About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

Spencer Educational Foundation Raises Money for Risk Management Scholarships

A few weeks ago, the Spencer Educational Foundation held its annual gala fundraising dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. This is the flagship event for the nonprofit organization, which since 1979 has been subsidizing the education of those trying to make risk and insurance their life’s work.

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All together, Spencer has handed out nearly $7 million in scholarships and grants, including more than $400,000 awarded in 2011. (More on risk management education here.)

I was unable to attend this year, but have been to the past few events and they always make for an inspiring evening. With a program that honors both aging industry legends who have built the foundations of risk management and vibrant students who hope to further it in the future, the night gives a cradle-to-grave depiction of just how ambitious and fulfilling a career in risk can be. (For some anyway — I mainly just enjoy the prime rib and desserts.)

This year was no different, and the event helped raise some $720,000 in donations. Among the speakers were John Amore, former CEO of general insurance at Zurich; Peggy Accordino, chairwoman of Spencer; Drew Carey, a student studying risk management and insurance at St.

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John’s University in Manhattan; Gisselle Escotto, a risk management grad student at New York University; Seraina Maag, chief executive of North American property and casualty at XL; and David Zuercher, former head of insurance at Wells Fargo.

For those of you who weren’t able to attend, the video above features some of the evening’s highlights. And you can read more about the 2011 dinner here.

2012 Spencer Educational Foundation honoree Seraina Maag, chief executive of North American property and casualty at XL.

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Risk Management Education

For the fifth year in a row, we published a feature on risk management and insurance education in our September issue of Risk Management. As the future risk managers of the world head back to school this fall — or perhaps just begin their studies — you can read all about it.

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Emily Holbrook writes about the biggest trend right now in college-level risk management education: aligning the classroom with the boardroom. As the discipline of risk management evolves so too must the curriculum developed to teach it to the next generation.

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So programs administrators and professors on campuses across America are incorporating real-world learning into their courses by prioritizing ERM education, holding risk management “case competitions” and structuring their lessons around ISO standards.

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Additionally, she offers a snapshot look at the 10 largest college risk management programs.

And lastly,  Therese Palmiotto, an insurance industry underwriter, offers some tips on how the newest generation of insurance pros to enter the workforce can benefit from mentoring.

Gulf Coast Readies for Hurricane Isaac

Today, tropical storm Isaac became Hurricane Isaac. And the slow-moving storm, with sustained winds over 75 mph, looks to be on a collision course with the Gulf Coast. With many areas — New Orleans chiefly among them — still reeling from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina seven years ago, residents and public officials are stressing preparation before the storm strikes, bringing the potential for storm surge of up to 12 feet and up to 20 inches of rain, according to the National Hurricane Center and National Weather Service.

The AP video above shows how some are getting ready, which must be welcome news to New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, who earlier today stressed that people shouldn’t be relieved that the storm is only a category one hurricane. “Do not let this storm lull you into complacency,” said Landrieu. “That would be a terrible mistake.”

One look at the storm’s size should make anyone think twice about taking this lightly.

This was taken by NASA this morning at 10:25 am.

On Twitter, FEMA noted that “FEMA mobile communications units are in Alabama & Mississippi to support #Isaac response efforts of state/local emergency managers” and CNN’s Soledad O’Brien sent out the below image of some Caterpillars “Building a road–last minute- for vehicles to drive over the makeshift levee.”

And, of course, it isn’t just the locals who are battening down the proverbial hatches.

Insurance companies are also making preparations, and some, including the Citizen Property Insurance Corporation, have already received claims from the storm hitting the Florida coast.

The storm leaves insurance companies with $36 billion in potential exposure to residential property, according to CoreLogic. And with New Orleans estimated to be the most expensive of major metro areas to feel the impact of Isaac, CoreLogic estimates the city could feel the affects of $30.44 billion in property damage due to storm surge.

In an interview with Insurance Networking News, Robert Hartwig, president of the Insurance Information Institute, said he is confident insurers are prepared.  “…the industry’s claims-paying capacity stands at record-levels, given the relatively few [catastrophe] losses suffered so far in 2012 – $9 billion for tornadoes and thunderstorms this year pales in comparison to the $26 billion incurred last year,” he said.

Some insurance companies, like Allstate, have reduced its homeowners’ exposure in Louisiana since Katrina hit in 2005. According to the Chicago Tribune, Allstate has been hiking rates and reducing exposure in vulnerable areas nationwide.

Hurricane Katrina – the most catastrophic hurricane in U.S. history – caused a total of $46.6 billion in property damage covered by private insurers and $16.1 billion in flood loss. So as Isaac approaches, insurance companies are encouraging policyholders to check their policies and make sure they have adequate coverage.

For the latest developments in New Orleans, you can stay tuned to the live feed of the local Fox affiliate.