In 2007, Congress extended the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, which was first introduced in 2002 in response to the concern of subsequent attacks after 9/11, for seven years. So although the federal backstop that complements the private insurance market for terrorism insurance will be around in its current form until at least 2014, this risk is still one that many feel needs to be better addressed by insurers.
Enter a new product from specialty insurer Hiscox. The company’s press release introducing its new health care terrorism liability coverage calls hospitals soft targets for terrorists to attack “due to their relatively low level of protection, a high throughput of people, and the knock-on effect that one successful attack could have on the entire U.S. health-care system.” The policy offers million in liability (including evacuation costs, surge costs, safe notification expense, and triage costs) with nuclear, chemical, biological and radiation attack coverage also available.
Ian Thompson, senior vice president for Hiscox’s health-care business, says that is the first terrorism liability for U.S. health-care companies, which “have a genuine vulnerability to the terrorist threat whether perpetrated by single issue, direct action groups such as animal rights or anti-abortion organisations, disturbed/disgruntled individuals, or religious extremists.”
but their power is unrelenting in careless hands.”
State Farm’s turkey day safety campaign is both entertaining and informative, which should help get the message out. Hopefully it reaches the following, top ten states for fire insurance claims on Thanksgiving over the past five years.
So, listen to the advice of Shatner in the video below. Or be prepared to deal with the fallout of a burst of flames like those in the video below that.
And given the sensitivity of the info, it was a wake-up call for the entire industry.
Not that most have lagged on data protection. As Visa’s global systems head Rick Knight states, its whole business is tied to protecting its operations. “Most people think of us as a financial institution, but the network is the brand. If it goes down, lives are on the line.”
The whole article, which is a “rare” look behind curtain of the credit card giant’s “top secret” security center, is worth reading. But what really caught my eye was the side piece on a few of the most quirky scenarios Visa has prepared for. It’s both fascinating and a great reminder that there are a lot disaster that your company could probably be planning for.
That Anthrax plan is genius.
1. Out-of-control backhoes!
Four conduits bring electricity into the building, so if a nearby backhoe takes out one, the Visa network will keep humming.
2. Electric surges!
Every pod has two rooms with uninterruptible power supplies to condition the power coming in and make sure there are no system-threatening surges.
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3. Total blackouts!
Each pod has two rooms with 1,000 heavy-duty batteries each, enough to turn the pod into the world’s largest laptop computer for 30 minutes.
4. Natural disasters!
Each pod has two massive diesel generators, capable of generating 4 megawatts of power.
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They had to be heavily soundproofed– including 3-foot-wide mufflers–so they wouldn’t violate county noise regulations.
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5. Anthrax copycats!
Visa’s [operations center] has no mail room. Mail goes to a modular building nearby. That way, if a suspicious powder arrives, the mail room can just be airlifted away.
More than 800 construction workers die and another 137,000 are seriously injured on the job each year in the United States, according to the Department of Labor. Its a tragic number and the worst part is that so many deaths and injuries are preventable. Aside from simply being deadly, however, the industry is imperiled by as many risks as any other industry.
Aon recently documented as much in its report on the state of risk management in construction. The broker surveyed industry professionals and received at least one encouraging result: overall preparedness for the threats identified as the top 10 risks has risen from 60% in 2009 to 67% in 2011.
What are those risks? These.
Aon points out one major change over the past two years.
Damage to reputation/brand has risen significantly in ranking from 11th in 2009 to third in 2011. This change is likely to be caused by the challenges that the industry is facing in maintaining a client base in an increasingly competitive environment. Where construction firms are working hard to replace diminished backlogs, the temptation to bid work at or below cost increases. With these practices, the risk of completing the job on time and on budget also rises. This can have a negative impact on reputation. This is not indicative of the entire sector, but the pressures on margin and the ability to remain viable as the economy continues to falter will have a negative impact.
By and large, preparedness has increased across the board. With one notable, major exception: capital availability/credit risk. That isn’t so surprising, however. The industry has been crippled by the housing collapse, so profits and, thus, cash holdings are going to be low.
Perhaps more troubling is the other risk that companies are now less prepared for than they were two years ago: third party liability. I’m not smart enough to deduce the reasoning for this drop-off, nor does Aon offer any analysis, so I’ll leave it to you to speculate. Not a positive trend obviously, though.
In an ideal world, this improvement would be coming solely because everyone is finally realizing just how wonderful risk management is. But theoretical value only has so much utility in changing behavior. Instead, the economy and pressure from customers and regulators have been the driving force.
Oddly, however, construction respondents say that “natural weather events” are less of a factor than other industries do. Perhaps this is because the construction industry is more experienced when it comes to disaster losses? And it has already addressed disaster preparedness and is now “past” catching up more so than other industries? They learned the lessons of Katrina and the 2004 hurricane season and they adjusted?
I don’t know. But it strikes me as odd that construction companies haven’t felt increased pressure of late to improve in this regard following the most devastating first-half disaster-year in history. 8% seems low. But, again, I guess the economic factors trump everything.
For those that still have more preparedness to do — hint, everyone — the Department of Labor is here to help. To promote safety, it developed a series of safety videos.
The one below centers on not getting backed over by a giant truck. Don’t let that happen is, I believe, the takeaway message they’re going for.