About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

The Biggest Geopolitical Risks of 2012

The Eurasia Group has unveiled its Top Risks of 2012 list of greatest geopolitical threats the world will face in the next 12 months. Each year, this is an indispensable resource for anyone tasked with managing risk or just interested in global affairs.

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Once again this year, their top ten list is a must read, but I personally find their “red herrings” list to be even more fascinating — and unexpectedly entertaining.

In addition to Top Risks, Bremmer and Gordon identify four Red Herrings, issues that despite the headlines, Eurasia Group believes will not be sources of geopolitical instability in 2012.

2012 political transitions — In addition to elections this year in Mexico, Venezuela, Kenya, Taiwan and (maybe) Egypt, 2012 will see political transitions in the US, China, Russia, and France, countries that together represent about nearly half of global GDP and four-fifths of the UN security council. Yet there is surprising little at stake here for geopolitics and the global economy. Whatever risks come with these outcomes will arrive in 2013 or beyond.

Eurozone breakup — probably the single most overrated risk of 2012, the political will to maintain the eurozone remains strong among all the major political parties in the core eurozone states, almost across the board in the European periphery, and among eurocrats in the ever-growing European bureaucracy. Further, there is no effective political mechanism for a eurozone breakup.

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China’s hard landing — There are signs of overheated growth in China, but there’s no chance that the government will fail to pull out every stop to prevent a meltdown—or even a serious bump—especially in the middle of a major political transition.

Mayan apocalypse — Just isn’t happening. And if it does, well, sorry.

You heard it here first: the world will not end in 2012.

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Dr. Doom: “With Italy Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Save … The Endgame for the Eurozone has Begun”

As the eurozone troubles continue to mount, there is a growing consensus that “muddling” through won’t be enough. Critics say that more immediate and drastic action must be taken, namely by Germany and France, before the negative watch warning for the ratings of France and the regional bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Fund, potentially becomes something that matters.

One man, however, doesn’t think the disparate governments that can make a difference will.

And it’s a guy who knows a little about forecasted meltdowns.

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According to the New York Times, in 2006, Nouriel Roubini, an NYU economist who has been nicknamed Dr. Doom, “laid out a bleak sequence of events: homeowners defaulting on mortgages, trillions of dollars of mortgage-backed securities unraveling worldwide and the global financial system shuddering to a halt. These developments, he went on, could cripple or destroy hedge funds, investment banks and other major financial institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”

As the tale goes, the IMF audience he spoke to were skeptical to say the least. Some likely thought he was a funny little man.

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Others thought he was nuts.

Unfortunately, he was correct.

Now, he is predicting a major European recession, one large enough to spread worldwide.

Roubini predicts Europe’s leaders “will reach something of a compromise, but it won’t be sufficient” to solve the problem of too much government debt.

They will agree that “fiscal austerity and reforms will be necessary,” but those changes will only depress growth, leading to lower tax revenues and a deepening debt crisis. Eventually, investors in European bonds “will see they are insolvent,” he said.

“With Italy too big to fail, too big to save, and now at the point of no return, the endgame for the eurozone has begun,” Roubini said in a recent written assessment.

Hopefully, Doom won’t strike twice.

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Charting Supply Chain Risk in China – It’s Worse Than in Japan

When the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in March, it was seen as a worst-case scenario.

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In some ways it was. It was the most costly disaster in human history, for example, and the economic toll has been estimated north of $200 billion. Likewise, the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was among the scariest realities that nation could ever face.

The other context in which the catastrophe has been, almost undoubtedly, the worst ever is in terms of supply chain disruption. Toyota, for example, was forced to delay the launch of new wagon and minivan versions of its popular Prius hybrid line of automobiles. Other carmakers and electronic companies were also hard hit by an inability to get crucial parts.

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In hindsight, however, the disruption was not quite as bad as initially feared. Toronto’s Globe and Mail reported as much in June.

While there are shortages of vital parts for cars and electronics – including some computer chips, silicon wafers and batteries – the big surprise is that the March 11 natural disaster wasn’t more of a disaster for the complex and time-sensitive global supply chain.

The system is proving remarkably resilient – in part because Japan is far less connected to the global economy than many other advanced countries. That’s because Japanese manufacturers moved faster, and earlier than most, to lower-wage countries offshore, most notably to China.

The worst-case scenario envisioned after the Japanese disaster, including widespread and lengthy shutdowns of plants around the world, hasn’t happened.

There are two sides to this coin.

On the one hand, let’s all give a round of applause to those who helped make the system “remarkably resilient.” Indeed, later in that article, Garland Chow, a professor and supply chain expert from the University of British Columbia, added that “Ten years ago, this kind of disaster would have been twice as bad because they weren’t ready.”

Then again, if the Japan disruption wasn’t as bad as expected, will it serve as enough of a lesson that a lot of work still needs to be done in terms of improving supply chain resiliency? Will companies become complacent? Will they continue to diversify sourcing options enough to weather the storm equally well if a true worst-case crisis occurs?

A new report by Swiss Re may shed some light on that question.

“China and Natural Disaster – A Case for Business Resilience” offers a simple, concrete, unmistakeable reason why a disruption in China could be much, much more difficult to navigate than the March disaster in Japan.

I’m not a mathematician, but it seems that less than half of North American companies relied on Japanese manufacturers but nearly all of them rely on those in China. Fortunately, more are realizing the vulnerability they have there. In fairness, most of those surveyed by FM Global already were concerned about the disruption potential of a disaster in China. But a full 61% are now more concerned after seeing what happened in Japan.

The below graphic shows how they are reacting.

If you can’t read the mitigation strategies for natural hazard exposures in China listed in the chart below, click here to see a larger image. But the key takeaways come from the top three areas:

  • 70% are considering “increasing alternatives sourcing”
  • 65% are considering “increasing collaboration with suppliers on mitigating risk at their locations”
  • 61% are considering “implementing a more robust risk assessment process.”

“A natural disaster-related supply chain disruption in China would have far-reaching and long-lasting negative economic impact,” said Vinod Singhal, Brady Family Professor of Operations Management at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s College of Management. “It would slow down the global economy because China is not only a major exporter of goods, but also a major importer of goods. It would cause shortages in many consumer and industrial products that could lead to inflation and devastate the share price of companies.
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Fortunately, it seems like most companies do plan to improve their resiliency efforts in China. But there are still nearly a third of companies that aren’t. Hopefully, we will never have to find out if “good enough” is good enough.

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