About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

Major Expansion for Nevada Quake Research Center

September was national preparedness month. But disasters aren’t just going to take the other 11 months of the year off, you guys, so it’s important that the efforts to increase readiness continue. 24/7/365 is what I always say.

Critical but under-reported to that endeavor is research. We can’t know how to prepare unless we know precisely what we are preparing for.

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So it was with great exuberance that I came across this news story from the Insurance Journal about a major expansion to one of the nation’s premier earthquake research labs, the Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research at the University of Nevada, Reno.

A new $12.2 million federal grant will allow the University of Nevada, Reno, to more than double the size of its earthquake research center, making it the largest quake simulation facility in the country, school officials said.

Construction of a new 23,000-square-foot Shake Table Laboratory will allow for seismic tests on much bigger models of buildings and bridges than have ever been tested.

The lab has been conducting earthquake research for 25 years on shake tables, simulating seismic waves propagating through layers of soil beneath foundations to see how different structures react. The expansion will make it possible to house five 50-ton-capacity shake tables instead of the present four.

Great news indeed.

The final pricetag of the expansion is expected to be $18 million, creating a center of more than 30,000 square feet by 2013. And perhaps most encouragingly, this .

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2 million allocation comes as part of a $50 million package of grants that the Commerce Department handed out recently for the construction of new scientific research facilities in the United States — meaning that nearly 25% of the funds went to disaster research.

Looks like natural catastrophe risks are moving up the federal radar.

And as Ian Buckle, director of the center’s Large-Scale Structures Lab, aptly noted, the pay-off is well worth the investment.

“This will be a quantum jump in the range and complexity of experiments that can be undertaken in both new and existing laboratories, with advances in state-of-the-art earthquake engineering that are not currently possible,” said Ian Buckle, director of the center’s Large-Scale Structures Lab.

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“Safer buildings, bridges and more resilient communities will be the end result,” he added.

I think everyone can get behind that.

Nevada Earthquake Research

The Rogers and Wiener Bridge Structures Lab at the University of Nevada, Reno. (Photo: University of Nevada)

At Citi, Risk Management Is Still Lacking

At least so says a new report from Crédit Agricole Securities financial analyst Mike Mayo, a vocal critic of Citigroup who met with company execs on Friday (after having “lobbied for nearly two years for an audience with” Citi chief exec Vikram Pandit) in preparation for the release of his long-term outlook on the company.

we are not convinced that there has been enough improvement in risk management, a huge consideration for this reason: for each $3 that Citi made last decade, it gave back $1 due to poor risk management. Citi still seems to have aggressiveness with financial targets (well above historical), accounting (tax credits), and corporate governance.

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Also, the strategy does not always seem in sync with execution and/or financial reporting.

A history of mishaps and poor judgment

Citi mentioned that it has a new team. Yet, we’ve heard this before. Since 1998, Citi has had 30 major reorganizations or senior management changes, a disruptive lack of continuity that increases the chance for mishaps.

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Not surprisingly, over this same time Citi has had about 20 significant events that reflect breakdowns in risk management, ranging from fines and settlements for dealings with Enron and WorldCom to exceptional reserve builds and writedowns.

All told, these events have added to over $100bn in pretax losses. Thus, the issue for Citi is less about squeezing out extra growth versus not messing up.

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That last sentence doesn’t sound good at all.

UPDATE: Fox Business reporter Charlie Gasparino gives a thorough breakdown of Mayo’s report in this video.

The Risks of Social Media — Now Available in Risk Management Magazine

Our campaign to provide in-depth coverage of the risks of social media started almost exactly one year ago.

I wrote a long, sweeping cover story on the issue, trying to highlight as many of the perils as possible. And while that provided a pretty good introduction to the topic for an audience that is, let’s just be nice and say, a little less familiar with social media than your average teenager, it was somewhat of a shallow exploration of a very serious threat.

Thus, we have used this here blog to continue the coverage ever since with our Risks of Social Media post series. This has allowed us to take different aspects of social media and break it down clearly with some real-world examples from the news.

Those more devoted readers among you, however, may have noticed that there has not been a lot of new posts in the series of late. Our apologies. But the good news is that this slow down has run parallel with an effort to cover the topic again, in a much more in-depth way, in our magazine, Risk Management.

So here, I present to you, our October cover story, “More Media, More Opportunity, More Risk”

It is a six-part examination of the legal liability, reputation damage, employee monitoring/pre-employment screening fallout and other risks associated with social media. You can also read about how IBM excels at handling social mediathe top 5 ways that insurance companies can use social media and 15 tips to help anyone manage social media risks.

I’m clearly biased, but I thought the whole thing turned out rather good — almost as good as the issue cover below that our designer Karen Arbasetti crafted. (If you liked this, feel free to subscribe to the print edition.)

Please let us know what you think in the comments below. And stay tuned to the blog for even more coverage in the future.

Lastly, in other social media news, you can follow me on Twitter“like” us on Facebook and join our LinkedIn group.

risk management

Jeff Zucker Leaving NBC Post-Comcast Merger

NBC chief exec Jeff Zucker today told his employees that he will be leaving the network — not of his own volition — as soon as the company’s pending merger with Comcast is complete, something that is expected to occur right around the end of the year.

Even as he said he accepted the logic of a new owner seeking to install its own chief executive, Mr. Zucker also described his departure as both “incredibly emotional” and “gut-wrenching in the sense that you have spent your whole life here at NBC.”

In the face of persistent rumors that Comcast would seek to remove Mr. Zucker the first chance it got, Mr. Zucker had said in previous interviews that he had in no way foreclosed the possibility of staying on. G.E., which retained 49 percent of the company, had done its part by locking Mr. Zucker into the position, awarding him a new three-year contract seven months ago that was designed to take him into and past the takeover by Comcast.

Aaahhh … Mergers: Always messy, always difficult, always tumultuous.

Especially during the transition period, the uncertainty among employees can have a significant effect of morale, stress and, ultimately, productivity. Even Zucker himself has been unsure of the company’s direction for some time.

“Look, I knew from the day this was announced that this was a possibility,” Mr. Zucker said. “I wasn’t going to shut the door on anything. But in the last nine months it became increasingly clear that they did want to put their own team in place — and I didn’t want to end up being a guest in my own house.”

While he often faced withering criticism in Hollywood circles for his leadership of the entertainment division of the NBC network — in his note to the staff he mentioned the “ups and downs” the company had experienced — Mr. Zucker said he did not detect “any particular reason” beyond the broad desire for new leadership for Comcast’s inclination to make a change.

Change inevitably happens.

And obviously when two companies come together, there is going to be a lot of deliberation and lag time in major announcements. The process of merging is just that — a process. But companies need to know that this uncertainty can lead to a working environment that is less than optimal.

That effects all mergers. But specifically when it comes to media companies, there are a bevy of other risks involved.

In fact, we broke down the NBC/Comcast merger in our May cover story, detailing the liability, intellectual property, data security, privacy and insurance integration issues associated with a media merger.

We also took a look at the epic failure of the AOL/Time Warner merger and Google’s acquisition of YouTube.

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Jeff Zucker’s decision to reinstall Jay Leno into The Tonight Show over Conan O’Brien will go down as one of the last stamps he put on the only company he has ever worked for.