial Rates Up 1%, MarketScout Reports

Commercial property/casualty insurance rates in the U.

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S. were flat over the past four months, but increased to plus 1% in July, MarketScout said today.

“The property market often tightens a bit on the cusp of wind season but, we also noted slight increases on other lines of coverage as well,” Richard Kerr, CEO of MarketScout said in a statement.

By coverage class, general liability, umbrella, and professional liability all increased from flat in June 2015 to plus 1% for July 2015. Business interruption went up from minus 1% to plus 1%. Property coverage pricing was up from plus 1% to plus 2%.

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Pricing for all other coverages remained the same.

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By industry class, contracting, transportation and energy all went up an additional 1% compared to last month.
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Habitational and public entity were down 1% compared to the previous month.

By coverage, account size and industry class:

Cyber Blackout Could Cost Insurers $71 Billion, Lloyd’s Reports

A cyberattack targeting the U.S. power grid would have widespread economic implications, resulting in insurance claims of between $21.4 billion and $71.1 billion in a worst case scenario, according to a report by Lloyd’s.

Lloyd’s and the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Risk Studies recently released “Business Blackout,” which examines the insurance implications of a major cyberattack using the U.S. power grid as an example. In the scenario outlined, malware is used to infect control rooms for generating electricity in areas of the Northeastern U.S. The malware goes undetected and locates 50 generators that it can control, forcing them to overload and burn out. The scenario, described as “improbable but technologically possible,” leaves 15 states in darkness, meaning that 93 million people are without power.

Economic impacts include direct damage to assets and infrastructure, decline in sales revenue to electricity supply companies, loss of sales revenue for businesses and disruption to the supply chain. The total impact to the U.S. economy is estimated at $243 billion, rising to more than $1 trillion in the most extreme version of the scenario.

Claimant types fell into six categories:

Power generation companies

• Property damage to their generators.

• Business interruption from being unable to sell electricity as a result of property damage.

• Incident response costs and fines from regulators for failing to provide power.

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Defendant companies

• Companies sued by power generation businesses to recover a proportion of losses incurred under defendants’ liability insurance.

Companies that lose power – companies that suffer losses as a result of the blackout.

• Property losses (principally to perishable cold store contents).

• Business interruption from power loss (with suppliers extension).

• Failure to protect workforces or causing pollution as a result of the loss of power.

Companies indirectly affected – a separate category of companies that are outside the power outage but are impacted by supply chain disruption emanating from the blackout region.

• Contingent business interruption and critical vendor coverage.

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• Share price devaluation as a result of having inadequate contingency plans may generate claims under their directors’ and officers’ liability insurance.


• Property damage, principally resulting from fridge and freezer contents defrosting, covered by contents insurance.


• Claims possible under various specialty covers, most importantly event cancellation.

 Other key findings of the report include:

• Responding to these challenges will require innovation by insurers. The pace of innovation will likely be linked to the rate at which some of the uncertainties revealed in this report can be reduced.

• Cyberattack represents a peril that could trigger losses across multiple sectors of the economy.

• A key requirement for an insurance response to cyber risks will be to enhance the quality of data available and to continue the development of probabilistic modelling.

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• The sharing of cyberattack data is a complex issue, but it could be an important element for enabling the insurance solutions required for this key emerging risk.

P&C Rates Remain Flat

The property and casualty insurance market remained flat through the first four months of this year, with many large P&C insurers holding a steady line, as rates, for the most part, have remained unchanged, according to MarketScout.

“We are in the insurance doldrums. There really isn’t even a breeze of significant movement anywhere,” Richard Kerr, CEO of MarketScout said in a statement. “The absence of rate movement could be yet another signal that insurers simply are not going to participate in a price-slashing war as was done in previous market cycles. Low interest rates and better underwriting tools are making insurers cautious.”

By coverage classification, only one line—business interruption—was down from last month at minus 1% versus flat, or zero increase. Workers compensation, directors and officers and EPLI were up from flat to plus 1%, according to the report.

Industry classes balanced out rate movement with contracting adjusting from plus 1% to flat, habitational from plus 1% to plus 2%, and public entity up from flat to plus 1%.

Measured by account size, small accounts (up to $25,000 premium) were up from plus 1% to plus 2%. Large accounts were down from flat to minus 1%. Rates for all other account sizes remained unchanged.

The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research conducted pricing surveys used in MarketScout’s analysis of market conditions.

Following is a summary of June 2015 rates by coverage, account size  and industry class:


Cybersecurity, Product Recall and Drones Top List of Emerging Casualty Risks

The cybersecurity insurance industry is booming, with demand for this specialty coverage vastly outpacing any other emerging risk line, according to a new survey by London-based broker RKH Specialty. In fact, 70% of the insurance professionals surveyed listed cyber as the top casualty exposure.

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The brokers, agents, insurers and risk managers RKH queried after April’s RIMS 2015 conference said their top casualty concerns after cyber are product recall and drones (11% each), with others including e-cigarettes, autonomous vehicles and telematics totaling only eight percent.

RKH Specialty Study Graph

“Losses stemming from cyber-related attacks and business interruption can be catastrophic for individual businesses,” said Barnaby Rugge-Price, RKH Specialty’s CEO.

“Healthcare and retail have been the major buyers in the cyber space to date but we are seeing an increasing conversion rate across the whole of our portfolio. After a number of years of looking at the offering, clients are increasingly deciding to purchase the cover as the product has improved and the frequency of attacks has continued to increase. There has also been a heightened focus on the business interruption aspect, where cyber attacks can cause whole facilities to shut down. But whether cyber related or not, any interruption to the supply chain can cause a disproportionate loss. The survey highlights the importance of specialist insurance for a whole host of emerging risks.”

Turning specifically to property exposures, supply chain disruption was identified by 61% as the top risk, followed by flood (30%) and tornadoes (9%). The findings reflect a growing recognition of the potential exposures that longer and more complex supply chains introduce, the firm said.

The brokerage also asked insurance professionals what they think clients are and will be most concerned about when evaluating a broker’s service, and in turn, what brokers will need to focus on to stay competitive. They predict:

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