About Jared Wade

Jared Wade is a freelance writer and former editor of the Risk Management Monitor and senior editor of Risk Management magazine. You can find more of his writing at JaredWade.com.

What IT Security Execs Think About Risk Management

In response to the results gathered in its 2012 Strategic Security Survey, InformationWeek has some simple advice that can apply as much to your marriage or workplace debates as it can IT risk management: pick your battles.

When it comes to security and risk management, don’t try to address every possible threat. Instead, pick your battles: Implement better access control, vet cloud providers, safeguard mobile devices, educate users and build more secure software, for starters.

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They surveyed nearly 1,000 IT security pros and many of the findings are fascinating.

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The following four graphs are just a small sampling.

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You can download the full, 44-page report at their website (link above).

Most interesting to me is the top two bars in the second chart: security executives now, finally, consider internal users as just a large threat as they do cybercriminals.


Turtles Killed by the BP Oil Spill

We have covered the BP oil spill extensively over the past two years.

For companies it was one of the most dramatic lessons in the dangers of excessive risk taking and showed just how much damage can be done — to a reputation, the environment and the families of those who died in the explosion — when a company displays a “pattern of neglect and corner cutting.” We’ve looked at the risk management lessons of the spill, the events leading up to the Deepwater Horizon explosion, how the rig’s blowout preventer failed, and how conflicts of interest hinder offshore drilling regulation.

Now — after a Greenpeace Freedom of Information Act request has finally uncovered some previously unreleased images — we look at the heart-breaking ecological damage of the spill.

Here is what is presumably a government worker cleaning up some of the dead animals that were killed by the oil that filled the Gulf of Mexico. Mother Jones has a gallery of many more explicit photos showing just how badly some endangered sea turtles were covered in crude.

Perilous Plane Landings at Airport in Spain

From Sully Sullenberger emergency landings to air traffic controllers falling asleep on the job, the U.S. aviation has been no stranger to scary risks over the past few years. But check out these perilous plane landings from last week at an airport in Spain. According to the U.K.’s Telegraph, crosswinds were a steady 40 mph at this Bilbao tarmac in northern Spain where gusts reached upwards of 80 mph. Amazingly, no flights were cancelled.

RIMS 2012 in Infographic Form

Last week, thousands of risk management and insurance industry professionals gather in Philadelphia for the RIMS 2012 Annual Conference & Exhibition. We covered many of the largest events and most fascinating discussions. Of course, given that it is the largest event in the industry, there was no way we could be there for everything.

Fortunately, the Toronto risk management information system firm Rismans has helped get a feel for what a few others of those in attendance got out of the event. The below infographic shows the results of the company’s informal poll of RIMS 2012 exhibitors in Philadelphia. (Click for larger version.)