About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

The Deadliest Car Bombs

On the 10-year anniversary of September 11, we took a look at some of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history. Those attacks that have been most spectacular in nature — such as the unique means used in 9/11 and the U.S.S. Cole bombing and horror of rampages such as those in Mumbai and Norway — have been the most memorable in recent times. But a majority of the deaths that have ever been attributed to terrorism have come during old-fashioned car bombs.

To illustrate just how deadly some of the worst car bombs have been, FreeInsuranceQuotes.com created an infographic that catalogs the devastation. Above is a snapshot of the image. You can find the full version after the jump.

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The Emerging Risks of 2012

In our February issue of Risk Management magazine, we highlighted seven of the key risks that companies will face in the coming year. These, we claim, are the risks that “if they don’t keep you up at night, might bring down your company.”  We have no delusions that this list is comprehensive or that all its elements are even applicable to everyone. But it provides a good overview of some major trends that all risk managers should at least think about. (Subscribers should receive their print issue any day now, the rest of you can catch it online February 1.)

Of course, we weren’t the only ones to come up with a list of 2012’s top risks. Among others, one organization that did was insurance broker Willis. Its subject experts did write ups on 18 different areas of risk. There are links to each in their “WillisWire Emerging Risks Round-up.”

Property-Casualty Insurance Pricing Up 2.8% in the Last Quarter

More evidence that rates are headed north surfaced yesterday. The latest quarterly property/casualty survey from the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers came out. And as the chart above illustrates, there’s no surprise here: rates are on the rise in the face of insurer catastrophe losses, falling reserves and rising underwriting discipline.

Commercial property/casualty pricing rebounded in the fourth quarter of 2011, according to The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers’ quarterly Commercial P/C Market Index Survey. On average, small, medium and large account pricing increased 2.8 percent last quarter, compared with a -5.4 percent decline in the same period last year. The market hit its low point in the third quarter of 2007 with an average -13 percent decrease and has been slowly clawing its way back up ever since.

“It’s clear from the data that the market continued its upward momentum in the fourth quarter,” said Ken A. Crerar, president/CEO of The Council. ““Capacity was still strong, but prices rose in the face of declining underwriting profitability, dwindling reserves and huge catastrophic losses.”

Another key finding was, as anticipated, the effect that RMS 11 is having on property pricing.

Carriers were “reviewing all property based on RMS11 modeling,” said one broker from the Southeast. “The RMS CAT Modeling for property was used widely — more property insurers since the third quarter,” said a broker from the Northeast. “Many clients saw this for the first time.”

Large buyers fared better than their smaller counterparts but there were increases across the board. All told, here are the full results broken down by account size.

The 10 Greatest Insurance Commercials

A week ago, after the New York Football Giants beat Green Bay, a sports writer from Beer Mug Sports known only as The Big Kahuma took to Twitter to poke fun at Packers quarterback (and probably NFL MVP) Aaron Rodgers. See, the Giants defense is very physical and they often tackled Rodgers.

If Aaron Rodgers switched to Allstate, he would’ve had protection from mayhem, like the Giants.

This of course is based on the insurer’s “mayhem” ad series.

In fact, they have become such infamous and popular commercials that BusinessInsurance.org ranked it first in its list of the 10 best insurance commercials.