About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

IPCC Climate Change Report Highlights Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters

The above video highlights the challenges the world will face throughout the rest of the century. Extreme weather, agricultural disruptions and other crises are expected to proliferate as the decades go on and the fallout of rampant carbon dioxide emissions continue to exacerbate climat change.

A recent report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights some likely scenarios for the future. When it comes to discussing disasters, there is a variety of scientific consensus on different issues. Many believe, for example, that maximum hurricane wind strength will rise as global sea-surface temperates increase. But when it comes to various means to manage risks climate extremes and disasters, there is “high agreement” on which solutions will work. The following is a list of many ideas expressed in the report.

Multi-hazard risk management approaches provide opportunities to reduce complex and compound hazards (high agreement, robust evidence).
Considering multiple types of hazards reduces the likelihood that risk reduction efforts targeting one type of hazard will increase exposure and vulnerability to other hazards, in the present and future.

Opportunities exist to create synergies in international finance for disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change, but these have not yet been fully realized (high confidence).
International funding for disaster risk reduction remains relatively low as compared to the scale of spending on international humanitarian response. Technology transfer and cooperation to advance disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are important. Coordination on technology transfer and cooperation between these two fields has been lacking, which has led to fragmented implementation.

Stronger efforts at the international level do not necessarily lead to substantive and rapid results at the
local level (high confidence).
There is room for improved integration across scales from international to local.

Integration of local knowledge with additional scientific and technical knowledge can improve disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation (high agreement, robust evidence).
Local populations document their experiences with the changing climate, particularly extreme weather events, in many different ways, and this self-generated knowledge can uncover existing capacity within the community and important current shortcomings. Local participation supports community-based adaptation to benefit management of disaster risk and climate extremes. However, improvements in the availability of human and financial capital and of disaster risk and climate information customized for local stakeholders can enhance community-based adaptation (medium agreement, medium evidence).

Appropriate and timely risk communication is critical for effective adaptation and disaster risk management (high confidence). Explicit characterization of uncertainty and complexity strengthens risk communication. Effective risk communication builds on exchanging, sharing, and integrating knowledge about climate-related risks among all stakeholder groups. Among individual stakeholders and groups, perceptions of risk are driven by psychological and cultural factors, values, and beliefs.

An iterative process of monitoring, research, evaluation, learning, and innovation can reduce disaster risk and promote adaptive management in the context of climate extremes (high agreement, robust evidence).
Adaptation efforts benefit from iterative risk management strategies because of the complexity, uncertainties, and long time frame associated with climate change (high confidence). Addressing knowledge gaps through enhanced observation and research can reduce uncertainty and help in designing effective adaptation and risk management strategies.

Spokane’s Risk Management Vendor Reportedly Pressured Police to Hide Car Crash Details

Some disturbing news coming out of Spokane, Washington, according to The Spokesman-Review.

The City of Spokane may sever its contract with its risk management firm following allegations that the firm pressured police and a city employee to hide potentially incriminating details surrounding a 2010 collision that paralyzed a pedestrian.

According to documents obtained by lawyers representing the paralyzed woman, the city’s contracted insurance adjusters were able to influence the removal of certain details from the official press release about the crash, and reportedly sought to influence the police investigation.

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The adjusters, in fact, were able to interview crash witnesses before the investigating officer, who was later advised that “if you guys want a raise” he should work with the risk managers to save the city some money, the documents show.

“To me, it looks like … risk management runs things in a way the public is not aware,” said Breean Beggs, who is one of three attorneys representing Patricia Searl, 70, who was paralyzed when hit by the city vehicle when crossing the street.

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“It’s troubling when they are interviewing witnesses before police can, and really troubling that they are trying to influence a police investigation by implying that he will get a raise if he handles it a certain way.”

City Administrator Theresa Sanders agreed.

Sanders said Monday that Chief Financial Officer Gavin Cooley has been asked to investigate its contract with the risk-manager, Alternative Service Concepts, which has an office in City Hall, “to determine whether we will do business with this vendor at all.

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“I do not think it’s appropriate,” Sanders said of the behavior described in the documents. “Understanding that risk management’s role is to protect the city’s assets, they should always do so in a legal, professional and appropriate way.”

Read the rest of the troubling report over at Spokesman.com

State Corruption Risk

To the surprise of many — even at least one public servant who helps run the state — New Jersey has been deemed the state least at risk of corruption. “I’m still in shock,” New Jersey Senate Majority Leader Lorretta Weinberg, a Democrat from Bergen County, told those conducting the State Integrity Investigation. “If we’re number one, I feel bad for the rest of the states.”

The result comes from an investigation overseen by various organizations and nonprofits into (1) the laws that state’s have on their books to combat corruption, and (2) the enforcement of those laws. So while Weinberg noted that New Jersey doesn’t have a squeaky clean reputation by mentioning that she has served with three politicians that are now in jail — that’s the whole point.

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In New Jersey, states the report, corrupt officials are the most likely to discovered and reprimanded for their unlawful acts. In other states, they may go on being corrupt for term after term. This rarely makes headlines, but in the case of the gravest offenses by the most senior officials, it can lead to insidious governing that puts personal and special interests ahead of that of the businesses, organizations and citizens that reside in the state.

Unfortunately, however, not even New Jersey is truly head of the class. According to the report, “corruption risk,” as the State Integrity Investigation calls it, is rampant on the state level.

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The investigation handed out grades to all 50 states for their overall law-making and enforcement on ethics-related matters and not a single one got an A. Using the typical grade school 100-point scale, New Jersey (87), Connecticut (86), Washington (83), California (81) and Nebraska (80) were the only five states to even receive a B, and more than half of the states got Ds or Fs.

Georgia was the only state to receive a grade below 50 (with a 49) due to that fact that “time and again, Georgia journalists and watchdog groups have found that money finds a way to flow around” the laws the state has enacted to “curtail undue influence on political activity and public policy.

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You can see how your state ranked here.

Risks to the Ocean-Dependent Economy

When the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded and caused the biggest oil spill in U.S. history, many on the Gulf Coast were deeply concerned that the local seafood industry would be devastate for years to come. Fortunately, the extent of the damage was not as bad as initially feared and revenues for local fisherman were able to bounce back in a much shorter timeframe.

Other areas have faced threats from less catastrophic causes. In Maine, for instance, lobstermen started to fear that the crustaceans on which generations of their families’ livelihoods had been based may become endangered. Bluefin tuna, too, started to become increasingly scarce. As I wrote about a few years ago, however, while the lobster industry took action to ensure the species would remain populous enough to keep fishing for decades to come, the prospects for the bluefin remain bleak.

For these individual areas and the fisherman who rely on these species, the impact of the ocean’s health has presented a very real threat to their careers. And increasingly, it seems that the sectors of the economy that depend on the seas remain vulnerable.

Click on the link below to see an infographic from the Global Partnership for Oceans that shows the degree to which the economy and society rely on the ocean.

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