About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

Massive Cyclone Yasi Makes Landfall in Australia

The east coast of Australia is currently being pummeled by what is reportedly the largest windstorm to hit since Europeans settled the continent. With peak winds of 186 mph and storm surge of some 23 feet, this cyclone, which at one point spanned 400 miles, has the potential to devastate a region already reeling from recent floods that killed more than 30 people, caused insured losses of at least $1.5 billion and “covered an area the size of France and Germany combined,” according to the UK paper The Telegraph.

The AP video below shows some of the damage the storm has caused. It is now down to category 3 storm and should continue to dissipate as it moves inland, but it will still be many hours until the full brunt of disaster will be known.

In this other video from the BBC, we hear one 83-year-old local say “I’ve never been in anything like this in my life.”

More encouraging is the evacuation warning given by Queensland Premier Anna Bligh.

“Do not bother to pack bags. Just grab each other and get to a place of safety. Remember that people are irreplaceable.”

Let’s keep hoping for the best.

(video via The Huffington Post)

The Financial Crisis Was a Failure of Risk Management, Says the Federal Government

We already knew this, but the U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission has confirmed the fact that the financial meltdown that spurred the largest economic downturn since the Great Depression was avoidable and only occurred because no one involved understood the risks they were taking.

Regulators, politicians and bankers were to blame for the 2008 US financial meltdown, a report has claimed.

The US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, tasked with establishing the causes of the crisis, said it was “avoidable”.

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Its report highlighted excessive risk-taking by banks and neglect by financial regulators.

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Only the six Democrat members of the 10-strong commission, set up in May 2009, endorsed the report’s findings.

“The crisis was the result of human action and inaction, not of Mother Nature or models gone haywire,” the report said.

“The captains of finance and the public stewards of our financial system ignored warnings and failed to question, understand and manage evolving risks within a system essential to the well-being of the American public.

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“Theirs was a big miss, not a stumble.”

The best part will be when nobody learns anything from this and it all happens again in like five years.

7 Workers Comp New Year’s Resolutions

Everyone is always looking to improve the workers compensation system. Much like cell phone reception, it seems that there are no good options, only ones that are less bad. No matter what the outcome, people will complain.

Of course, in many cases there are real reasons to complain. All too many states and companies have huge problems with workers comp. To help ease the burden, Risk & Insurance is suggesting the following 7 New Year’s resolutions for workers comp.

Resolution #1: Identify your “medical cost culprits” and build plans to deal with them.

Resolution #2: Insist on real value from the cost-containment programs you have in place today.

Resolution #3: Explore new opportunities, programs and partners.

Resolution #4: Demand innovation from your partners.

Resolution #5: Connect as many dots as you can.

Resolution #6: Build relationships with medical providers.

Resolution #7: Give consideration to dealing with the co-morbidities impacting a successful claim resolution.

Head over to their site for a more detailed description of each.