About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

Risk Management Monitor Is a Top Insurance Blog

Our humble little Monitor is a now just over a year old. We’re just now learning to walk, so to speak.

So it was with great pride that we came to learn that Lexis Nexus has chosen us among its “Top 50 Blog” nominees in its insurance and law community for 2009. We only launched the site in April 2009, so it was very nice to see that we were able to be recognized despite not even having a full 12 months under out belts.

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There is still voting to be done before anything becomes official but, frankly, we are just honored to be ranked alongside so, so many other great news, opinion and multimedia sources helping to educate and enlighten the world of risk and insurance.

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Thanks to those involved in the selection process, and we truly hope you devoted readers also enjoyed our coverage in 2009.

We think it’s been even better thus far in 2010 — and that improvement will only continue.

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Get Your Popcorn Ready — Upcoming Documentary Explores the History of the TSA

Though it probably won’t break any of Avatar‘s box office records, a new documentary from “retired aviation publisher” Fred Gevalt will document the history of the watchdog that protects our friendly skies. This in-depth look at the  Transportation Security Authority (TSA) is called Please Remove Your Shoes and comes out on July 1, although Gevalt will be self-distributing, so that doesn’t necessarily bode well for it being an enthralling expose’ — nor something that will be able to find in your local theater.

Here’s how Speakeasy, a Wall Street Journal blog, characterized Fred Gevalt’s Please Remove Your Shoes.

Thee final production, which Gevalt is self distributing July 1, asks viewers to evaluate if the TSA has truly made flying the friendly skies any safer post 9/11, and features interviews with Congressmen James Oberstar and John Mica (both of whom are on the Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure), as well as a number of former TSA and FAA employees. Gevalt adds that it wasn’t easy finding enough subjects to speak about their relationship with the TSA on the record, but as one interview beget another, “the business of access became less difficult.

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Even if it doesn’t make your local cineplex, it will presumably at least make it to the Netflix circuit eventually, so look for this one starting next month if airline security is something that strikes your fancy.


A cartoon lampooning TSA policies, courtesy of the brilliant xkcd.

George Costanza and Risk Management

The most common thing I hear when I tell someone I’m an editor for a magazine about — and titled — risk management is “Ummm…What?” The second most common thing I hear is “Ohhh…Like Ben Stiller from Along Came Polly“? The third most common thing is “Do you work with George Costanza?”

Yes, for one glorious episode of Seinfeld, George had to learn about risk management while working for the New York Yankees and since that show is so ingrained in the public conscious, that is the only exposure that many people have had to the concept. (Click the link to watch George “educate” himself on the discipline.

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When I started out, I was no different. When I got into this job, I knew just as little as Costanza did.

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But ya know what? The more and more risk managers I meet, the more I realize that that is the most common way to enter the field.

Increasingly, kids are going to school to become risk managers and, someday, the pros in the field will less often say “I don’t know how I got into this role. I was a safety manager then I got promoted — that was 12 years ago.” But today, that’s the most common thing I hear when someone tells me how they got into risk management.

Don’t get me wrong — many of the best risk mangers I know arrived by accident. It’s just funny to think that almost everyone who now manages risk professionally once had a little George Costanza in them. Even me.

And just think, it only took eight short years for me to run into Kenny Bania in a coffee shop and hear him say, “I just stopped by to thank you. That risk management stuff you wrote for me is killer … It’s gold, Jared. Gold.”

What’s that? He said “Jerry”? And that wasn’t me? Oh.

Close enough.

Transportation in India: No Good Options

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“Organized” chaos

A few weeks ago, a report came out that — once again — India led the world in traffic deaths. Given its population (estimated at nearly 1.2 billion, which puts it behind only China), the nation would logically be near the top of the list regardless of any priority it placed on safety. In fact, when India took over the number one spot for road fatalities (from China) in 2006, many people saw this as further evidence that India was truly becoming a economic power.

While having many of you citizens die on the road is obviously counterintuitive to progress, more people driving meant more people were buying cars because more people had more money. Safety needed to be improved, sure, but automobile transportation is always going to lead to some casualties that correlate to population and/or what percentage of that population has purchasing power great enough to afford a luxury like a car.

Anyone who subscribed to that theory five years ago, however, is probably starting to see India’s high death rate for what it is: tragic and avoidable. This New York Times article breaks it down.

While road deaths in many other big emerging markets have declined or stabilized in recent years, even as vehicle sales jumped, in India, fatalities are skyrocketing — up 40 percent in five years to more than 118,000 in 2008, the last figure available.

A lethal brew of poor road planning, inadequate law enforcement, a surge in trucks and cars, and a flood of untrained drivers have made India the world’s road death capital. As the country’s fast-growing economy and huge population raise its importance on the world stage, the rising toll is a reminder that the government still struggles to keep its more than a billion people safe.

In China, by contrast, which has undergone an auto boom of its own, official figures for road deaths have been falling for much of the past decade, to 73,500 in 2008, as new highways segregate cars from pedestrians, tractors and other slow-moving traffic, and the government cracks down on drunken driving and other violations.

It has been illustrated through various means time and time again, but this is just one more example of how India’s city planners and public officials are failing to provide adequate infrastructure to support the nation’s booming economy.

Unfortunately for Indians, roadways aren’t the only transportation problem. As you can see in the video below, the trains are not a much better option. Marked by overcrowding and delays, it takes workers who commute to the major cities an exorbitant effort just to make it to their jobs every day. Worse still, there are still many political and religious-based attacks on railways in many regions. The 2006 Mumbai bombings, for example, killed more than 200 and injured another 700.

A few weeks ago I went to the annual meeting of Coface, a company that specializes in international credit risk. As it does each year, Coface brought in a group of experts to talk about the most pressing global economic issues and professor David Denoon of New York University spoke about China and India, painting a much different development picture of the world’s two most populous locales.

China, he said, is characterized by places like Shanghai, where just in recent years alone construction has begun on more high rises than exist in all of Chicago. By contrast, he emphasized that the per capita income in India is merely $3,100. That’s equal to one-third of the average income in Brazil and one-fifth the average in Russia.

Looking at those numbers, it seems that both infrastructure and income distribution will pose a growing concern for the nation that puts the I in BRIC.*

* (The acronym for the world’s four biggest emerging economic powers, Brazil, Russia, India and China. Also, for a look at some of the risks that have plagued the largest Indian carmaker, check out Bill Coffin’s look at Tata Motors’ “Cheap Cars, Costly Protests.”)